Chapter 174 Turn Sword into Silk (Seventh Change)

But Lu Zhuo clearly remembered that he didn't see Walder and Luffy escape together, nor did he escape with Blackbeard. In the end, he pushed the city down with a single sword. survive?
If he hadn't been handcuffed on the sixth floor with Hailoushi, it would have been possible.Lu Zhuo thought so in his heart.

Wald laughed suddenly, then looked cold, and said coldly: "The bastard of the Golden Lion can escape, why can't I escape! You want to be the Pirate King, it depends on whether you are like Roger It's up to me!"

After saying that, he raised the knife in his hand violently, and slashed at Lu Zhuo fiercely.

However, Lu Zhuo just stood there without moving his body at all. The next moment, he saw a flash of golden light, and a small golden sword emerged out of thin air, floating in the air, and waved it lightly.Directly blocked Walder's attack.

The next moment, with a thought in Lu Zhuo's mind, the sword field spread out directly.

Countless screams rang out, and those veterans were directly crushed to death by Lu Zhuo's sword field. Even Wald's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his whole body was covered with jet-black armed domineering, but there were still countless subtle traces. The sword marks, with blood.

"So weak?"

Lu Zhuo lightly grasped the golden sword floating in the air, and with a flick of his wrist, a burst of sky-reaching sword energy burst out.

Seeing this scene, Wald was horrified. He originally thought that the news about the sword god was fake, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Momo fruit... a hundred times faster!

The next moment, Wald's figure suddenly accelerated, and even Lu Zhuo's knowledge and knowledge only captured an afterimage.

The sky-reaching sword energy suddenly fell, cutting the ship in half, and a bottomless abyss appeared on the sea!
Wald reappeared with shock on his face, and said in a deep voice, "Sure enough! But don't underestimate me!"

Momo fruit... a hundred times cut!

He raised the knife in his hand, and a ray of light flashed, and the knife became hundreds of meters long, and with a strong wind, it slashed at Lu Zhuo's head.

"Hehe, Momo Fruit, what a great ability."

Lu Zhuo sighed in admiration, flicked his fingers, and the Zhankong Sword also made a sword cry, and it turned into a golden sword tens of meters long in a golden light. .

With a loud noise, the extremely huge knife was cut in two by Zhankong Sword like tofu!
Watching this scene, Wald's complexion became ugly.

Damn it, my body can no longer withstand a hundred times the speed and strength, but... You bastard killed all my crew members, anyway, I won't live long...

Thinking this way, Wald roared loudly, and a strange force enveloped his body. In an instant, an extremely powerful power burst out, causing Lu Zhuo to look sideways at him.

Hundred times faster!A hundred times more power!
If there is no Momo fruit, Wald's strength is at most an ordinary general.

But after superimposing a hundred times speed and a hundred times power, that kind of strength directly soared to the top four emperors!That kind of faint pressure is definitely something that can only be issued by the world's top powerhouses.

Looking at Wald solemnly, the muscles on Lu Zhuo's face twitched a few times, and he cursed secretly in his heart: Damn Oda, this is another bug, right? It can't be ranked among the top ten strongest superhumans, but I don't believe that Luffy can really do this guy.

That kind of speed, like the yellow ape, although it can be captured by knowledge, it is difficult for him to react.

It's like you know that he is going to punch you in the chest, but you can't keep up with your own speed, and his fist has already come before your arm reaches your chest.

For Lu Zhuo, there are other ways to deal with this speed.

Since stepping into the Dao of Sword Realm, he can use the power of the Dao of the Sword, whether it is speed, strength, or other energies. Next, the Dao of the Sword is directed at the source!
The next moment, Lu Zhuo raised the sword in his hand, no longer the teasing look on his face at the beginning, but extremely serious.

I saw that his movements seemed to be very slow, Zhan Kong swung lightly from top to bottom.

But with the power of the Dao, Wald only felt that he could not dodge this sword even if his speed was [-] times faster!Besides, he didn't mean to avoid it.

With a roar, his arm was covered with a layer of armed domineering, and the fist with a hundred times the speed and a hundred times the power was thrown out fiercely!
In an instant, the air current in the air was driven by this punch, and turned into a huge fist mark, blasting towards the sky-reaching sword energy from Zhan Kong's strike.

There was a loud noise, as if a meteor had fallen and hit the ground. That kind of power directly caused a shock wave, causing the entire sea to sink suddenly, and an extremely huge deep pit appeared. In the middle of the pit, there was a deep hole. The bottomless sword marks!

"Damn it, it's so powerful!" Wald felt that his internal organs began to turn over, and his blood and muscles began to collapse. Lu Zhuo took the blow with all his strength, and it was taken lightly by Lu Zhuo?

Lu Zhuo looked at Wald, shook his head and said: "This ability is indeed powerful, but your body can't stand the superposition of a hundred times speed and a hundred times are already a dead person!"

"Dead man...hehe, I've already died. I've already died, so I won't be afraid of death anymore. The sword god Lu Zhuo has the majesty of Roger back then, so let's take my last blow!"

Blood was overflowing from Wald's seven orifices, and his appearance was extremely terrifying, but there was a big smile on his face, which looked extremely strange.

The next moment, he saw his body stagnate, and he punched fiercely with his right hand.Just as that punch drove the airflow, another punch came out with his left hand.

The air continued to roar, and the countless punch marks seemed to condense at one point, because his speed was too fast, and he unknowingly blasted out hundreds of punches in just a moment.

Of course, the price is that his body completely collapsed, and his whole body exploded into a bloody man. It would be lucky to keep a whole body.Even if he used this move at his peak, he would definitely die.

Locked by those fist marks, Lu Zhuo knew that he couldn't avoid the blow, his expression froze, and the sword in his hand still swung lightly.

This sword, he has used all the sword intent, sword heart, sword domain, sword way, and sword pressure!

The movement was calm and silent, a sword energy covered the sky and the sun, and the clouds in the sky were directly cut through a bottomless crack, and the momentum was incomparably grand.

The next moment, with a thought in Lu Zhuo's mind, the sword energy that covered the sky and the sun shrank suddenly, turning into a crystal-clear sword thread, extremely slender.


(End of this chapter)

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