Chapter 175 Momo Fruit
This kind of terrifying control over sword energy was only mastered after Lu Zhuo completed 50.00% of his sword skills!

At the same time, Wald's body also directly collapsed, and the fist prints condensed by hundreds of punches were as thick as Mount Tai. This kind of terrible attack had to make Lu Zhuo go all out, and even took out the sword that he had just comprehended. Silk.

The silk thread was light and fluttering, and disappeared in a flash, and the next moment it appeared in front of the fist mark. Under Lu Zhuo's dignified gaze, the two suddenly met together.

On the Holy Sword far away, Ace and the others all ran back to the deck in horror, staring dumbfounded at the destructive power.

"My God, who did you meet again?"

"I'm afraid Lu Zhuo will meet someone strong with such a terrible attack!" Nami's eyes were full of worry, and then she disappeared.

Robin pursed his lips and smiled, and said: "Don't worry, although the little man's strength is not the strongest in the world, his life-saving ability is already outrageous. That strong physique and that weird sword can kill him... No, people who can hurt him are extremely rare."

After the explosion, a gigantic crater ten times larger than before appeared on the surface of the sea. If this was the headquarters of the Navy, the entire Marlene Fodor would have disappeared completely.

Lu Zhuo's figure was floating in the air, and he couldn't help coughing a few times. Although he wasn't injured, he was in a bit of a panic. The clothes on his body were blown to pieces. Those were the most sturdy and simple clothes specially made!

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Zhuo flicked his fingers, and the Zhankong sword fell to the surface of the sea, and directly plunged into the surging sea water. It took about ten seconds, and I don't know how deep Zhankong dived, before he found it. The bloody and bloody body of Wald that had been blown up.

Blowing so many punches forward, like the moon step, the recoil is also abnormally large. It is a good thing that it didn't hit the bottom of the sea directly, and it was embedded in the reef.

The power of this fruit is still very good. Although there are some disadvantages and constraints, the hundred times superposition cannot be used for a long time, and it can only be used for a few seconds at most, but under normal conditions, ten times the speed and ten times the power, it is still a very terrible bonus. .

If it is handed over to Rebecca, it is possible for her to reach the top general in one step, or even the Four Emperors in half a step.

As for Lu Zhuo himself, he didn't think about this fruit at all.

His strength has already reached the limit of what the world can accommodate. For him, even if he is doubled, he will be abnormally stronger, let alone a hundred times.

It can be improved a hundred times, and he can cut the whole world in half with one sword!
After all, the Momo fruit is just a piece of original power, no matter how much it can be added, it can't reach such a terrible level.

Lu Zhuo reckoned that if he used it for himself, the maximum bonus power would only be about [-]-[-]%, which is nothing at all.

It just so happened that he wanted to make up for Rebecca, so he used this power.Speaking of which, I would like to thank this Walder, presumably this fellow does not know that Caesar has developed a method to deprive the fruit of its power.

With that in mind, Lu Zhuo quickly flew back to the Holy Sword with the corpse, ignoring Bebo and Ace (bears) who were still dumbfounded, and went straight into Caesar's laboratory middle.

Half an hour later, Lu Zhuo was satisfied and returned to his room with an object.

Rebecca was still lying on the bed, her pretty face was still slightly rosy, Lu Zhuo smiled, pulled back the quilt, admired her beautiful body, and then slapped her on the buttocks.

"Still pretending to be asleep?"

There was such a big commotion outside just now, not to mention here, even the people living on the island dozens of miles away were probably awakened.

"It's so annoying, I'm just a little shy." Rebecca's little face was as red as a ripe apple, and she quickly snatched the quilt from Lu Zhuo's hand and covered herself.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo chuckled, and gently wiped her face, making it soft and smooth.laughed and joked.

"You took the initiative last night!"

"That was night..." Rebecca struggled a bit, and after being violated by Lu Zhuo's big hand, she fell powerlessly into his arms.

"Hehe, what's the difference between day and night, anyway, there is no one else."

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Rebecca pulled out his mischievous hand, stretched out her fingers to poke his chest, and said angrily, "I'm a princess anyway, at least you should save me some face?"

"Okay, Your Highness, I surrender!"

Lu Zhuo raised his hands with a smile and placed them on top of his head. Rebecca's sharp eyes saw that he was holding an exquisite box at a glance.

"What are you holding?"

"This..." Lu Zhuo put the delicate box in front of Rebecca, and said with a smile, "It's a gift for you!"

"A gift?!" Rebecca's beautiful eyes flashed, and she reached out to grab it, but Lu Zhuo circled around and teased her, making her pouted and said, "Forget it, who cares."

Seeing Rebecca's appearance, Lu Zhuo hurriedly handed the box to her, and said with a smile, "Of course I won't take back the things I've given you. Open it quickly and see if you like it."

Rebecca took the box with some anticipation. After opening it, she covered her mouth in surprise when she saw the delicate devil fruit.

"Is it a devil fruit?!"

Originally, she thought it would be beautiful jewelry or something. Although she didn't care much about precious jewelry, as long as it was given by Lu Zhuo, she liked it.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a precious devil fruit!Compared with it, any jewelry is not worth mentioning!
In the world of One Piece, devil fruits are far more exciting than oversized diamond rings on earth.

"This is..." Rebecca happily played with the fruit, thinking about the devil fruit illustrated book, but she didn't think about it. After all, she only read the illustrated book once in a while, and didn't specifically memorize it.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled and told her the ability of this devil fruit. Hearing that this devil fruit is second only to the top ten strongest superhumans, and even stronger than the fruit of Nami Robin, she felt extremely moved.

Lu Zhuo looked at her tenderly, and said, "Hurry up and eat, let's see how far it can be developed."

"En." Agreeing, Rebecca was about to eat it, but suddenly thought of something, put down the devil fruit again, stared at Lu Zhuo with her beautiful eyes, and said softly: "Don't you also have the power of a devil fruit? The ability of this fruit should be very suitable for you, after eating it, your strength will be improved a lot."

"Hehe, I don't need to eat devil fruit to improve my strength. Be obedient, eat it." Lu Zhuo stroked her hair, grabbed the devil fruit, and fed her without any explanation.

Rebecca knew what Lu Zhuo meant. She knew that for Lu Zhuo, the power of devil fruit would not improve his strength much, but at Lu Zhuo's level, it would be good to improve a little.There are not many devil fruits for Lu Zhuo to choose from, and this Momo fruit is more suitable for Lu Zhuo, but Lu Zhuo gave it to her without hesitation, which made her very moved.

(End of this chapter)

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