Chapter 176 Top Pirates Assemble
I will be your woman in this life... I will still be your woman in the next life!
Thinking of this in her heart, Rebecca took a bite of the Devil Fruit and swallowed it.

Suddenly, the extremely bitter and unpalatable taste made her retch immediately.

Looking at the remaining half of the devil fruit in her hand with a bitter face, Rebecca wiped her small mouth, frowned and said: "I have heard that this thing tastes bad, this is too bad, I... I don't want to eat it... ..."

"Hey, just throw it away if you don't want to eat it. You just need to eat one bite of the devil fruit." Although Lu Zhuo has never eaten it, he also knows that it is notoriously unpalatable, it is simply the most unpalatable thing in the world , Seeing Rebecca's depressed look, she couldn't help laughing.

"Hmph!" Seeing Lu Zhuo laughing at herself, Rebecca angrily threw the devil fruit in her hand towards Lu Zhuo.

The next moment, she was beautiful and slightly wrinkled, and she felt a strange power reverberating in her body, and she involuntarily used it on the half of the devil fruit.

The devil fruit suddenly became ten times bigger, and its speed also increased ten times. Caught off guard, Lu Zhuo was thrown directly into the air, bumped into the wall in embarrassment, and made a thud.

"Ah!" Seeing this scene, Rebecca was immediately dumbfounded. She watched Lu Zhuo walk down from the wall depressedly, patted her loose pajamas, then shook her arm, and took a bite out of the oversized quilt. The devil fruit is directly cut into pieces, and then burned to death.

"I... I didn't do it on purpose..." Rebecca looked at Lu Zhuo's ugly face, wrapped herself in a quilt, showing a look of fear.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo's expression changed from cloudy to sunny, he laughed, and said, "What are you afraid of, I know that you will not be able to control your own strength just after eating the devil fruit, and even if your strength is ten times stronger, now It's hard to hurt me, okay, obediently let me check my body..."

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo rushed forward, and the room was filled with exclamation and obscenity.

Half a day later, Rebecca and Lu Zhuo came to the leisure area on one side of the deck and sat on a double chair, looking like a young couple.

After seeing this scene, Nami and the others curled their lips and pretended they hadn't seen it. As for the others, they naturally pretended they couldn't see it.

Because there was a time when Ai Nilu disturbed Lu Zhuo because of his nerves, and it happened that Lu Zhuo was getting tired of Nami, but Ai Nilu screamed for a long time, turned into lightning and couldn't escape, and was chased and surrounded by Lu Zhuo The planet turned around!
From then on, they knew that they must not disturb Lu Zhuo who was in love.

After tossing for a long time, Lu Zhuo also roughly understood Rebecca's strength.

After eating the Momo Fruit, she can withstand thirty times the speed and strength at most, but it can only last for 1 minute.

Within 1 minute, her strength was comparable to that of the Four Emperors, but after 1 minute, she was immediately beaten back to her original shape.

She can maintain ten times the speed and strength permanently, but the use of Momo fruit is also limited, it can be used for up to one hour, ten times the speed of power within one hour, allowing her to stand in the top generals, even half a step closer The degree of the Four Emperors.

And if the explosion limit is reached, she can withstand fifty times the speed force in five seconds, and the explosive power within five seconds is comparable to the elite four emperors.

So on the whole, Rebecca's strength has steadily reached the half-step four emperors. It is possible to kill an ordinary four emperors under desperate circumstances. The general half-step four emperors, such as Enilo, are not her opponent.

After all, her swordsmanship has also reached the level of Sword Domain. Similarly, Da Siqi is also at the level of Sword Domain, but at this time, Da Siqi has already begun to comprehend the sword intent.

In her words, she can't be surpassed so far by her sisters, let alone reach the Great Swordsman quickly so that Lu Zhuo, a bastard, can be taught a lesson.I just don't know who will teach whom...

Half a month later, the newcomer Ace also ascended to the sky in one step after being trained in hell, reaching the level of a top general.

They also arrived at the last section of the New World unimpeded all the way.

Lu Zhuo stood on the deck, with everyone in the Holy Sword Pirates behind him.They all looked forward, in front of them were hundreds of pirate ships.

Among them, the most conspicuous and the most powerful are the three four emperors, Kaido, Bigum, and the pirate group of the red-haired Shanks.

The others are all well-known pirates, a group of people in the New World second only to the Four Emperors, and with the strength of the subordinates of the Four Emperors, 80.00% of the pirates in the entire New World gather here !
Some people are thinking of challenging, while others are thinking of admiring and watching this wonderful battle.

"Haha, Sword God Lu Zhuo, long time no see!" Shanks stood at the bow of the boat, with one hand on the sword at his waist, and greeted Lu Zhuo with a smile.

Lu Zhuo smiled lightly and said, "It's been a long time, but today we are enemies, so if we have anything to say, we can wait until the fight is over!"

Hearing this, a person on the other side snorted coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Sword God Lu Zhuo, although you are extremely powerful, I saw that battle and thought I was no match. But if you want us to be convinced, it's not that hard easy!"

"Yes! We can only tolerate Captain Kaido, he is the king of beasts, and he will also be the king of pirates!"

"That's right, Sword God, we are not your opponents, but we refuse to accept you!"

On the other side, an extremely ugly woman was sitting on the bow of the boat, eating a snack, her eyes were extremely sinister, bloodshot, making people shudder.

Baron Eggy next to her leaned on a cane and said: "Our mother doesn't accept you either! Sword God, if you want to become the One Piece King, you must convince us all! Today, everyone in our sea who has the desire to be a king must obey you!" Gather here, what are you going to do?"

Looking at the people discussing and looking at them all around, Lu Zhuo smiled and took a step forward.

Taking this step, a majestic and domineering air spread fiercely. The emperor-like domineering is the emperor in the domineering color, not to mention the strength of Lu Zhuo's emperor-like domineering, it is very difficult for even a top general to bear it !
As this domineering air spread, there was a sound of groaning and falling.

All of a sudden, the whole sea was silent, only the sound of waves beating against the side of the ship.

"Hmph! Such a domineering spirit, as expected of the sword god Lu Zhuo!"

Kaido sneered, and a domineering look suddenly erupted, and he could become the Four Emperors. The domineering look on him should not be underestimated. Although it is much worse than the emperor's look, it can barely resist one or two.

The next moment, a loud laugh came, and Shanks also released his domineering look.
(Speaking of which, Qidian was acquired by Tencent, so this book will appear in Qidian. Moreover, for some reason, the book of Genesis was only moved to Qidian, but the author number is not connected. That is to say, except for speaking in the text , Xiaofeng can’t communicate with the readers of Qidian, please understand. Thank you brothers who support me from Qidian, and thank you brothers who have never left Chuangshi.)
(End of this chapter)

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