Chapter 177 If you don't accept it, you can fight as much as you can!
As the man known as the most overlord, Shanks's overlord is the closest to the emperor's look, perhaps because Roger used to have the emperor's look, and he was with Roger.

At the same time, the Four Emperors, Bigu Mamu, did not look at showing weakness, and let out his domineering look in a sneer.

The three overlord colors jointly pinched Lu Zhuo's emperor color, and the quantitative change turned into a qualitative change. The conflict between the overlord colors broke out suddenly, and the waves shook the sky in an instant!

There was a loud noise, and a monstrous wave appeared between Lu Zhuo's boat and the countless pirates on the opposite side, and the entire sea surface was deeply depressed by several feet!
The sound of thumping and falling to the ground came again. This time, even those who were hiding far away could feel the power. Those who were quite powerful and had reached the level of generals all had cold sweat on their foreheads.

If it is lower than the general level, it will be directly comatose and lose consciousness in the conflict of overlord color!
Lu Zhuo was squeezed by the three domineering looks at the same time, and he snorted, but his expression became more and more cold.

He had already felt this feeling in the advancing city.

If you release the Sword Domain, you can defeat the dominance of the four emperors, but since it is a domineering duel, and they must be convinced, Lu Zhuo will defeat them in domineering!

Lu Zhuo took another step forward, let out a low shout, and the imperial look on his body erupted again, immediately brought a monstrous power, even the bow of the Holy Sword was pushed into the sea, as if it was carrying a huge rock!
Kaido, Red Hair, Bigu Mamu, the three of them groaned at the same time, only feeling that the domineering look of the emperor was as overwhelming as Mount Tai, empowered by a waterfall, unstoppable, and the domineering looks of the three of them were about to collapse in an instant!
At this moment, a few angry shouts came suddenly, and a few weaker domineering colors joined the battle group, making Lu Zhuo look sideways.

I saw a few captains of the Pirates who were completely unfamiliar and did not appear in the original book, but these people are all existences in the new world second only to the Four Emperors, because they are domineering and unwilling to join the Four Emperors, But he has been hunted by the four emperors for a long time, and dare not show his face.

Because today is the battle for becoming king, all of them have come out!

Some of these pirates hidden under the brilliance of the Four Emperors have half the strength of the Four Emperors, and some even reach the level of ordinary Four Emperors!
Although these few domineering looks were weak, after being entangled together, they once again subtly resisted Lu Zhuo's imperial looks, and a situation of rivalry appeared again.

Kaido frowned, snorted coldly, and said, "These mice didn't dare to challenge us head-on, and they all came out today."

"Hey, Battle of the Kings, do you think they can't come? If they don't come, the domineering aura of the king's aptitude is unnecessary!" Shanks looked cold, although there was a smile on his mouth, but The look is extremely dignified.

At this time, several domineering colors actually faintly formed their own auras. If you look from above, you can see several balls of light surrounding a huge ball of light, resisting the expansion of that huge ball of light.

At this time, Lu Zhuo faintly had a special feeling, as if he had opened up the sword field and turned the surroundings into his own sword field.

This feeling is...

A hint of surprise suddenly surged in his heart, Lu Zhuo gave a low shout, and the emperor's domineering air slowly shrank, looking as if he couldn't hold it.

Kaido and the others naturally wouldn't relax, and continued to force them with cold expressions, staring at Lu Zhuo with a pair of tiger eyes.

Hehe, Sword God Lu Zhuo, that's all!

That's it, still want to be king?Bigu Mamu snorted coldly, strange mucus dripped from his ugly mouth, which made people feel extremely disgusted.

Shanks looked at Lu Zhuo and shook his head slightly. This look is not as good as Captain Roger.Sword God, can you succeed today?

Just as the domineering looks around him became more and more intense, and Lu Zhuo's imperial looks became more and more compressed, and when there were only a few dozen feet left, Lu Zhuo suddenly smiled.

Seeing this smile, Kaido and the others suddenly felt their hearts sink, secretly screaming that something was wrong.

The next moment, a field of black energy visible to the naked eye suddenly erupted from Lu Zhuo's body and spread in all directions.

Those domineering auras were crushed instantly by one blow!

Those few unknown pirates with domineering looks turned pale and staggered back a few steps.

Kaido and Bigumam both grunted, stood unsteadily, and took a step back.

And Shanks also looked down, and his body flickered, but there was a look of nostalgia in his eyes!

Domineering field!

It was exactly the same scene as that of Captain Roger!

Under the tempering of several domineering auras, Lu Zhuo finally combined the three domineering auras, the domineering aura and the armed aura, and achieved his domineering domain!

If the domineering field is [-]%, all domineering will be invalid in front of him, unless he encounters the domineering field of the same level.

With this domineering domain, Lu Zhuo can step into the level of the top four emperors even without using a sword.

However, to his slight disappointment, the Jian domain was released for a while, and there was a fierce conflict with the domineering domain. It seemed that the two domains could not coexist at all.

In this case, the practicality of this domineering field will not be so great, and I must find a way to integrate the two fields.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Zhuo slowly withdrew his domineering arrogance, and glanced at the people in front of him.

"My God, what kind of power is that?!"

"Could it be the legendary domineering domain! It's terrifying to defeat the alliance of the Four Emperors alone!"

"Not good! The domineering domain has spread over!"

After a few exclamations, the weaker pirates had nowhere to hide. They watched the black flying catkin-like field spread over, and their strength collapsed in front of the domineering field.

Plop plop!
There was another sound of falling to the ground, this time even ordinary generals and even elite generals fell down!
At this moment, those who can stand upright and face Lu Zhuo are the elite generals at worst, and under the pressure of Lu Zhuo's domineering field, the elite generals also lose consciousness, only some top generals are left with pale faces and cold sweat on their foreheads, He looked at Lu Zhuo with fear in his eyes.

"Very good! The legendary domineering domain!" Kaido snorted, wanted to say something, but closed his mouth again.

On the other side, Shanks took a step forward with a smile, and suddenly pulled out the sword at his waist, pointing at Lu Zhuo.

"Domineering, we are convinced. However, this is not enough..."

"Whoever wants to fight, let's fight! We, the Holy Sword Pirates, take them all!"

Lu Zhuo looked up to the sky with a smile, took a step forward, hovered in the air, opened his arms, and shouted coldly: "If the captain refuses to accept, you can come to fight! If the crew refuses to accept, I will fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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