Chapter 178 One person, one sword flattens the world!
"Come on! We... can't wait any longer!" Crocodile stood behind Lu Zhuo, spit out the cigar in his mouth, and raised the golden hook in his hand, feeling a surge of excitement.

Looking at the endless fleet of pirate ships, Ace felt a sense of pride in his heart. Although he didn't follow the white beard father, he followed Lu Zhuo, and he has come this far!

Enilu turned into a bolt of lightning and came to Lu Zhuo's side in a flash, but he still leaned back slightly and looked provocatively at the crew of the Four Emperors on the opposite side.

Nami, Robin, and Hancock's daughters looked at each other and smiled. At this moment, there is no more jealousy. They want to do their part for the man they love!

There was a bit of emotion on Luo's face, he didn't expect that he could get to this point, it was the captain who led him all the way.

The white bear Beibo said weakly: "If you really want to face so many pirates, there are three four emperors!"


Luo Buyue knocked it on the head with the back of his sword, and gave it a hard look, and it immediately stopped talking.

On the other side, Caesar even smiled sarcastically. Once Lu Zhuo became the Four Emperors, he, as a scientist, would immediately become famous all over the world. At that time, his reputation might overwhelm Vegapunk!
"Okay! Take my sword first!" Shanks smiled up to the sky, with arrogance, he took a step, then dodged into the air, and slashed at Lu Zhuo with his sword.

I saw a silver-white sword light, like a shooting star in the middle of the night, piercing the sky, the sharp edge can feel chills even in the distance.

Before the monstrous sword energy arrived, the sea had already stirred up waves again!
"Good come!"

Seeing Shanks' sword, Lu Zhuo snorted coldly, swung his right hand, and Zhan Kong instantly appeared on his chest.Then he grabbed it with one hand and waved it upwards.

Ding Dong!

There was a soft sound, and a gust of wind suddenly blew past. The crew members of the Four Emperors looked at the sky in horror, and a deep crack appeared. The strong wind caused these large ships to sway from side to side.

Shanks snorted, withdrew his body, and then the sword field burst out, sweeping again with a sword.

At the same time, the crew of the Four Emperors also calmed down, looking at the crew of the Holy Sword Pirates behind Lu Zhuo.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled lightly and said, "It seems that I need to make a battlefield!"

After all, he paused, and unexpectedly arrived on top of Shanks' head!Although Shanks is a great swordsman with a perfect sword heart, he has not stepped into the realm of swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship can completely dodge by relying on speed.

Sweeping through the air with a sword, Shanks yelled that it was not good, and at the same time, a burst of jet-black armed domineering immediately surged from his body, instantly wrapping him into an oval ball.

However, Lu Zhuo just smiled lightly, flicked his fingers, and a cold sword intent descended from the sky, directly slapping Shanks into the sea, and at the same time, the sounds of clicking and clicking sounded one after another.

Under the horrified gazes of those pirates, the sea was instantly frozen by a force of extreme cold, and Shanks' figure had already disappeared on the sea surface, and it was unknown how deep it had been frozen.



Seeing this, the crew of Shanks was frightened and angry, and several guns were pointed at Lu Zhuo in the air in an instant, but Lu Zhuo ignored it, and looked at Bigumamu and Kaido the Four Emperors with extremely sharp eyes!
Seeing this, the two Four Emperors glanced at each other, snorted coldly at the same time, jumped up instantly, and rushed towards Lu Zhuo who was in the air.

At the same time, those crew members of the Four Emperors and the crew of the pirate group second only to the Four Emperors have come to their senses. Although they did not dare to look at Lu Zhuo, the crew who looked at Lu Zhuo had a raging look in their eyes. fighting spirit.

Even if you can't fight the Sword God, you can still be famous all over the world if you level the crew of the Sword God!

In an instant, the entire battlefield changed, and the Holy Sword Pirates directly became the center, and various abilities burst out with colorful lights, sweeping towards the Holy Sword Pirates.

Nami Robin and the others looked cold, content and fearless, and after a soft snort, Qiqi left the boat and stepped onto the ice.

At the same time, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the Holy Sword directly turned into an oversized robot, and the ice cubes underneath also scattered and assembled by themselves, and the sound of splintering kept coming.

Seeing this scene, the pirates were a little horrified.

"This is... the boatman Dan of the Holy Sword Pirates, the owner of the mechanical fruit, and the top ten strongest superhumans!"

Before they could be surprised, Nami and others who joined the battle group immediately started an almost one-sided fight. With the blessing of Conis's music fruit power, Nami Robin and several other people in the first echelon of strength directly reached At the level of the Four Emperors, facing those top generals, they are in a state of complete abuse!
Seeing this, the masters of the Four Emperor Pirates finally couldn't bear it anymore and came out together.

Shanks' deputy captain, Ben Beckman, just raised a gun, and a murderous intent rushed towards his face, making Nami, who was gaining the upper hand, look condensed.

The next moment, Luo opened the room, and with a flash, he came to Beckman and said with a sneer, "Your opponent is me!"

"The Holy Sword Pirates, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, are growing so fast." Beckman's face was solemn. Luo's strength at the moment was not much worse than his. Coupled with the faint music across the ocean, he felt a burst of strength all over his body. Distracted, his complexion gradually became ugly.

Each of the three and four emperors' ships had an ordinary four emperors-level powerhouse, which was extremely unexpected to Lu Zhuo, because there was no second four emperors-level powerhouse on Whitebeard's ship.

But even so, Nami and others still have the upper hand. Although they are not in a crushing state, they seem to want to win, and they can do it before Conis's music fruit expires!

But the most important thing in this war is the battle of the captains in the air!

I saw the Four Emperors Kaido, after a long roar, instantly turned into an extremely huge monster with an extremely hideous and terrifying face.

When Lu Zhuo saw it, he raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "Animals are phantom beasts, in the form of gluttonous beasts! You are indeed the king of beasts." After finishing speaking, he looked to the other side.

I saw the four emperors, Bigu Mamu, opened his big mouth and revealed a very strange smile. The next moment, his whole body turned into endless blue water droplets!

Those water droplets changed various shapes in an instant, some turned into dark green, which was highly poisonous, some turned into crimson red, which looked amazingly hot, and some turned into pitch black, which looked extremely corrosive!
Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo was slightly taken aback.

This is……

Before he could think about it, the attack of the two was already in front of him. It is said that the captains of the Four Emperor Pirates should have great dignity, and they are not ashamed to besiege the enemy with others.

But Lu Zhuo's move just now directly blasted Shanks into the sea, which directly made Bigumamu and Kaido frightened. How could they be a hero to challenge alone? That would definitely be a failure. They don't have the confidence to face Lu Zhuo alone .

Moreover, even if it is a siege, there is nothing to be ashamed of, because this war is a battle for becoming king, a battle that Lu Zhuo must convince the pirates!
(End of this chapter)

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