Chapter 179 One person, one sword flattens the world!
Phantom Thousand Swordsmanship!
Lu Zhuo's expression turned cold, and Zhan Kong lightly shook in his hand, turning into a nine-foot long sword. Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, he swung it forward vigorously!

In an instant, under the control of the Sword Field, the sword glow that erupted from that sword disappeared in a flash, and directly turned into endless starlight, like the starry sky at night, dazzling, but with a murderous intent!
Thousands of sword lights met those various water droplets, and there was a loud boom and explosion for a while.

On the other side, Kaido, the Four Emperors, opened his mouth wide and made a swallowing appearance.

The next moment, that big black mouth turned out to be like a bottomless black hole, with a strong attraction, even Lu Zhuo's sword glow couldn't be maintained, and part of it was sucked in instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth to spray again, and those sword glows reflected from his mouth, attacking Lu Zhuo back.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo frowned and waved his sleeves lightly.

With a soft sound, those sword glows were swept away.

What a joke to attack him with his sword!These are nothing more than tentative attacks.

On the other side, the thousands of sword lights greeted every drop of liquid. After the explosion, Bigu Mamu's eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was slightly pale. sound.

"Damn sword god, dare to hurt me, I will let you die!"

"Shuishuiguo, although it is not easy to develop to this level, but I want to ask, where do you get the confidence to fight with me?"

Lu Zhuo's expression gradually turned cold, and a wave of Ling Ran's power burst out.

In front of him, one is the Four Emperors Kaido, the other is the Four Emperors Bigumamu, both of them have reached the level of the Elite Four Emperors, but in this way, in his eyes, they are just a plate of bean sprouts!

The next moment, Lu Zhuo's body flickered, disappeared out of thin air, and instantly arrived above Kaido.

Kaido was startled, but he didn't panic. He calmly waved his giant claws to meet Lu Zhuo.

However, Lu Zhuo stomped lightly and stepped on his giant claws. The size of his body was completely disproportionate, but the attack effect was very different.

With a loud noise, Kaido let out a cry of pain, and was kicked directly from the sky, smashing into the ice.

Then Lu Zhuo glanced at Bigumamu, and with a flash of his body, he came in front of Bigumamu. A golden light flashed, and Bigumamu's body was cut in half!
In an instant, blood splattered everywhere!

Even if it is a natural water fruit, in front of Lu Zhuo, there is no time for elementalization at all.

Suddenly, it was too late to say it, but soon, a gunshot sounded in Lu Zhuo's ear. Lu Zhuo didn't even think about it, he just swung Zhan Kongjian.

Although it was swung forward, a slender sword glow suddenly appeared behind Lu Zhuo's head, directly cutting a pitch-black bullet, splitting it in half instantly!
That bullet turned out to be condensed from the domineering armed color, and it is also a strong man with the third-level armed color!
Lu Zhuo turned around, looked at the person who fired the gun in the distance, suddenly sneered, and said: "Under the suppression of the Four Emperors, I am like a lost dog, and I only have the ability to shoot behind the back. You don't need to surrender!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo directly flicked his fingers, and a golden light flashed across quickly, shooting at that person.

Flying Immortals!

A golden flying sword disappeared in an instant and disappeared into the void. When it appeared next time, it had already arrived in front of that person.

Seeing this, the man was terrified.The speed of Flying Immortal Tianwai is no longer what his body can react to. Even if he has the strength of an ordinary Four Emperors, if he gets hit by a sword, he will fall.

The next moment, his body also spewed out jet-black armed domineering aura, enveloping him tightly for an instant, and then Lu Zhuo's flying sword directly hit him.

Without a sound, the golden sword appeared directly behind his head.

Lu Zhuo waved lightly, Zhan Kong circled and flew back.

The armed arrogance dissipated in an instant, revealing the figure in it. The man's face was full of shock, and there was a blood hole on his forehead.

He didn't even have time to show his abilities, he just used his armed domineering aura, and fell under the sword of the murderous Lu Zhuo!
As if killing a wild dog, Lu Zhuo lightly shook Zhan Kong in his hand, looked down, and snorted coldly, "How long do you have to wait?"

"Hey, I wanted the two of them to consume your physical strength, but I didn't expect it to be so useless." A helpless laugh came, and the next moment, the entire ice surface suddenly burst into a dazzling light.In an instant, everything was cut in half.

In the abyss, a figure stepped up, with a trace of coagulated blood on the corner of his mouth, it was Shanks who was blasted into the sea by Lu Zhuo and frozen.

At this moment, an angry shout came, saying: "Damn red hair, you are useless, you lost in two moves, how dare you say that?"

"It's better than being kicked off by someone." Bigumamu's figure unexpectedly resurfaced again, as if it wasn't her who was cut in half just now.

The ability of Shuishui fruit can control the water in the whole body. Most of the blood and cells are water, so the scary thing about Bigumamu is that even if it can't be elementalized, it was pierced through the head and cut off the neck , can also be connected instantly.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled and said: "If you have any real skills, just show them, don't wait for me to get serious, you don't even have a chance to make moves!"

After these words were spoken, the scene was silent for an instant. Kaido and Bigumam looked at Lu Zhuo with sullen faces, knowing that Lu Zhuo's words were true. Lu Zhuo hadn't taken it seriously just now. Warrior, the most powerful thing is the power to kill!

Invincible at the same level, beheaded by leapfrogging, is not a lie.Lu Zhuo has not reached the peak of the top four emperors yet, but he even has the confidence to face the half-step saint level, so today's battle, in his opinion, is like a child's play.

Shanks grinned, chuckled, flicked the sword in his hand lightly, and then, a sword intent wrapped around the sword in an instant, and a murderous intent erupted.

Kaido on the side did not show any weakness, once again turned into a gluttonous form, opened his huge mouth, and in the dark depths, there was a deadly power, which made people frightened.

Bigu Mamu sneered, endless murderous intent emerged, and his body directly turned into a gust of black water. That kind of thing was even more terrifying than the venom of Magellan, the administrator of the city. This development route made Lu Zhuo feel a little surprised.

However, the next moment, Lu Zhuo's expression suddenly turned cold.

I saw Shanks' sword, with a roar, like thunder, even more powerful than Enilo, who was constantly roaring with thunder and lightning below.

Sword Qi and Thunder Sound!

As for the Four Emperor Kaido, a deep black spherical object actually condensed in his mouth. The object was not solidified, but slowly rotating like a whirlpool, flying towards Lu Zhuo with a force that devoured the sky and the earth.

Affected by the attraction, this blow actually had the effect of the Sword Dao Realm, making it impossible to dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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