Chapter 181 One Piece Lu Zhuo!
At this moment, he didn't feel the joy of strength improvement in his heart, but still had a little anger.

Angry, need to vent!
With one strike of the sword, the strong captive was wiped out in ashes.

What's more, the crew of the Four Emperors were nothing but ants in front of Lu Zhuo.

Bigumamu Pirates, destroy!
Since then, another Four Emperors has become history.

Seeing that Lu Zhuo directly overturned the previous agreement, shot at the crew, and wiped out the Bigumamu Pirates with a single sword, the other pirates did not dare to take a breath.

And those two four emperors and several other captains who were seriously injured by Lu Zhuo's anger and merciless, directly gave a wry smile at this moment, they didn't expect the gap to be so big.

"Are you... still not convinced? Do you still want to fight?"

Looking at the crowd, Lu Zhuo spoke lightly, with a cold tone, the crew couldn't help shivering, and they all took a few steps back.

The severely injured captains gasped for breath, not daring to accept Lu Zhuo's words.

Lu Zhuo dodged and came directly in front of Kaido, staring at him, and said coldly: "Kaido, are you convinced?"

"I..." A trace of shame and anger flashed across Kaido's face. Even if they were convinced, they should be willing to persuade. It is a shame to be forced to persuade by Lu Zhuo!

When Lu Zhuo saw that he looked at him with angry eyes after only saying one word, his expression turned cold, and he swung his sword directly.

"Not good! Stop Sword God! You have already killed a Four Emperors!"

When Shanks saw this, a surprised look flashed across his face, and he shouted directly.

However, Lu Zhuo didn't pay any attention to it at all, and when the sword fell, Kaido's head with an incredible expression shot up into the sky with blood.



Kaido's crew members were equally shocked and angry, Lu Zhuo turned around slightly, and looked at them directly and coldly.

"You don't agree?"

"You...Sword God, you are going too far!"

Kaido's deputy captain shouted angrily: "Even if you become the One Piece, we must obey you, otherwise you will be a bare-bones commander, not a veritable One Piece!"

A sword light flashed, and another head flew up.

"Too much nonsense!" Lu Zhuo slowly withdrew Zhankong, and looked at the others coldly. The person who was seen by those eyes felt trembling all over his body, and his legs were weak. This is not an imperial look. It was due to the murderous intent on Lu Zhuo's body, mixed with murderous aura, which was already all over the sky!

On the other side, Nami suddenly looked at Lu Zhuo worriedly, and said in a deep voice, "Hey, Lu Zhuo's condition doesn't seem right."

"Well, there is a little bit, but it should be because of us that he is so angry." Rebecca stood beside Nami, nodded and said softly.

Lu Zhuo looked at Kaido's crew, who bit their lips and looked at Lu Zhuo angrily, but dared not speak any more.

Another flash of sword light flashed, this time, countless heads flew up, blood splashed everywhere, dyeing the ice surface below like red flowers reflecting the sun, beautiful and enchanting with endless dead silence.

"The eyes are annoying."

After saying a few words lightly, Lu Zhuo turned around, looked at the crew members again, and shouted: "What about you, are you convinced?!"

"We obey!"

"Convinced, we are completely convinced!" Those people had already been frightened to death. They thought that Lu Zhuo wanted to convince them that they were the protagonists, but now they know that in Lu Zhuo's eyes, they are simply ants that can be killed easily. !
Shanks looked at Lu Zhuo, the scar on his chest just now had been bandaged, but the raging sword intent could not be removed in a short time, he coughed a few times, looked at Lu Zhuo, and said in a deep voice: "They are all our teammates. They will help you in the future. Why do you want to kill like this?"

"They... a bunch of waste, not as good as one of my fingers!" Lu Zhuo looked at Shanks coldly, Shanks frowned and shook his head after saying this.

"Besides, I'm... very upset today!"

"Are you... because of your woman? This is your weakness. It's not a good thing to have a weakness. You will be judged by Wu Laoxing..."

"No." Lu Zhuo shook his head, turned his head to look at Nami and the others in the distance, his eyes gradually softened, and said lightly: "If Wu Laoxing dares to touch my women, they will all die. will die terribly! This is my taboo, anyone...absolutely, absolutely, don't touch it, even if it's my crew!"

These words were spoken in a loud voice, which directly reached Enilu and the others' ears, making their expressions froze slightly, and then they nodded silently.

And Nami and the others, although they have heard Lu Zhuo's bold words countless times, saying that they will protect them for the rest of their lives so that no one can hurt them, but this time, they directly told the four seas and people all over the world!

"Hey, if that's the case, then there's no need to continue fighting, I'm willing to obey, and you become the Pirate King." Shanks shook his head, laughing at himself.

Those pirate captains also smiled wryly, with deep fear in their eyes, and sighed: "I am willing to surrender!"


"You become the Pirate King!"

In the first half of the distant great voyage, the naval headquarters under reconstruction is no longer in Marlene Fodor. After all, the island was cut off by Lu Zhuo with a sword, and the naval headquarters was directly replaced for reconstruction.

Zhan Guo sat in a small room, watched the somewhat blurred images broadcast by the TV bug, sighed, and said, "There is no other way... If I had known back then, I shouldn't have cared about my reputation, and I didn't even care about the Four Emperors. Kill the Sword God when he is weak, and there will be no such things..."

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a figure came in, staring at the Warring States with piercing eyes. It was Garp's figure, completely different from his usual lazy look.

He looked at Zhan Guo and said in a deep voice, "Zhan Guo...I want to talk to you..."

Mary Gioia, Sanctuary Center.

A trace of anger flashed across Wu Laoxing's second child's face, but he just snorted and held back.

"Do this while we are at the most critical time..."

"What, look at this sword god, he is so bloodthirsty, he killed three four emperors himself, let him be the bare commander of the One Piece, and when we are done, we can kill him at any time, what a waste of time. "

"Hmph, at this critical moment, let's take back all our energy. Don't worry about everything that happened outside, and leave it to the third elder and CP0. At most, there are still two years left. It's been 800 years, so what's the rush!"

Regarding Lu Zhuo becoming king, the navy was silent, and the world government also chose to remain silent.

This day, this moment.

Lu Zhuo killed two of the Four Emperors with one sword, and with the addition of White Beard, three of the Four Emperors died at his hands.

One person, one sword, the big pirate who sweeps up the new world, the pirate second only to the four emperors, even if he joins forces with the four emperors, he is vulnerable!
One person, one sword, level the world, become king in one day!
Twenty years after Roger became the One Piece, the One Piece appeared again on this sea!
(End of this chapter)

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