Chapter 182 The Great Secret Treasure!
Looking at the island ahead, Lu Zhuo showed a smile on his face.

What is the so-called big secret treasure ONEPIECE?This secret is about to be revealed, is it a devil fruit?Or a priceless treasure?
If it is the latter, it is meaningless to Lu Zhuo, and the former is unlikely, after all, if it is a particularly strong fruit, Roger will definitely not stay.

With this in mind, Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand, gently pulled Robin beside him, and said, "Robin, come in with me. It contains the last historical text you want."

After finishing speaking, he gently hugged Nami on the right side again, and said with a smile, "Nami, do you think you will still be a pirate in the future?"

But Nami didn't hear his words, countless little stars were shining in her eyes, she just felt that endless treasures were waiting for her, and she had already fallen into the eyes of money.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled helplessly, leaped lightly, got off the boat, and set foot on the island.

Behind him, Crocodile lit a cigarette, Enilo dodged, Luo released the ROOM, all kinds of abilities fluttered for a while, and Qi Qi followed behind Lu Zhuo.

There was a bit of anticipation and excitement in their eyes.

And the fleet that was completely subdued by Lu Zhuo followed far behind. Although they also expected the secret to be revealed, they could only wait and see from a distance.

Only Shanks didn't come, he took his crew back to the territory directly.

Lovedrew is a small island.

The entire island is extremely desolate, although not a single blade of grass grows, but there are only a few withered and yellow weeds scattered on the entire island.

After setting foot on the island, Lu Zhuo felt a mysterious force permeating the air, and his domineering arrogance immediately lost its effect, and even his sword domain could not be spread out, and his expression froze immediately.

Behind him, everyone's expressions gradually calmed down from anticipation and excitement, and they looked around vigilantly.

Unable to use knowledge, or even ability, the strength of these people was weakened by half in an instant.

This really weird!
Lu Zhuo frowned, and jumped sharply.

Although he couldn't use his sense of knowledge, his physical strength didn't weaken, and he came to the sky with a light jump, and his eyes swept everything on the island in an instant.

The entire island is the top of a small mountain, and in front of it, there is a dark cave. There is a kind of power in the cave, which makes Lu Zhuo slightly surprised.

That power is the power of the source!

The devil fruit is a sealed power, and the original power is sealed in it.

But here, the power of the source is leaked outside, so that means, the thing inside is definitely not a devil fruit!

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo frowned slightly, fell back to the ground, looked at the people behind him, and said, "Robin, Nami, Luo, you three come with me, and the others will stay here first. If there is a real That's what I thought, I couldn't protect so many people in the event of an outbreak."

"This..." Crocodile raised his brows, shook his head and said, "Well, I'm a waste here anyway. Although I can't see the secret left by Roger with my own eyes, you can tell me later gone."

He agreed first, and although the people behind had slight disappointment in their eyes, they also knew their priorities, so they all agreed and retreated slowly.

Lu Zhuo looked at the three Namis beside him, and said in a deep voice, "There is a cave ahead, and the power in that cave is even stronger. Now I have confirmed that it is the original power of the world, so all your abilities are invalid. Enter one point at a time. Cave, your strength will be further weakened, and you may become ordinary people, so follow me closely."

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Robin nodded calmly.Luo at the side frowned and waved his hands, shaking his head and said, "You can't even use domineering..."

"Yeah, even domineering... Huh!" Lu Zhuo just turned around, and he let out a surprise.

The devil fruit is transformed by the power of the source, but the armed domineering is the power cultivated by oneself. It should be the same as the physical strength and will not be affected, but it will be suppressed here.

In other words... domineering is also a branch of the original power?It can be understood as a devil fruit power that anyone can use?
It’s incredible!
Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Zhuo forced himself to calm down and walked forward slowly, while Nami Robin followed closely behind.

The island is very small, even considered extremely small among small islands. After walking a short distance and making a half circle, a cave appeared in front of it. The original power emanating from the cave made Nami three People feel a little startled.

Thinking that it would be the most precious treasure in the world, Nami pursed her mouth, snorted, and followed Lu Zhuo into it without any hesitation.

And Robin and Luo followed calmly and slowly.

The deeper he went, the more stable Lu Zhuo became. His kendo has come to an end, and the next step is to touch the original power, so the original power is not scary to him.

Once he touches and understands the power of the source, his power in the sword domain should not be suppressed.

Even though the Sword Realm is being suppressed now, the strongest sword intent and the strongest sword heart on Lu Zhuo's body are juxtaposed with the original source and are not suppressed, and the avenue of the sword even vaguely points to the essence of the world's original power.

After walking for about half a minute, I turned a corner and came to a cave. The space became very large and could accommodate hundreds of people.

Moreover, the darkness is also dispelled by light, but that light is not sunlight.

I saw a colorful crystal ball suspended in the air, exuding light in seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, which was gorgeous and dazzling.

Seeing this scene, Nami's eyes sparkled, almost comparable to the light of the crystal ball, and she almost rushed to grab the crystal ball.

However, Lu Zhuo had a sullen face, waved his hand to stop her, and said, "Don't go there, it's not a gem, look carefully!"

Hearing this sentence, Robin and Luo were startled, their eyes scanned the crystal ball carefully, and immediately found something tricky.

That crystal ball is not a solid thing, it seems to be liquid, and the surface is fluid.

"What is this?"

Robin muttered to herself, and then her eyes lit up, and she saw behind the crystal ball, there was a square stone tablet, which was the last historical text stone tablet she was looking for so hard!
"Don't go there yet!" Lu Zhuo frowned when he saw that Robin was about to walk over in a daze.One in each hand, both Nami and Robin were stopped.

"This thing should be what you often say, the original power of the world." Luo carried the long sword and maintained a calm expression. After all, there is nothing that attracts him here.

And the so-called secret treasure of wealth does not exist at all.

(End of this chapter)

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