Chapter 183 A Dream of a Thousand Years
In the entire cave, there is only one flowing crystal ball and a historical text stele.

Looking at the crystal ball, Lu Zhuo suddenly showed a hint of longing in his eyes.

"That's right, that thing is a branch of the world's original power, and, for some unknown reason, it didn't turn into a devil fruit when it was separated from its body, but remained in this state."

"If such a large group of the original power of the world is turned into a devil fruit, it will be at least ten of the strongest devil fruits. It is indeed the most precious treasure in the world. Unreachable. Not enough strength, if you touch it, you will be assimilated by the source, that is, death!"

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, the light in Nami's eyes dimmed, she curled her lips in disappointment, and said, "So it's not a real treasure!"

"Hey, is your IQ degraded?" Lu Zhuo smiled helplessly, and said, "If you can master this original power, I am afraid that it is possible to step into the semi-holy level in one step. With the strength of a semi-holy, in this world Now, what wealth can’t you get?”

"Besides, even if it is split up and turned into ten strongest devil fruits, those strongest devil fruits are all priceless treasures, things that cannot be bought by hundreds of millions or billions of Baileys, how can their value be bought with money?" to measure?"

Hearing this, Luo suddenly sighed softly: "It's a pity I can't get it, what's the use?"

"Hehe, if it is other top powerhouses, as long as they are not at the semi-holy level, they can't use it, but at the semi-holy level, they need to integrate themselves into the backbone of the world's origin, and they don't need these branches of the original power at all. "

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo passed his arm across, hugged Robin lightly, and said, "The last historical stele is right in front of us, go quickly. Be careful not to touch the original power on it."

After finishing speaking, he turned around to look at Nami and Luo, and said softly: "When Robin finishes recording her history, you two will leave with her. I will try and go further."

"Will it be dangerous?" Nami looked worried, her beautiful eyes staring at Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo chuckled, watched Robin walking cautiously towards the stele of the main text of history, kissed Nami on the face, and said: "It will be fine, even if I fail, I can barely protect myself, the power at the end of the sword is It will not be assimilated by the source."


Nami responded lightly, kissed him back on the face, and said softly: "You are the best at deceiving people, there is no danger, you will not talk to me so seriously."

"Hehe, I really can't hide it from you. In fact, it is not dangerous, but because of the power of the source, the time and space may be disordered, allowing me to reach another time and space. In other words, it is possible that when I try, in an instant, the world It has been 1000 years, and you at that time..."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo was slightly silent, and said: "But even if I don't use the original power here, I will take this step sooner or later, because if I don't take this step, even with my current monster-like body, I can live at most. For 200 years, I want to accompany you forever, until eternity."

"I believe you will succeed... because you have never failed." Nami smiled slightly, stretched out her small hand, and gently smoothed Lu Zhuo's hair, saying: "When you were weak, every crisis You can turn danger into a breeze, and when you are strong, you will never encounter difficulties again. Without difficulties, it is difficult for people to grow up. Go face it. I will wait for you..."

"If it really happened as you said, 1000 years passed in a flash, then 1000 years later, even if I am gone in this life, I will be waiting for you in the next life and the next life."

The gentle words touched Lu Zhuo's heart. He looked at Nami with a smile and said softly, "Don't worry, I won't fail."

After finishing speaking, I saw that Robin had finished recording the final historical text, and his expression was relaxed. A wish was completed, as if the burden on his shoulders had been lifted.

Although Lu Zhuo had already told her the general history of the loss, her wish would only be fulfilled if she saw it and recorded it with her own hands.

Looking at Lu Zhuo, Robin chuckled, and said softly, "I'm the same as Nami, I'll be waiting for you, hurry up."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Nami, who still had a look of reluctance in her eyes, and walked directly outside.

Luo Ye followed behind quietly, and when he walked past Lu Zhuo, he said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, even if you can't come out for a while, there will be no problem, our strength, as long as it doesn't come out from five old stars, or We can deal with that CP0 captain."

"As for the CP0 captain, according to what you said, the Revolutionary Army should not ignore it."

After speaking, he quickly followed Nami Robin and walked out, leaving Lu Zhuo standing here alone.

Lu Zhuo shook his head, calmed down his state of mind, and walked slowly to the bottom of the crystal ball.

"Success or failure is turning around, the green hills are still there, and the sunset is red for a few times..."

Muttering a few words softly, Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand, and with a light shake, the golden Zhankong appeared in his hand, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and a wave of Ling Ran's sword suddenly rose, and suddenly, the original star above his head The ball trembled slightly, as if attracted by some force, shaking.

The liquid on the surface began to slide, and it was no longer round, but gradually became the shape of water droplets.

Looking at this scene, Lu Zhuo raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile.

If his kendo could directly attract this source of power, then he would already be at the semi-holy level, but the current him is not yet.

The next moment, Lu Zhuo squeezed Zhan Kong tightly, and stabbed at the original power in the shape of a water drop.

This sword pierced deeply into the inner part of the original power.

For a moment, Lu Zhuo only felt that a white light was so dazzling that he couldn't help closing his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was endless darkness and deathly silence.

This is... a failure?

Out of nowhere, as soon as this idea came up, a shining core suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The core grew rapidly, attracting the surrounding darkness, turning into a vortex, some inexplicable matter surged in, and the bright spot became bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge sun!

At the same time, Lu Zhuo discovered that his feet also began to rotate and condense, gradually forming a planet!
Lu Zhuo is no stranger to this scene. When he was on Earth in his previous life, he had watched several documentaries explaining the universe and starry sky.

But this time, seeing it with my own eyes, the shock is beyond words!
Moreover, Lu Zhuo also discovered a secret, that is, this world is only this big!It's just a sun, a moon, and a planet, and the brilliant starry sky is just a kind of decoration, it's fake.In this space, there is only one planet revolving around the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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