Chapter 184 A Dream of a Thousand Years
At the edge of the space, there is a gray air current, which is more terrifying than the darkness, constantly surging and rolling. Lu Zhuo knows that, except for the holy level, once it touches that kind of thing, it will collapse instantly.

At this time, Lu Zhuo's eyes were attracted by the things under his feet.

I saw the dark vortex rotating rapidly, and the planet formed rapidly. The condensation that originally took hundreds of millions of years was accelerated by hundreds of billions of times. In a short period of time, the planet was formed.

At the core of the planet, there is a piece of liquid emitting seven-color light. Lu Zhuo knows that it is the original power.

Moreover, it is not the origin of this planet, but the origin of this space, this world.

The next moment, I saw the colorful liquid suddenly shrank, and then exploded. In an instant, the colorful liquid was directly reduced by one-tenth.

This one-tenth, in an instant, made water and life appear on the planet.

This scene is quite different from those documentaries watched on Earth.

Lu Zhuo sighed in admiration, watching this scene, he knew that his consciousness should be pulled by the source, and he was swimming in the memory left by the power of the source, so he was able to 'see' these, which can be understood as having a dream.

Then, time sped up again, and there was no evolution of life. In just a short moment, thousands of years passed, and humans appeared directly in a few thousand years!
However, these humans include giants and small humans, and there are many types.

In the following time, it began to gradually slow down. In the end, the giants were too big and inflexible, and the little humans were too small, making progress very difficult. It was normal humans who reached the peak.

At this time, the Emperor Clan that ruled the world appeared, which was later the D Clan.

Hundreds of years passed quickly, and some people integrated into the source, became a saint, and even had a feeling for Lu Zhuo, but in the end they still didn't find anything.

The holy level is fused with the origin of the world, and it is close to eternity, but it does not have the power to span endless time and space. It is still under the control of the time rules and space rules of this world.

At this time, watching others become holy, another idea suddenly appeared in Lu Zhuo's mind. If he didn't merge with the world's origin, but suppressed the world's origin with the way of swordsmanship, let his own sword way turn a corner and surpass the world's origin.

At the holy level, merging with the source is equivalent to borrowing the power of the source, but Lu Zhuo's idea is to directly take the source of the world as his own, because... the will of the world has been suppressed, so it may be possible to do so!

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo stared carefully and continued to watch the development of the world.

The next moment, his expression froze, and he saw a violent shock in the whole world. From the edge, the gray air flow was forced to break through by a force.

That thing, with colorful rays of light, made Lu Zhuo's expression freeze as soon as it entered.

It was a corner of a broken world, five people, who looked like Wu Laoxing when he was younger, each of them held a corner, stabilizing the crumbling world.

At this time, entering the world of One Piece, the broken corner of the world suddenly turned into a white light, retracted into the void, and became a small world parallel to the world of One Piece, although it was still collapsing, but without the impact of the gray air current, The speed slowed down a lot.

In that corner of the world, there were not many people, only a few dozen people, and all of them were semi-holy!

As soon as they entered this world, all of them sank, most of their aura was suppressed, and they fell directly to a level.

Then, Lu Zhuo saw that the war between the local world and the alien invaders had begun. With all kinds of trump cards, although the five old stars were suppressed to the point where they were infinitely close to the semi-sage, the five of them worked together to fight against the emperor. The emperor of the clan, that is, the old man Lu Zhuo had met, fought against him.

This war lasted for a hundred years, and the final result was that the Five Old Stars won miserably.

They used the broken corner of the world to suppress the will of the world, and the scene in front of Lu Zhuo fell into darkness.

He could guess what happened next.

It must be that the Five Old Stars began to control the world, sweep up history, and cover up history, and those subordinates became the first generation of Tianlong people, and their descendants became the so-called world nobles.

From the initial alliance of more than 100 countries to the later joining of more than [-] countries, they must be controlled behind the scenes, and the kings of those countries may be puppets.

However, because that war was fought in the world of One Piece, although the Five Old Stars won in the end, they were not pleased, and most of their elite men died on the eve of suppressing the will of the world.

It is estimated that after suppressing the will of the world, they will not be able to spare to destroy those imperial families.

So the imperial family hid among the common people, changed the emperor to D, and changed the initial letter of the name to the middle letter of the name.

Later, except for the five old stars who were able to live forever, the rest of the elite probably almost died.Those CP0 captains should be locals trained by the five old stars.

In other words, the enemies of the world are only the world government controlled by the five old stars and the Tianlong people.

This dreamlike experience finally sank into darkness.

When Lu Zhuo opened his eyes again, he found that he was still in that cave, and above his head was still the original ball.

As if everything before was really a dream.

But Lu Zhuo knew that it was not a dream, but an experience of realizing the birth of the world.

Failed?Still a success?
Lu Zhuo grabbed Zhan Kong and shook slightly, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It turned out... It was almost there!
From the source, there is still a film-like distance left.However, this layer of membrane is extremely strong, and it seems that it cannot be broken through in a short time.

Thinking about it, Lu Zhuo has just stepped into the end of the sword, and his realm is not yet stable. It is indeed too early to step into the semi-sage.

Moreover, with that dream of eternal experience, as long as Lu Zhuo devotes himself to practicing for a period of time, it is easy for Lu Zhuo to become a semi-sage.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Zhuo smiled again, shook Zhankong, took it into his body, glanced at the original ball in the air, and finally retreated without doing anything else.

He still can't control this original ball, and he can't take it away.If he stepped into the half saint, it would have no effect on him.

The most precious thing in the world is the most useless thing.

What a contradiction!

Lu Zhuo pursed his lips, walked out of the cave, looked into the distance, but suddenly his expression turned cold.

In the distance, the Holy Sword should be parked there, but now it is empty, and the sea is completely silent, except for the rolling waves, there is nothing.

It was only for a moment just now!It's like having a dream, I don't know how many times it has been accelerated, it should be... impossible for a thousand years to happen in a flash!
(End of this chapter)

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