Chapter 185 The Great Sword Hao Da Siqi
Feeling a little worried in his heart, Lu Zhuo's face darkened, and he waved his sleeves.

Man and sword unite!

With a whoosh, Lu Zhuo turned into a golden light and soared into the sky, getting higher and higher.

The higher you fly, the farther you can see, and you can roughly maintain the altitude where the color of knowledge can cover the sea. Lu Zhuo flashed again and flew quickly around the great route.

After a while, the golden light subsided, and Lu Zhuo's figure appeared, with a somewhat happy expression on his face.

"Let me just say, how could it be possible for a thousand years in an instant... But, when did this girl Da Siqi become a great swordsman?"

Looking at an island below, there are sword lights coming from time to time. Although Lu Zhuo is extremely weak in his eyes, he is already a rare master of swordsmanship.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering explosion, Lu Zhuo raised his brows, and felt a force of gravity suddenly pressing on his body, making him sink.

With a cold snort, Lu Zhuo stomped his footsteps, and the domineering domain erupted, directly smoothing out the weird gravity.

However, Lu Zhuo still frowned, looking at the sky, a meteorite with a radius of ten feet fell from the sky, carrying the flames generated by friction with the atmosphere, falling down like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

This unscientific!

There is obviously only one sun, one moon and this planet outside the sky, where did the meteorite come from!
Watching the meteorite fall, Lu Zhuo was speechless, stretched out his finger, and flicked lightly.

An explosion sounded suddenly, and the meteorite was instantly hit by a golden sword aura a few hundred meters away from him, and it shattered with a bang.

On the island below, the blind General Fujitora frowned. Although he was blind, his hearing was super-long, coupled with his knowledge and domineering, he would not be much worse than a discerning person.

He felt a little puzzled when he felt that the meteorite he had blown down had exploded in mid-air, but the release of his knowledge had no effect at all.

Firstly, his knowledge color cannot be stretched so high, and secondly, Lu Zhuo's domineering domain is still open. Within the range of domineering domain, the knowledge color, armed color, and domineering color are completely invalid.

At this time, there was a shout in front of him, and Da Siqi was dressed in a mess, and a sword fell on his head. Before the sword arrived, a wave of sword force had already crushed him.With that appearance, he looked like a weakened version of Lu Zhuo.

The swords of the two collided first, followed by the sword field.

There was a loud noise, each took a step back, Da Siqi stared at Fujitora calmly, her forehead was dripping with sweat, Fujitora's gravity affected her all the time, although her sword domain could weaken some of the gravity, she still had to bear a lot pressure.

Fujitora is not a great swordsman, but a swordsman at the sword domain level, but with the power of the fruit of gravity, he can barely support Da Siqi in the fight.

The most important thing is that, tens of meters away, several pacifists stood there, constantly releasing light waves to harass Da Siqi.

Because the speed of light waves is the speed of light, they are not afraid of accidental injury, just like several mobile forts.

Da Siqi glanced at those pacifists, his expression was slightly cold, and he wanted to kill those humanoid weapons first, but was entangled tightly by Fujitora, and it was difficult to get rid of.

Coupled with the occasional need to resist the meteorites falling from the top of his head, Da Siqi, a great swordsman comparable to the half-step Four Emperors, faintly fell into the disadvantaged.

"Da Siqi, originally you were a navy and a white man. Why did you become a pirate and fall into darkness. If you were captured today and went back with the old man, if you didn't make a mistake, maybe you were forced by the sword god, you might be able to To enlist you in the Navy again."

Fujitora backhanded a sword, brought up a sword light, and blocked Da Siqi's face-to-face sword, and said in a deep voice.

Da Siqi looked at Fujitora coldly, the sword in his hand didn't relax a bit, bursting out bursts of sword energy constantly, sweeping towards the humanoid weapon in the distance from time to time.

But after the weakening of Fujitora's gravity field, those humanoid weapons can be easily avoided.

It's not good to go on like this!
Da Siqi's beautiful eyes flashed, and she said coldly: "It doesn't matter if I am a navy or a pirate, but... I will definitely wait for him to come back. If you dare to criticize him, I will kill you!"

After all, she shouted coquettishly, and the sword in her hand accelerated violently, giving up most of her defenses, and began to fight desperately.

"That person disappeared two years ago, so he won't show up again. Besides, he once committed a heinous crime in the Navy headquarters, which is unforgivable!"

Fujitora was very embarrassed by Dashiqi's desperate three swords, and could barely avoid it. At this moment, the pacifists in the distance fired another volley, and countless light waves blocked Dashiqi's action route. Although Si Qi showed her knowledge and sensed it in advance, she still couldn't dodge the light wave at all.

As soon as she gritted her silver teeth, she was ready to take a few bites and hack the damned blind man in front of her to death.

At this moment, a familiar cold snort suddenly came from the sky, which shocked Da Siqi, with an unbelievable expression on his face, extremely excited.

I saw a faint translucent sword light descending from the sky, with a light sweep, it actually blocked the light wave at the speed of light!

Although I couldn't see it, I was extremely shocked when I felt this scene.

The speed of light is already the fastest speed, how could someone arrive first and block the light wave with a sword glow?

However, all this happened right in front of him!

If this is true, then in this world, there is only one person who has this kind of frightening swordsmanship.

Sword God... Lu Zhuo!
Just when he thought of this name and his face changed drastically, another sword glow flashed, and the pacifists in the distance turned into ashes.

At the same time, a chuckle came and said: "Qi'er, don't stand still, no one will interfere with your battle now."

"Lu... Lu Zhuo!" Da Siqi was stunned for a while when she heard the familiar voice, and then she was awakened by Lu Zhuo's words. When she heard the word Qi'er, her heart suddenly surged. A touch of sweetness.

"You're back."

"Yeah, I'm back, it looks like it's been a while!" Lu Zhuo chuckled, his figure descended from the sky, and with a wave of his sleeves, the mud and sand on the ground surged, instantly forming a chair, and then Lu Zhuo went to He walked up and said with a smile: "Go ahead, beat this blind man to the ground for his teeth!"

"Okay!" Da Siqi quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and looked at Fujitora who looked extremely horrified in front of him.

At this moment, Fujitora could hear Lu Zhuo's voice, but his sense of knowledge had completely failed, and he couldn't find Lu Zhuo at all!
The next moment, he felt a sharp sword energy coming towards him, and he dodged in a panic.

Without the pacifist, Fujitora, the top general, fell into a disadvantage after a few strokes, barely persevered a few times, and was severely injured by Da Siqi's sword, kneeling on the ground, clutching the wound, panting violently, He looked extremely embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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