Chapter 287 Erza's Request
In the broken hall, Lu Zhuo looked coldly at Bailuo and the others around him, and said, "If you dare to attack me, you are looking for death! Where is Ersha?"

When he thought about it, maybe these people would get carried away, thinking that they were just powerful magicians, but Erza saw the scene of him fighting the will of the world with her own eyes, which was simply devastating. If the king wants to attack him, Erza will definitely stop it.

Since I didn't see Erza, it was probably imprisoned by the king.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo also blamed himself a bit. He had already recognized Ersha's status, but he still made her suffer some hardships. It really shouldn't be. He didn't expect that Faust would be so insane , the desire for power has gone to the brain.

Bailuo and the others saw that the magic they had carefully arranged was so vulnerable. After Lu Zhuo's sword light easily defeated the magic circle, it also created a power that would destroy the world. They were all terrified. Silly.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo snorted coldly, swiped the sword in his hand, and directly blasted Bailuo to nothing.

"Ah! Don't kill me, don't kill me! Great god, please forgive my sins!" Seeing Lu Zhuo raised his hand and killed a person, several United Front Captains reacted, Hughes was terrified, Seeing Lu Zhuo holding the blood-colored Holy Dragon Sword in his hand, he immediately knelt down when his eyes turned to him.

Lu Zhuo looked at him and said coldly, "Tell me, where is Ersha?"

"Ai...Eluza..." Hughes had panic and panic in his eyes, and his voice trembled.

A bloody sword light swept across him, directly blasting him into scum.

Lu Zhuo was a little angry now, with murderous intent in his eyes, he turned to Xiu Geboy, and said coldly: "If you don't say anything, you will die!"

Seeing that Lu Zhuo raised his hand and killed another person, Xiu Geboyi was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lu Zhuo non-stop, mourning: "Great god, please forgive me! All this is caused by the king's lordship!" Yes, Erza was imprisoned in an underground prison..."

After listening to him, the holy dragon sword in Lu Zhuo's hand slashed towards the ground.

There was another earth-shattering loud noise, and the whole earth was directly split open, countless buildings around were shaken and shattered everywhere, and the demon team who was startled by the sound and rushed over were directly crushed by that Ling Ran sword intent His clothes were ripped apart and dripping with blood.

"Brother Lu Zhuo, killed a lot of people!"

Lu Zhuo's sword attack just now stunned Lisanna beside her. She didn't see the scene of Lu Zhuo fighting against the will of the world, but she knew that Lu Zhuo was very strong, perhaps as strong as the Ten Great Saints. Magic.

But at this level, she was also frightened.Looking at Lu Zhuo who was extremely indifferent and regarded human life like nothing, her heart trembled slightly.

Hearing her words, Lu Zhuo turned his head, his eyes softened instantly, and said, "Lisanna, if you don't kill them, they will kill you. Never show mercy to your enemies."

"But..." Lisanna's eyes were still shocked, watching the ground crack a thousand-meter-long crack, and the entire underground prison was cut open with a single sword.

"Let's go."

Lu Zhuo didn't wait for her to continue, and directly took her hand. In a flash, he came to the underground prison. After a few flashes, he saw Ersha.

At this moment, Erza was being tied up in a prison, gritting her teeth with an angry look on her face.

She didn't expect that King Faust would be so eager for power that he would even do such a thing like a chariot.What she saw with her own eyes, Lu Zhuo didn't hide anything from her, and told her almost everything about him.

She knew that for Lu Zhuo, if Lu Zhuo wanted to, it would be easy to destroy the world.That kind of power is simply not something that can be countered by magic circles and the like.

That is already the gap between heaven and earth, anyone is an ant in front of Lu Zhuo.

But no matter what she said, Faust insisted on his own opinion, thinking that Lu Zhuo was just a magician from Eslant with powerful magic power, and even got annoyed at the end, and even imprisoned her.

Facing the king, she did not resist.She was an orphan since she was a child, and she was bullied and grew up. Later, she was favored by the king and selected into the magic team. She worked hard to strengthen her strength, and she came to where she is today.So towards the king, she has no resentment in her heart, only remorse, the remorse that did not persuade Faust.

Hearing the roar from above, she knew that the king must have attacked Lu Zhuo.There is a sad look in your eyes, Your Majesty, you are looking for your own death!
Then, she saw a piercing sword light that pierced the prison in two, and then Lu Zhuo's figure appeared in front of her.

Looking at Ersha who was tied to the pillar and seemed to be suffering a little bit of abuse, Lu Zhuo's expression calmed down instead.But under that calmness, there was an endless murderous intent that couldn't be concealed!
The murderous intent even came out through the body, making Lisanna on the side tremble all over, and Erza in front of her also showed panic in her eyes.

Aware of the murderous intent that he had unintentionally revealed, Lu Zhuo frowned slightly, and dispersed the murderous intent. With a light shake of the Holy Dragon Sword in his hand, he cut off the chains that bound Ersha.

"It seems that it was a wrong decision to let you return to the king."

"This matter is my fault. If you want to punish me, punish me! It was my inappropriate words that made His Majesty the King want to offend you." Erza was rescued, and directly knelt in front of Lu Zhuo. , with a pleading look on his face.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo frowned, stepped forward, put his hands on her shoulders, and helped her up.

"Why do you say that, why do you want to excuse Faust?"

In Lu Zhuo's mind, Faust had already thought of killing him. This bastard old king had already done the stupidest thing in his life, but after hearing what Ersha said, Lu Zhuo knew that Elus Sha really wanted to excuse Faust, and he generally would not ignore his own woman's opinion.

Ersha lowered her head, with tears in her eyes suddenly, she murmured about her experience.

Seeing Ersha like this, Lu Zhuo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Like Eslant's sister Elsa, she has endured hardships since she was a child, but inside her strong appearance is a fragile heart.

For Ersha at this time, Lu Zhuo felt pity in his heart.

Sighing, Lu Zhuo said: "Elusha, do you know that when I treat my enemies, I always use one word, death. My woman, no one will excuse the enemy, you are the first..."

"I..." Ersha's expression at this time was not at all like that cold-blooded demon hunter Erza, as if she was a poor girl.

She looked at Lu Zhuo, gritted her teeth, and said in a deep voice: "As long as you can spare the king's life, I can do anything for you! You can do whatever you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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