Chapter 288
In the Fairy Tail guild, the two strongest people are Lucy and Lebby.For the sake of the guild's status, the two girls even let go of their prejudices and went on this S-level mission together.

This S-level mission is to obtain the magic power crystal of the beast Ulakhgu.

Urahgu is one of the most powerful monsters in the world of Edras. Only on Nicholas, the southernmost floating island in the world, can there be traces of haunting.

When the two girls were ready, they went directly to Nicholas, but they encountered danger there and sent back a signal for help.

It happened that sister Lisanna was chatting with sisters Lisanna and Mira in the guild. After learning about this, she hurriedly found Lu Zhuo.

After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Lu Zhuo couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "You people, if you want any status, just tell me, I'll just order it, and it will be settled."

Mira and the others looked at Lu Zhuo with some hesitation, and said, "You are a great god, how can we disturb you casually..."

"Great fart! It's just a title. If you have anything to do in the future, just come to me directly. Don't do anything dangerous."

Lu Zhuo looked distressed, high status also has its disadvantages... If it wasn't because of the enmity between Erza Netvorka and the Fairy Tail guild, if he stayed here all the time, he would definitely be fine.

After a wry smile, Lu Zhuo directly summoned the holy dragon sword, which combined human and sword into one, and flew towards Nicholas, the floating island in the south, at full speed.

Before that, Fairy Tail had already dispatched a rescue team of Nazwa Kaba and others. In Lu Zhuo's opinion, it would be fine if these scumbags didn't get involved.

At this time, on the southernmost island, Nicholas, all kinds of beasts are rampant.

There was a roar, and a wingless sub-dragon bit the neck of a giant elephant, biting it a few times, tearing it to pieces, and blood splattered everywhere.

The next moment, a praying mantis that seemed to be magnified a thousand times fell from the sky, and chopped the sub-dragon into pieces with a few clicks.

All kinds of incomparably powerful carnivorous beasts and even monsters are reduced to the food of other monsters here.

There is no strongest, only stronger.

Logically speaking, such powerful monsters would have their own territory, and it was unlikely that such a scene where many powerful monsters would gather on a floating island and fight endlessly.

This is also the reason why this Nicholas was listed as a forbidden area.The monsters like Ulahegu are only weaker ones on Nicholas, and there are more of them.

Even so, hunting it down and obtaining magic power crystals is still an S-level task listed as the highest level, which shows how dangerous Nicholas is.

At this time, on Nicholas, five or six powerful monsters with blood-red eyes were roaring around a silver-white mask, baring their teeth and claws.

Every biting or bombardment would make the silver-white mask tremble, and the light dimmed a bit.

Inside the mask, there are two little girls frantically holding their respective utensils and magic crystals.

"Bastard violent girl, it's all your fault, it's going to be over now!"

"Damn, do you dare to say that this is my fault? If it weren't for your teleportation formation that suddenly went wrong and couldn't teleport us back to the guild, how could this happen!"

Lebby stuffed the magic crystal in her hand into a disk in front of her continuously. The disk was densely packed with magic words, and the light emitted formed the silver-white mask for the outer defense.

"The magic crystal is about to be used up, and it's over!" Lucy took out the last magic crystal, a look of panic flashed across her face.

Looking at the last piece of magic crystal in Lucy's hand, Lebby also showed a helpless look.Without the magic crystal, if the defensive magic circle is broken, even if they use all the magic weapons, they can't be the opponents of the several extremely powerful and ferocious monsters outside, and they will be torn apart and eaten by them in an instant.

Putting the last piece of magic crystal into the magic array disk, Lebby suddenly sighed and said, "Damn it, why does the teleportation array go wrong at this time..."

"Now, I may never see him again." Lucy sat down with a sad look on her little face.

"Yeah, the bastard Lucy hasn't made him fall in love with you yet." Although Leibby still said the same words as the little sister, she couldn't hide the sadness in her expression.

"Aren't you too? Ever since that guy went to the kingdom and kicked the king out of power, I haven't seen him again. I really want to see him again..." Lucy hugged her legs, her voice trembling slightly.

At this time, the roars of the monsters outside became louder and louder, and the silver-white mask lost enough magic power to support it, and began to dim continuously.

Seeing this, Libby suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled Lucy, with misty eyes, forced a smile, and said, "If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have quarreled with you."

Looking at Leibi, Lucy's heart moved, she stretched out her other hand, and the two girls leaned tightly together.

"If I can live, even if I can share him with you, I am willing."


If Lu Zhuo heard this sentence, he would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood, of course, he would spit out blood happily...

At this moment, the silver-white mask finally couldn't hold it anymore, and suddenly broke apart with a crackling sound.

Seeing this, the two girls closed their eyes in despair.

At this moment, there was a roar in the sky, and a stream of light was seen coming from the sky. Before it approached, the sky-reaching sword intent had already crushed it.

In an instant, sword energy shot out, and flesh and blood splattered.

Those monsters that were about to pounce on them were all chopped into meat paste under the strangulation of countless sword qi. Even Lu Zhuo still couldn't let go of his hatred. After flying close, he used the arc of light and darkness to wipe the scum of the flesh and blood There was no scum left, and I took a sigh of relief.

His grandma's, if it's one step later, I can't make me regret it for the rest of my life?

"We're not dead?!"

Lucy and Rebby, when they heard the sound of the monsters roaring in their ears, they stopped abruptly, opened their eyes, and took a look. All the monsters around them disappeared, and their eyes showed surprise.

"Did you do it?" Looking at Lebby, Lucy asked happily, thinking that Lebby had finished the teleportation array.

"No." Leibi's face was full of doubts. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, she raised her head in surprise, and saw Lu Zhuo's figure coming up to them in a golden light. before.

"Lu Zhuo!"

The two girls showed surprise, and after Qi Qi exclaimed, they both threw themselves into Lu Zhuo's arms.

"Really, you did such a dangerous thing. If it weren't for me, you would have almost died!" Lu Zhuo's tone was full of blame, but his face was full of gentleness.

(End of this chapter)

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