Chapter 293 Curse Song
The guild was still extremely noisy, but the return of Lu Zhuo and Lisanna instantly silenced the entire guild, and then burst into exclamations.

"Am I not mistaken? Is that person back?"

"Look, the girl in his arms is..."

When they recognized that Lu Zhuo was holding Lisanna who they thought was dead, their glasses dropped their jaws.

At this time, Lu Zhuo looked straight at Mira who was in the counter, staring blankly at him.

"Hmm... Brother Lu Zhuo... Are we back?" At this moment, Lisanna's eyelashes trembled a few times, and she opened her eyes with a confused look.

" are Lisanna?!" Mira's voice was trembling, her expression became extremely excited, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Is it... Sister Mira? I'm back!" Lisanna blinked her eyes, woke up, jumped out of Lu Zhuo's arms with joy, and threw herself directly into Mira's arms.

Looking at this scene, Lu Zhuo felt a little guilty, as if he was a little sorry for Mira.She disappeared for two years without saying a word, and Mira thought that Lisanna was dead, so she didn't know what kind of blow she had suffered in her heart.

He stepped forward lightly, and seeing the two excited and delighted Mira and Lisanna hugging each other tightly, Lu Zhuo opened his arms and gently embraced them both.

After a long time, Mira finally calmed down, took out her handkerchief, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked at Lisanna, and showed a sweet smile.

"Lisanna...what happened?"

"It's a long story... In short, Brother Lu Zhuo brought me back." Lisanna briefly explained the general situation to make Mira understand.

At this time, Lu Zhuo looked at Mira, with guilt in his eyes, and said, "Mira, I'm sorry... I didn't tell you in advance."

"It's okay, I'm already very happy that you brought Lisanna back." Mira looked at Lu Zhuo, smiled slightly, and took the initiative to give Lu Zhuo a hug.

Seeing that Mira hasn't changed at all in two years and is still so gentle and lovely, Lu Zhuo's heart is full of love, and the two hug each other tightly, as if wanting to integrate her into his body.

Lisanna, who was standing aside, looked at Lu Zhuo and Mira, and suddenly covered her mouth with a snicker, then leaned over to Mira's ear, and said with a smile: "Sister Mira, you big bastard, Brother Lu Zhuo, I hooked up with a lot of women in Edlas."

Lu Zhuo, who had a tender face, was instantly petrified after hearing these words.

Turning his head with a stiff neck, Lu Zhuo glared at Lisanna fiercely, and saw Lisanna stuck out her little tongue mischievously, and then ran to the side.

Lu Zhuo looked at Mira, smiled awkwardly, and said, "That... Mira... actually..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Mira take a few steps back, still smiling, and said softly, "It's okay, I won't be angry..."

The more he looked like this, the more dangerous it felt to Lu Zhuo. Lu Zhuo opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but saw a fork flying towards him.

"Hey, Mira, be merciful!"

Lu Zhuo yelled exaggeratedly, dodged the fork, and then saw Mira holding a plate of forks with a smile, followed by a rain of forks overwhelming the sky.

In the end, Lu Zhuo was nailed to the wall by a bunch of forks, with a pitiful look on his face.Seeing that Mira didn't throw the fork anymore, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone in the guild looked at him with gloating looks, which made Lu Zhuo a little unhappy.

"Hmph, whatever you look at, give me work!"

He didn't dare to get angry with Mira, but he didn't have any scruples about other people. Lu Zhuo let out a roar and glanced over. Wakaba and the others all showed a frightened look, and hurried away in a panic.

Only then did I remember that Lu Zhuo was a more terrifying guy than Ersha, and he must not be provoked.

Seeing that he hadn't come back for two years and Yu Wei was still there, Lu Zhuo nodded in satisfaction, looked at the guild, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and asked, "Naz, Gray, are they all there?"

Now it is 784, the main storyline must have started, but Lu Zhuo doesn't know where the main storyline has come.

"What are you talking about, they went on a mission with Erza. It's really rare. I'm afraid Erza is the only one who can make the two of them live in peace."

Mira seemed to have vented the anger in her heart, still smiling, and began to pack up the lost forks, looking at the forks in her hand, Lu Zhuo always had a feeling of trepidation.

With his current body, even if he didn't use any magic power, he could smash these forks into pieces.But in that case, the situation would be even worse, so when Mira lost the forks, Lu Zhuo had to carefully protect these forks, it was really hard...

Damn Lisanna, I will make sure that you little girl can't get out of bed tomorrow!

He was depressed, but Lu Zhuo also knew that this matter would come out sooner or later, and Lisanna's telling it like a joke might have a much better effect than saying it himself.

"Perform a mission? Perform what mission?"

Seeing that the topic was off topic, Lu Zhuo also directly skipped the matter just now, and quickly asked Mira, he wanted to know where the main storyline had come.

While cleaning up the fork, Mira showed a thoughtful look, and said, "I heard that it is the dark guild Iron Forest, what kind of conspiracy is going on."

"Iron Forest..." Lu Zhuo frowned, his memory was a little fuzzy about what it was.

"Oh, by the way, it seems to be related to a black magic spell song." Mira seemed to think of something again, and after she finished packing the forks, a worried look flashed across her face.

"It's definitely no problem to solve the dark guild, that is... Natsu and Gray plus Erza, it is really possible to tear down a whole town."

The worry on Mira's face instantly turned into a charming smile when she thought of Chairman Makarov's sweaty, dull face.

From Mira's few words, Lu Zhuo finally knew that it was the scene where the curse song Lalabai appeared.

This group of people from the Forest of Iron is also stupid to death. If they can really kill all the presidents of the Guangming Guild with a broken flute, then General Six Demons, Hades and others can buy a piece of tofu crashed.

"What... Mira, are you not angry?" Lu Zhuo asked cautiously, seeing that Mira seemed to be in a calm mood.

"I'm not angry, I've never been angry." Mira looked at Lu Zhuo with a smile, but Lu Zhuo clearly felt a murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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