Chapter 294 Storm Enchantment
"Uh, what, I'm afraid that Nazgray really demolished the town, I'll go and have a look."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lu Zhuo immediately ran away, dodging a pile of forks in an instant, and then disappeared.

Seeing Lu Zhuo's departure, Mira sighed, looking a little lonely suddenly.At this time, Lisanna walked over cautiously, looked at Mira, and smiled mischievously.

"Sister Mira, are you really angry?"

"'s just a little depressed. This bastard must be remembered, otherwise, I'm afraid he will become the second Kildas." Mira showed a helpless look on her face. Seeing this, Lisanna covered her mouth and giggled.

"I knew Sister Mira was the best, so I won't be angry."

"You girl, why do you still seem to support him?"

"How can..."

At this time, Gu Keanu's station was surrounded by a whirlwind of wind.The storm was extremely fierce, giving people a feeling like a whirlpool of blades.

Inside the station.

"Elusha, what should we do!" Miss Lucy looked at Ersha who was frowning tightly, with a flustered look on her face.

"If that Elegor succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Erza stared at the storm barrier in front of her, gritted her teeth, and rushed in.

With a bang, Erza's hard armor shattered in an instant. If Erza hadn't reacted quickly, she might have been directly strangled by the storm barrier!
Even though she retreated in time, Ersha's arm was still dripping with blood.

However, she didn't even look at her injured hand, but gritted her teeth and said, "Damn it! I can't get out!"

"If you can't get out, you have to get out! Look at me!" Seeing this, Natsu gritted his teeth and was about to charge, while Lucy hurriedly grabbed him, unable to complain.

"Don't make trouble..."

Just when a group of people were helpless, a cold voice suddenly came from outside.

Such a powerful storm barrier can't stop that icy voice, as if it is close to the ear.


At the same time as this voice came, a dazzling white light flashed suddenly, and the storm barrier was cut off from the middle!
Lucy Nazgrey watched this scene with her mouth wide open, her face full of shock.

The storm barrier that was cut off from the middle dissipated instantly because it couldn't rotate.

A figure walked slowly from the dust and smoke in the sky, and a touch of surprise suddenly appeared in Ersha's eyes.

" are back!"

When Lu Zhuo's figure appeared in front of them, Naz and Gray were taken aback and retreated in a hurry. They both gave Lu Zhuo a lot of abuse.

"Another monster came..." Happy hid timidly behind Natsu, complaining in a low voice.

The eldest lady at the side had a surprised expression on her face, and said in a trembling voice, "Lu Zhuo..."

Looking at the scene at this time, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't been back for two years because of some things. Lucy, Elder Sister Elusa, are you all right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Zhuo's eyes froze, and a murderous intent shot up into the sky.

It's just an aura, and it brings a feeling comparable to that of the Storm Barrier!
"Eluza...are you injured?"

Seeing Lu Zhuo's sudden burst of aura, Ersha was shocked and couldn't help taking a few steps back. When she heard Lu Zhuo's concerned words, her eyes showed a touch of emotion, and said, "It's okay, it's just a small injury. "

"Come here, let me see."

Lu Zhuo took a step forward, as if crossing the space, and flashed directly in front of Ersha, grabbing Ersha's injured arm involuntarily.

The skin that should have been white and delicate was covered with blood at this time, and the skin and flesh were ripped apart. Seeing Ersha's indifferent appearance, Lu Zhuo's heart ached for her.

"I'm fine, hurry up and chase that Elegor, don't let him use the curse song in the magic meeting!"

"Don't worry, it's in time."

Lu Zhuo spoke lightly, with a domineering and murderous intent in his tone, that Elegor, in his eyes, has already been sentenced to death.

Looking at Ersha's injured arm, Lu Zhuo spoke softly.

"Holy healing!"

A ray of light flew out from his palm, flashed across Ersha's arm in an instant, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Does it still hurt?" Lu Zhuo looked at Ersha with concern, which made Ersha suddenly feel warm and smiled rarely.

"never mind."

However, after a momentary smile, Ersha's face darkened, and she knocked on Lu Zhuo's head fiercely with her other hand, and said, "You bastard, you disappeared for two years at once, knowing that others How worried are you?!"

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo could only give a wry smile, and said, "I'm back, I promise you, I won't leave again."

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo turned his head to look at Lucy, who was very happy, smiled slightly, and said, "You still joined Fairy Tail."

"It's not just to find you..."

The eldest lady couldn't bear it anymore, she threw herself into Lu Zhuo's arms, sobbing softly.

Lu Zhuo had been missing for two years suddenly, she thought that Lu Zhuo had changed his mind and didn't want her anymore, but after questioning Fairy Tail, she found out that Lu Zhuo had actually disappeared.

After Jiude knew that Lu Zhuo was missing, he mobilized a lot of power to search for him, but found nothing in the end.

Thinking that Lu Zhuo might be dead, Jiu De immediately transformed into that ruthless businessman who was willing to sacrifice his daughter's happiness for the sake of status.

In the end, Lucy couldn't stand the endless chatter, refused one marriage after another, ran away from home, and joined Fairy Tail, while firmly believing that she would find Lu Zhuo.

Seeing her again, the joy in her heart can be imagined.

"Okay, there's no time to kiss me, you two, hurry up!"

Elusa finally couldn't bear it any longer. Lu Zhuo knew that it was impossible to kill those presidents with that curse song, but she was extremely anxious in her heart, as if her eyebrows were on fire.

Being able to endure Lu Zhuo's delay for so long is already her limit.

After hearing her words, Lu Zhuo could only let go of the eldest lady in his arms, smiled, and said, "It's okay, look, isn't Naz already gone?"

"Aren't you listening to me?!"

Ersha looked at Lu Zhuo coldly with a straight face, and Lu Zhuo immediately raised his hands in surrender.

On the other side, Natsu had already caught up with Eligor, and the two exchanged hands. Under the protection of Eligor's storm coat, Natsu's fire dragon slayer magic seemed a little weak, and he was constantly rubbed. abuse.

"Erigor, you made that storm barrier, right?" A flat voice suddenly came, but it contained a murderous intent that could freeze people's blood.

"Yes, so what!" Hearing these words, Elegor's heart trembled inexplicably, but his mouth hummed coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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