Chapter 295 Devil?Rubbish!
Seeing that Ersha, Lu Zhuo and others all arrived, Eligore knew that it would be very difficult for him to get rid of it. With a cold face, he suddenly grabbed the cursing song Lalabai.

"Since you are so ignorant, let you taste this powerful group curse-killing magic first!"

Knowing that he could not get rid of the crowd and went to sneak attack the presidents, Elegor looked crazy and started to activate the curse song!
Seeing this, Ersha was taken aback and shouted angrily, "Stop!"

However, her speed was significantly slower, and Elegor used wind magic to float in the air. If she wanted to attack Elegor, she had to switch the armor of the sky wheel, and it must be too late.

At the same time, Natsu's roar blew on Eligor's windbreaker, but it had no effect at all.

Just when Elegor grinned ferociously, as if he had seen the scene where everyone died in pain under the magic of the curse song, his eyes blurred, and his whole body felt dizzy in an instant.

With a loud noise, I saw Elrigor's whole body directly smashed on the railway, and his chest was firmly stepped on by a big foot.

Elegor looked at Lu Zhuo with a horrified expression, and said in a trembling voice, "Who are you? My windbreaker has no effect?!"

Lu Zhuo looked at Elegor coldly, and said coldly: "Storm coat? What rubbish move, what curse song you want to play, I don't care. If you want to kill those presidents, go ahead and kill them, but... you How dare you hurt Erza..."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo snorted coldly with a murderous look on his face.

This cold snort sounded to Elegor, as if his head had turned into a big drum, and then he was slammed with a hammer.

Stars stared at the whole person, and ringing in ears.

The next moment, the seven orifices bleed, and when his head tilted, he died.

"Do you think it's over after you die? I want you to regret coming to this world!"

Seeing that he was dead, Lu Zhuo raised his head coldly, and his eyes directly saw Eligore's soul, which no one else could see.The illusory soul body looked at Lu Zhuo with disbelief.

Elegor couldn't even believe that he just died like this? !
However, death had just begun, and when his soul was about to soar into the sky and escape into reincarnation, Lu Zhuo flicked his fingers, and a sword light shot directly into his soul.


There was a miserable scream that no one could hear except Lu Zhuo.Lu Zhuo's sword directly uses the power of the source, even if it is the soul, it can cause 100% damage!

After that, Lu Zhuo still couldn't let go of his hatred, and punched hard again, smashing the space directly.Eligore's soul was directly blasted into hell, and he was tormented by Lu Zhuo's indestructible sword intent all the time.

After doing this, Lu Zhuocai snorted again, venting the anger in his heart.

For the current Lu Zhuo, as long as they are his women, or the women he believes in, they are his reverse scales. Anyone who dares to hurt them, even a hair, will destroy him physically and mentally!
From Lu Zhuo's sudden attack, directly killing Eligore in seconds, it was a matter of an instant.

Naz and Gray stared at Lu Zhuo with disbelieving eyes, and then they looked at each other again...

Is this the end? !
Ersha was the first to react. Looking at Lu Zhuo, she said intently: "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

"By the way, where's the flute?" At this moment, Lucy suddenly asked in a low voice, which made Erza's expression change.

The black magic of curse song is too biased towards killing, so it must be sealed again.

Just when she was thinking this way, the weird-looking flute that Elegor was still holding in his hand suddenly let out a wild laugh, and said, "It's such a delicious power! If my uncle swallows you, I'm afraid it will You can become the most powerful demon!"

Only a bang was heard, and the curse song broke the seal by itself, releasing an extremely huge tree-shaped demon!

not good!

Seeing this shocking change, Ersha yelled angrily, "Be careful!"

At the same time, in the regular magic meeting in the distance, all the presidents' expressions changed and they looked at each other.

Makarov jumped up all of a sudden, and said with an extremely solemn expression: "This is... the breath of the devil!"

"Go, go out and see!"

A group of presidents attacked quickly, and saw outside, on the railway near here, a huge tree-shaped demon laughed wildly, with an extremely evil aura all over its body.

The devil's two tree-like eyes stared at Lu Zhuo firmly, and laughed wildly: "Your strength is very good, honestly, be swallowed up by me!"

Saying these words, in return Lu Zhuo looked like an idiot.

"It's so stupid, how could Jeff create such an idiot devil like you!"

Lu Zhuo is really worried about its IQ. The power he used just now is the power of the source, and the level of power is far higher than its demon power. Therefore, if it can really swallow Lu Zhuo's power, of course There will be hope to be the strongest demon.

But the problem is, this idiot doesn't even think about it, will people who can use power far stronger than it be swallowed by it?

The devil didn't care about these things, he slapped his huge slap over with a wild laugh, as if he wanted to crush Lu Zhuo to death and eat him in one bite.

"Lu Zhuo be careful!"

Lucy on the side looked at Lu Zhuo standing there as if he didn't see him, and he didn't dodge or evade, and exclaimed.

"Don't worry, he can deal with it." Erza stood beside Lucy, her eyes were sharp, and she held a long sword tightly in her hand, staring at the demon coldly, ready to strike at any time.

Of course, with Lu Zhuo here, there was no need for them to act.However, Lu Zhuo's next actions made Ersha very surprised, and secretly said that she is really a monster like brother.

I saw Lu Zhuo raised his hand that was far out of proportion to the devil, and went directly to meet it.

The moment his palm came into contact with the demon, he saw that Lu Zhuo's body was motionless, but directly lifted the demon up!
That's right!Just lift it up!
The guild leaders who watched this scene were shocked.

"Who is that guy?"

"It's such a powerful force. I didn't feel that he used any magic power. Could it be that the body alone has this power?!"

The several presidents talked a lot, and when Makarov saw Lu Zhuo's familiar figure, he smiled slightly, and said to himself: I knew that your kid would definitely come back safely. It's not an easy task for us, right? A council that's worse than bullshit...

On the other side, Natsu and Gray were both dumbfounded, watching Lu Zhuo lift the demon, and threw it into the sky with a flick of his hand.

Then, with a light leap, Lu Zhuo came to the sky, stepped on the demon with one foot and returned to the ground again.

There was a loud noise, and a large pit appeared directly on the ground, followed by screams of demons.

(End of this chapter)

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