Chapter 296 Sandbags
"Wow, it's my uncle at the same time! Brat, you've angered me, I'm a devil!"

"Garbage." Regarding this, Lu Zhuo just glanced at it with disdain, and then treated it like a sandbag, punching it one after another.

The sound of bang bang bang kept coming, Natsu and Gray's jaws were about to drop, and they saw the huge demon, who was beaten by Lu Zhuo forcibly and gained weight again!
"Stop it! My uncle is convinced!"

"Hey, have mercy! I don't dare to be arrogant anymore!"

When Lu Zhuo punched to the flesh, and he couldn't avoid it no matter what, and could only be beaten forcefully, Lalabai, a fool like demon, finally knew that he was a high-level sandbag in Lu Zhuo's hands, and hurriedly begged for mercy .

However, Lu Zhuo was on the rise at this time. This feeling was much better than instant killing with a sword or using magic. It had been a long time since Lu Zhuo had used his physical power to his fullest.

Although his avatar has hardly exercised his physical body, as long as he has the original power, his body will naturally reach a non-human strength under the nourishment of the original power.

Just like in the story of Sirius Island, Natsu has S-level strength, and even the tyrannical body of a dragon slayer. He punched Jeff in the face, and there was not even a trace of Jeff's face.

In the end, under Lu Zhuo's fat beating, the demon was forced to make sandbags for a long time, and finally died.

Lucy, who was watching this scene, was already stunned. When she saw Lu Zhuo clapping her hands and turning back to smile at her, Lucy couldn't help but trembled, and complained in her heart.

Is there any mistake, this guy Lu Zhuo is so violent... He looks scarier than Erza...

Lu Zhuo didn't know that his behavior had scared Lucy, so he smiled at her kindly, and then looked at Ersha who came forward.

"You guy, where have you been in the past two years? Why does it seem that you have become stronger again?" Ersha looked at Lu Zhuo with weird eyes, and walked around Lu Zhuo a few times, her gaze seemed to want to slice Lu Zhuo up for study Same, let Lu Zhuo shudder.

"Ehhaha, no matter how strong I become, I have to raise my hands and surrender if Elder sister Ersha says a word." After a haha, Lu Zhuo rubbed his head and looked at Ersha.

"Spoof!" After Elusha gave him a white look, she walked up to the demon who was brutally beaten to death by Lu Zhuo.

Because it was beaten to death by physical strength, the demon's body did not disappear, but the demon power in its body dissipated in the world when it died.

"This is... one of the demons in the Book of Zeref, Lalabai."

The presidents who had been watching from a distance came over one after another when they saw that the battle was over.

Makarov kept nodding as he listened to Erusa's detailed story.

Joseph, the leader of the ruler of the ghosts, sneered and said, "These dark guilds are a bit too rampant, and they want to deal with us with this thing?"

"That's right, these minions of the dark guild, it's not enough for our guild to bite their teeth!"

Hearing the words of the guild leaders behind him, Makarov turned around, his expression turned cold, and he said, "Don't underestimate them! The Dark Guild has established the Baram Alliance, and sooner or later they will make some big moves. We all have to be careful!"

"Makarov was right."

A group of guild leaders, the topic shifted to the Baram Alliance, and immediately began to talk, and it seemed that they could chat for at least a long time.

Seeing this, Erza sighed and said, "Let's go back."


Lu Zhuo didn't want to listen to these guild leaders discussing how to deal with the dark guild here, he just wanted to be able to accompany the eldest lady and Ersha quietly and have a good time.

Before leaving, Lu Zhuo looked at the back of Joseph, the leader of the ghosts, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Joseph seemed to be a little sensitive, and felt a chill in his heart. When he looked back, he saw that Lu Zhuo and others had gone away. He felt a little strange, but he didn't take it to heart.

Sitting on the magic four-wheel drive, Lucy relished listening to Lu Zhuo telling stories about what happened in Aedlas.

Lu Zhuo still concealed his true background, after all, this matter is still relatively important, and it is also related to the relationship between him and Ersha's siblings.More importantly, Lu Zhuo had had enough of the feeling that everyone was worshiping gods in Aedlas.

If you want to say that other people are like that, that’s fine, but even the little sister Lucy and Leibby and other girls are like that, Lu Zhuo feels a little bit pained, but after a long time of transformation, they don’t let them use that kind of slightly awe-inspiring expression. look at him.

Therefore, when he returned to Escalante, he sealed Lisanna's memory about his origin, leaving only the memory that he was very strong in Edras and became a god-like existence.

In this case, it will be much better.

After hearing that there is no magic power in the human body of Aedlas, only using magic props, and Lu Zhuo is invincible there, Lucy felt that it was a very magical experience, and even provided her with a new novel theme .

Especially after knowing that the self over there is a very violent girl like Erza, Lucy's eyes are a little weird.

In the end, Lu Zhuo accidentally leaked his words. In fact, even if he didn't, Lisanna would probably tell him all about it after returning to the guild.

After knowing that Lucy over there is already Lu Zhuo's woman, the eldest lady suddenly felt that she was going to explode.

The most terrible thing is that Ersha tilted her head, smiled at Lu Zhuo with a deep smile, and asked how she was doing over there, and Lu Zhuo whispered that something was wrong.

It's not good to say it, if you don't say it, after you go back, that little girl Lisanna will definitely show it to him.

"Ahaha, what is that..."

After hesitating for a while, Lu Zhuo obediently confessed under Ersha's murderous eyes.Even if she doesn't say it, Ersha can guess, since Lu Zhuo is a god over there, and he gave Lucy over there, then the self over there can escape Lu Zhuo's clutches.

"Hehe, you did a good job." Ersha looked at Lu Zhuo and suddenly smiled.

Looking at this scene, Happy turned around obediently, and rushed out with Natsu who was suffering from motion sickness.

Gray watched this scene, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Um, well, I seem to have something to do, you guys talk first, and I'll catch up later."

After all, he also jumped out of the car.

Then there was Lucy, looking at Erza who suddenly showed the same smiling expression as Mira, Lucy felt a shocking murderous aura spreading, and couldn't help trembling all over.

"That... I have something to do too..." Before finishing speaking, Lucy also jumped out of the car.

Everyone left, only Lu Zhuo and Ai Lusha were left in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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