Chapter 297 Erza's Love

Lu Zhuo didn't dare to take a breath when he saw Elusa who became like Mira at this time, but felt like the most ferocious demon in hell to him.

For Erza Netwaka, he dared to shamelessly use force or something, but for Erza, Shukalet's real sister, he felt a sense of restraint.

Erza's smile seemed to be the prelude to the storm, and just when Lu Zhuo was ready to face the storm, he heard Erza speak suddenly.

"So be it."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and continued to drive the magic four-wheel drive.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo was stunned for a moment.

What's the situation?Is it as simple as that?impossible!She is Erza!

"Ahem, are you okay?" Seeing that Erusa didn't speak, Lu Zhuo could only bite the bullet, leaned over, and asked cautiously.

Ersha asked casually, and she returned to her usual appearance: "What can I do?"

"Uh, that, sister Ersha..." Lu Zhuo froze, then rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, and continued.

Before he finished speaking, Erusa interrupted him directly, glanced at him, and said, "Oh? You still know that I'm a sister..."

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo immediately shut his mouth obediently.

Lucy Gray and the others who had been running behind to catch up, noticed that there seemed to be no movement in the car, and came closer again. When they met Erza's eyes, they immediately retreated obediently to a hundred meters away.

"Oh, I'm fine." As if feeling that the atmosphere was not right, Erza sighed and said softly, "It has nothing to do with me over there."

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo, who had been trembling all this time, finally breathed a sigh of relief.But he didn't open his mouth to speak, just sat quietly beside Erza.

Silent all the way.

Only Elusha knows that now her heart is in a mess.

Maybe Lu Zhuo didn't even realize that when Lu Zhuo helped her heal the injury on her arm, and without hesitation, he shot for her and crushed Elegor, her heart was touched.

Beneath the strong exterior lies a fragile heart.

Two years passed by in a hurry. Although Elusa's strength has increased, her personality has become more stable, and her appearance has become stronger, her heart is more and more longing to be protected by others.

No matter how strong and tough she is, her essence is a girl, an ordinary girl.

In fact, Lu Zhuo's figure has been deeply imprinted in her heart as early as a few years ago, when she was in the Tower of Paradise.

It's just that she didn't want herself to face it, because she was also very confused, whether she and Lu Zhuo were siblings
That's why she let Lu Zhuo take the initiative, and even told Lu Zhuo to chase her when she was at Lucy's house.She was also thinking about what it would be like to ask Lu Zhuo to knock on that door and see what was going on in her heart.

Of course, Lu Zhuo didn't understand these complex psychology at all.

Although Lu Zhuo has the ability to directly probe Ersha's heart, Lu Zhuo is unwilling to do so.All the way back to Fairy Tail, Nazgray and others have been hanging behind. Since there is no urgent situation, Erza is also driving very slowly, and they can all keep up.

After returning to the guild and seeing that Lu Zhuo and Erza looked normal and nothing happened, Natsu and Gray couldn't help staring.

The thoughts in their hearts were exactly the same, and in the end, Hubby stood between the two of them and spit it out.

"We don't understand the world of monsters..."

Fortunately, it was said far away, and neither Lu Zhuo nor Ersha heard it, otherwise, they would probably be able to eat cat meat at night.

Miss Lucy also looked at Lu Zhuo and Ersha with a confused face, and murmured: "It's really strange that nothing happened. Is this Ersha?"

Speaking of this, she thought of Lu Zhuo's words again, and when she thought of what Lu Zhuo gave to herself over there, she blushed and her cheeks became hot, as if she had a fever.

"Bastard Lu Zhuo, he actually gave me over there... Really, if he wants to give me like that, what should I do?"

Just as the young miss kept doing all kinds of strange fantasies, Lu Zhuo and Ersha had already walked into the guild.Oncoming was Mira who was holding a plate, showing a sweet smile at them.

"Welcome back, has the matter been resolved?"

"It's been resolved." Erza said lightly.

"That's good... Lu Zhuo, can you come with me?" After Ersha finished speaking, Mira smiled slightly and turned her gaze to Lu Zhuo.

Under such circumstances, how could Lu Zhuo not go, and there was no reason not to go.

The mountains of swords and seas of fire have to be broken!Mira, you can kill or cut whatever you want!

In the end, Lu Zhuo nodded cleanly, and followed Mira like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.Mira took Lu Zhuo all the way directly into her home.

Mira closed the door heavily, and then turned directly into the form of Satan's soul.

Because of Lu Zhuo's disappearance and Lisanna's 'death', she lost her strength, but after Lu Zhuo returned with Lisanna, her strength was immediately restored.

"I heard you gave me over there?"

It was straight to the point when he came up, and the scene of Lisanna sticking out her tongue mischievously at him immediately appeared in Lu Zhuo's mind.

Forget it, anyway, this will be exposed sooner or later...


Lu Zhuo replied weakly, his steps were weak, and he sat down at the table slowly, picked up a bottle of wine on the table, sniffed it, and found that it was not wine, so he threw it aside.

"Hmph, are you planning to give me to that too?" Mira, who had transformed into the soul of Satan, had an evil smell in her every move.

In this form, she is actually much scarier than Erza.

In comparison, Mira in Aedlas does not have this form, only pure kindness and cuteness.

Of course, if Lu Zhuo were to say it, the two should be on par.In Lu Zhuo's eyes, Mira with this devil form is even cuter.

That's at other times, though.

Now, Lu Zhuo doesn't think this form is so good.

Laughing awkwardly, Lu Zhuo glanced around and saw that Mira's house was very clean and tidy, and said, "Mira, your house is very beautiful."

"Don't change the subject, do you have that kind of thoughts about me?" Mira looked evil, pulled out a chair, sat directly on it, crossed her legs, and looked like a bad girl.

"Ahem... that... Yes! If you don't, you must be a normal man!" Finally, Lu Zhuo gritted his teeth and said directly.

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo obviously felt Mira's evil eyes swept over him, especially glanced at his crotch, which made his balls feel cold, and his heart felt cold.

(End of this chapter)

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