Chapter 298 Council Division

In the morning, the sun was shining brightly. When Lu Zhuo woke up, he saw himself lying on the big snow-white bed alone, but he could still feel the slight residual warmth around him.

Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, stood up, tidied his clothes, and came to the guild with a flash.

As soon as he entered the guild, Lu Zhuo saw a scene that he felt somewhat familiar with.

I saw a miniature fire dragon, or something like a lizard, locked in a glass cover, struggling crazily.

"Let go! Let me out!"

Seeing that Makarov, Mira and others on the side were not very good-looking, Lu Zhuo looked cold, then walked to the side and asked, "Did something happen?"

Mira sighed, and said, "Because yesterday's battle caused huge damage to the station and the railway, the council took Erza away..."

What? !

Lu Zhuo's face darkened, only then did he realize that there was indeed such a plot.

"Magic Council...huh!"

With a sneer, Lu Zhuo turned around and left. Anyway, the will of the world is currently in a state of heavy damage. He can do whatever he wants, without any restrictions at all. Who told the council not to arrest others, but why did it arrest Elusa?

"Lu Zhuo! Don't do this, it will get worse and worse!" Mira saw Lu Zhuo's movements, and immediately understood what Lu Zhuo meant, and hurriedly stopped him.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo sneered and said, "Don't worry, I'm not Naz. Besides, didn't you stop even Naz?"

"Huh?!" Mira froze for a moment, then turned to look at the lizard that was locked in a glass enclosure and was making a fuss.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words at this time, the lizard stopped moving, showed a humane and sorry expression, and scratched its head with its claws.


Makarov's old face darkened, and he took the glass cover. Sure enough, it wasn't Natsu who was locked inside, but Makao, who turned into Natsu by receiving magic, and then turned into a lizard.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Quick! Hurry up and get Natsu back!" Makarov was furious. Originally, this arrest and trial might just be a formality. If Natsu went to mess around, things might get messed up. worse.

Mira smiled wryly, a black line appeared on her forehead, and said, "Really, without a worry-free guy, who can catch Naz back? Besides, at this time, Naz may have already arrived at the Council."

Speaking of this, Mira looked at Lu Zhuo helplessly, and said: "This trial is just a formality. As long as you don't mess around, Erza will be fine. Now only you can catch up with Naz and take him away." Come back."

Hearing Mira's words, Lu Zhuo smiled lightly and said, "I'll take care of it."

After finishing speaking, he didn't stay any longer, turned into a golden light and rushed out of the guild with a flash.

The Magic Council, the branch of the Fiore Kingdom, is ready for the trial, and the members and the speaker have entered the venue.

Outside, Ersha's hands were chained and led by the frogman, and she walked towards the meeting place with a calm expression.At this moment, her eyes caught a glimpse of a figure, her face changed suddenly, and cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Long time no see, Erza, Shukalette..."

"Zeke... Rain!"

Erza didn't know that Qi Kelein in front of her was Gerald's clone, and she was always deceived by Gerald, thinking that Qi Kelein was Gerald's twin brother.

"How will you be here?!"

Looking at Chiklein, Erza said coldly, although her hands were bound by iron chains, a fierce aura erupted from her whole body, and the true colors of the Fairy Queen could be seen clearly.

"Hey, don't be nervous. I'm just missing the body. The main body is in the headquarters of the council. The same is true for those old guys inside. They won't go out for such a trivial matter." Ziklein showed an evil smile, Stepping towards Erza.

Erza gritted her teeth, and stared at Qi Kelein coldly.

At this moment, a voice with killing intent condensed into a thread, directly resounding in Qi Kelein's mind.

"Touch her once, and you will die!"

Hearing this voice, Qi Kelein's face changed drastically, and he took a few steps back in shock.

This voice is...

Before he could think about it, another cold snort exploded in his mind, directly exploding his missing body into a ball of light!
"What happened?!"

Erza stared dumbfounded at the Zikrein's thought body that suddenly backed away in horror and then collapsed directly, and the frogman beside him also looked at a loss.

Afterwards, the ball of light slowly recovered and turned into Zekelein's figure again, but this time it was slightly dim and transparent, and it could be seen at a glance that it was the missing body.

His eyes were gloomy and cold, he had already thought of who said it, he stopped looking at Ersha, and he stopped talking, turned around and walked into the meeting place, with a serious expression on his face, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Erza and the frogman showed a look of confusion, and then walked into the venue together.

At this moment, there was a slight wave in the space behind Ersha, as if ripples were spotted on the calm water surface, but it disappeared in an instant.

Lu Zhuo's figure flashed past and entered the venue swaggeringly, but no one could see him.

Rubbing his chin, Lu Zhuo looked at Qi Kelein's back and sneered. If he didn't want to use him to completely cut off the only trace of distracting thoughts in Ersha's heart, Lu Zhuo might have killed him with a single sword just now. Lost.

"The trial begins! Erza, Shukalet, please go to the presentation table!"

The frogman looked at the manuscript and spoke calmly.

At this time, the speaker was sitting at the top, and below were the members of Qi Kelein and others, and further down were the chiefs of the council branch, as well as some members of the Fiore royal family, serving as the jury.

"Defendant Erza, Shukalet, regarding the terrorist incident of the Dark Guild Iron Forest a few days ago. You are suspected of destroying the Onibas Station, damaging the Lucica Iron Bridge... and other acts of sabotage. According to eyewitnesses It is said that it is a female wizard wearing armor..."

Speaking of this, the chairman's expression was cold, and he was about to continue talking when he heard a loud noise in front of him.


The wall behind Erza was hit violently, and a big hole was directly shattered!
"What's going on!" The speaker yelled angrily, and the other members were slightly surprised.Lu Zhuo was standing behind Ersha, but no one could see him. He also smiled when he saw this scene.

I saw Natsu wearing an armor that was almost exactly the same as Erza's, and a crimson wig that he got from somewhere, with flames spouting from his mouth, grinning and showing his teeth and claws.

"I am the armor mage! Come and catch me!"

Naz laughed wildly, spewing fire everywhere, and directly wreaked havoc in the parliament.The congressmen in front were stunned when they saw this scene, their jaws almost fell to the ground and broke.

(End of this chapter)

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