Chapter 299

Erza also turned around in a daze, with black lines on her face, and recognized Natsu at a glance.Other than him, it's hard to think of a second person who would directly make a fuss about the Council.

"Hey, I'm Erza! What are you talking about?" Natsu rushed over swaggeringly, with an arrogant look on his face.

Building, Erza sighed, showing a helpless wry smile.

In the entire venue, except for Natsu's roar and the sound of the building collapsing, there was silence.

Seeing this, Natsu also stopped moving, and then there was a deathly silence...

Finally, the speaker's angry roar broke the silence. "Catch these two people and put them in jail!"

"Hehe, I see which one of you dares to move?"

A faint voice came after the chairman's order, and the guards froze for a moment, feeling an irresistible pressure on them, everyone was sweating on their foreheads, and retreated vigorously. The weapon in his hand fell to the ground unsteadily.

"Lu Zhuo?! Why are you here!"

When Ersha heard Lu Zhuo's voice, she reacted instantly. Only then did she see Lu Zhuo's figure standing beside her.

"Natsu is here, why am I not here?"

Lu Zhuo smiled faintly, walked to Ersha's side, and patted her shoulder lightly, warming her heart, but there was a stern look on her face.

"You can't mess around here!"

"Nonsense? Hehe, I'm sorry, they want to arrest you, they have to ask me if I agree!" Lu Zhuo spread his hands, smiled slightly, and then walked up to Ersha, with cold eyes in his eyes. MPs ahead.

Urrutia saw an extra person in the field suddenly, but he didn't notice it. After being taken aback, he immediately recognized Lu Zhuo.

As if she had thought of something, her face showed a bit of embarrassment, and she glared at Lu Zhuo with her beautiful eyes.

When Lu Zhuo's gaze saw her, he changed a little, revealing a playful smile.

At this time, the speaker stood up angrily, slapped the table, and shouted: "Are you trying to fight against the council?!"

The congressmen were also furious, and shouted: "Such lawless mages, arrest them quickly!" They were pampered all day long, and when others saw them, they were submissive. No one would dare to be so presumptuous.

Qi Kelein was caught in the middle, with a dangerous look in his eyes, erratic.His strength is very strong, with only one mind body, he has the power of the ten holy magic guides. After the mind body and body are integrated, his power is even comparable to the peak of the holy ten kings like the Four Heavenly Kings.

This kind of strength is so fragile in front of Lu Zhuo. Lu Zhuo's cold snort shattered the body of thought, and now Lu Zhuo is hiding in front of him for a long time without realizing it.The fear of Lu Zhuo in his heart has risen to the maximum.There is even a faint feeling that Lu Zhuo's strength may have reached the level of Jeff!

However, this thought just flashed in his mind, Jeref is the greatest black mage, how could Lu Zhuo compare to the great Jeref, he must have felt wrong.

Thinking of this, Qi Kelein stared at Lu Zhuo coldly, with a cold smile on his face.

In his opinion, no matter how strong Lu Zhuo is, if he wants to confront the council head-on like this, he is courting death.If he can kill Lu Zhuo, the person he fears the most, his plan can be carried out very smoothly.

"Fight against the council? No, no, no, it's impossible for me to fight against the council."

Lu Zhuo smiled faintly when he saw the angry congressmen and the speaker.

Urrutia watched this scene, a playful expression flashed across his face, and said: "But you dare to make a big fuss at the council branch, you are already confronting the council."

Lu Zhuo looked at Urrutia with a playful smile on his face, and scanned her body a few times presumptuously.

Immediately, Urrutia felt that Lu Zhuo had seen her whole body thoroughly, her delicate body trembled, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on her face.

"Urrutia, you misunderstood what I mean...I mean, what qualifications does the Council... fight against me?!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the entire council branch fell silent.

Even Erza and Naz behind Lu Zhuo looked dull.

No matter how lawless Naz is, he will never dare to say such a thing!The council has stood in the magical world for nearly 400 years, and once led humans to defeat the dragons. Even if it was because of the black dragon Akunologia, it also shows the strength of humans.

400 years later, even though most of the strongest among human beings have disappeared in the long river of time, only the holy Jeref survived, but such a huge organization, even if it is rotten to the bone, its cards are almost endless of.

For example, the 'Fez' in the back that can eliminate the magic power of the whole world, this kind of thing is just one of countless cards.

Wanting to rely on one person's strength to fight against the entire council, in their view, is simply a joke, so, in their view, Lu Zhuo, a mage, is crazy and boundless!They don't even pay attention to the council!

There was also a look of shock in Urutia's beautiful eyes, what did Lu Zhuo say!Even her president, Hades, would never dare to say that!

Are you brave... or do you really have that kind of strength?Urutia looked at Lu Zhuo and stopped talking, her eyes showed a look of obsession. Lu Zhuo's domineering and imposing manner were once again deeply imprinted in her heart.



"court death!"

The MPs who finally came to their senses shouted angrily.

The speaker stood up, pointed at Lu Zhuo, trembling with anger, and said, " magician, you are lawless! Come, arrest me!"

"Catch me?"

Lu Zhuo's expression was still calm just now, but the next moment he became extremely serious. He raised his foot coldly and stood forward. The magic power all over his body burst out with a monstrous power in an instant, and crushed him directly forward. .

The surrounding walls, tables and chairs all made a crackling sound under his aura, and then completely collapsed.Those soldiers who wanted to come up to arrest him were stunned by him, and they fell into a coma!
This power...

The faces of the speaker and members of the council changed drastically. Lu Zhuo didn't use his original power, but only used the magic power of the Arc of Light and Darkness. That pseudo-abyss-level power had already made them feel horrified.

At the same time, in the council headquarters, the device monitoring the entire continent made beeping sounds, triggering the top-level red alarm, second only to the highest-level black alarm.

The red alert corresponds to the strength of pseudo-abyss-level magic power on the main road!
(End of this chapter)

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