Chapter 300 Destroy the Council Branch!

"My God, how is it possible!" A group of staff rushed in with disbelief on their faces.

Those of them who are dozens of years old have seen the most powerful wave of magic power, which is the peak of the Holy Ten of the Four Heavenly Kings.And now, the magical power of Lu Zhuo's Arc of Light and Darkness has reached the pinnacle of the false abyss!
Looking at the magic recording device in front of them, it made a crackling sound, the number on it reached the limit of 9999, and the alarm sounded continuously, and they stood there sluggishly, not knowing what to do.

"Boy, you are very strong! You can have such a powerful force at such a young age... But, you can't fight against the council! If you can admit your mistakes and join the council, you can forget all the blame and give you the Holy Spirit! The most glorious identity of the top ten wizards!"

Feeling the unprecedented powerful power of Lu Zhuo, the chairman's face changed drastically, and his tone changed, and he was not as tough as before.

But Lu Zhuo just gave him a cold look and said, "Get lost!"

Lu Zhuo didn't have the slightest liking for this power-obsessed speaker who was still dreaming of recruiting him, and even later directly betrayed him to the gate of Hades.


The speaker's expression froze, and he gritted his teeth. Although it was a thought body, it was no different from the main body, and a ferocious look with blue veins appeared on his face.

"Boy, the council is not something you can fight against! No matter how powerful you are! Do you know that if you fight against the council, not only will you be smashed to pieces, but even your guild will be completely wiped out!"

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo's expression suddenly became calm from cold.

Anyone who is particularly familiar with him would know that Lu Zhuo in this calm state is the scariest, because...he has murderous intent!
"I... hate other people's threats the most!"

Looking at the speaker coldly, Lu Zhuo's aura, after a slight retreat, erupted again!
This time, it was much more violent than the previous one, and it directly crushed on the body of the speaker and members of the assembly!In order not to treat them differently, Lu Zhuo didn't even let Urrutia go this time.

Lu Zhuo's body was motionless, but the ground under his feet seemed to be suppressed by a mighty force, cracked inch by inch, spreading in all directions like a spider's web.

The entire hall was completely shattered. Except for Erza and Naz behind Lu Zhuo, all the missing bodies burst, and everyone was blasted out by this momentum.

Afterwards, the entire council branch completely collapsed under Lu Zhuo's anger!

In comparison, the sabotage that Naz did just now is like a child's play house.

The thought bodies of several congressmen and the speaker were directly crushed by his aura and burst, turning into magic light balls.Naz and Erza behind Lu Zhuo, although Lu Zhuo deliberately avoided them, they could also feel the ethereal air that pierced the sky, as if they were facing the starry sky!

In the distance, in the council headquarters, the speaker's face turned pale, and angry roars passed through his room.

"Damn it, he really dares to..."

The other councilors also grunted. Lu Zhuo's power, through his mind body, also directly shocked them, making them all look horrified.

"How could that person be so strong? Who is he?!"

"Damn it, hurry up and start the headquarters meeting!"

Urrutia was sitting in her room, her missing body was destroyed, but she didn't suffer any harm. Of course, this was due to Lu Zhuo's deliberate protection, and also due to the effect of the arc of time she practiced.

Not in a hurry, she gently picked up the cup on the table, took a sip of tea slowly, and showed a charming smile.

"Lu Zhuo... is really a domineering man."

Not to mention the Council Headquarters, which is completely in chaos at the moment, let’s talk about the council branch. Erza, who was stunned by Lu Zhuo’s contempt for the Council just now, after the council branch was completely destroyed by Lu Zhuo , just reacted.

"Lu Zhuo! Do you know what you are doing?!"

Ersha looked at Lu Zhuo with an angry look on her face, because this was not just about Lu Zhuo alone, it would definitely involve the entire Fairy Tail guild.

Looking at Ersha, the coldness on Lu Zhuo's face subsided, and he showed a gentle smile, "Of course I know what I'm doing, they want to arrest you, I won't let them..."

"But... You idiot, do you know that this is just a formality?!" Erza looked at the headache, looked at the ruins of the entire council branch, and sighed softly.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo walked gently in front of Ersha.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo was just half a head taller than Elusha. He gently stretched out his hand, wrapped around Elusha's neck, and let Elusha's head rest on his chest.

"Even if it's just a formality, I... won't allow it!"

The flat voice, with an extremely domineering meaning, was heard in Ersha's ears, but it was stronger than thousands of gentle love words.It directly shattered her strong shell and pointed directly at her heart...

"Lu Zhuo, you... Forget it, let's think about how to deal with the council next." Erza took a slight step back, with a touch of emotion in her eyes, and couldn't help but sigh.

Seeing this, Naz laughed loudly, and said, "Lu Zhuo, good job! Hahaha, I'm not afraid of these scumbags from the council! If you dare to come again, I'll beat them..."


With an uppercut, Erza sent Natsu flying, showing an unbearable expression.She was depressed right now, and she didn't want to beat Lu Zhuo. It's no wonder she didn't make a move when Naz came forward to get beaten.


Natsu flew out with a scream, foaming at the mouth, rolling his eyes, and fell into the ruins of the Council branch beside him.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing in his heart.Of course, his expression remained unchanged on the surface, and he said, "Don't worry, the council is rotten to the core now, and it's hard to protect itself. It's absolutely incapable of doing anything to our guild."

There is nothing wrong with what he said. A place like the Magic Council has been infiltrated so deeply by the Dark Guild. The most terrible thing is that Urrutia and Gerald can even get mixed up with the councilors. This status shows how scumbag the council has become.

Even after the two collapses, the chairman of the Council directly took refuge in the Dark Guild's Gate of Hades, which is simply ridiculous!

"But... after all, it is the council that maintains the order of the entire magical world. If you are so reckless, what if you are expelled from the Guild of Light by them?" Erza still had a worried look on her face.

Lu Zhuo sneered and said, "Don't worry, they don't dare. Knowing my strength, they won't dig my own grave to expel me, let alone deal with our guild. A Baram alliance is enough for them I have a headache, expelling me at this time is courting death. Just watch, in a few days, the badge and coat of the Ten Great Sorcerers will be delivered to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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