Chapter 301 The Holy Magician Lu Zhuo

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Elusa was the only one who thought about it, her expression relaxed, and she said, "According to your analysis, it does make sense, but just giving you the position of the Ten Great Sorcerers... is really a bit... ..."

"Hehe, if my predictions are correct, it's too late for them to curry favor with me, a new and powerful mage. The Holy Ten Magisters, which are just honorary titles, must be the first choice to win me over."

Touching his chin, Lu Zhuo showed a confident smile on his face.

Although after gaining strength, he seldom thinks about such things as conspiracies and tricks.But if you think about it once in a while, your mind won't turn into that kind of powerful, idiot-minded character in some novels.

Gazing at Lu Zhuo with weird eyes, Erusa came over, touched Lu Zhuo's forehead, and said, "I never thought you, you have a little brain..."

I'm dizzy!

Lu Zhuo's expression froze, with black lines all over his head.What are these words, as if I have been out of my mind all the time.

"However, your strength has indeed increased a lot, far surpassing your sister." Ersha looked at Lu Zhuo, and suddenly couldn't help sighing, with a sense of loneliness in her voice.

The queen, who has always been a competitive goblin, was naturally a little bit disappointed when she saw that her younger brother had surpassed her by far.

Looking at Ersha's gaze, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, and said softly: "You can protect my elder sister Ersha only if you are strong..."

After hearing these words, Ersha's heart was touched again, her pretty face suddenly flushed slightly, and Lu Zhuo was stunned.

Erza at this time is really beautiful.

However, this expression still only flashed by, and Erusa regained her confident expression, and hummed to Lu Zhuo: "I will not be compared by my brother!"

The current Erza is only the power of the peak S-level. In the normal plot, it should be after the guild civil war that she has super-S-level power. Seven years after Sirius Island, she has the power of the Holy Ten.

But now that there are more Lu Zhuo disturbing the plot, her strength will inevitably be different from the plot.At least Lu Zhuo now, without the shackles of the will of the world, will not make Ersha's strength too weak.

In his opinion, even the power of the Ten Great Sorcerers is still weak.

"Of course, Elder Sister Ersha will always be stronger than me." Lu Zhuo rubbed his head, laughed loudly, and said, "Let's go, Elder Sister Ersha, I have a way to quickly improve my strength, do you want to learn it?"

After hearing these words, Ersha smiled slightly, and said, "Of course."

In her opinion, Lu Zhuo's strength was only slightly stronger than hers two years ago, but now he has reached a level that she can hardly see through. He must have mastered some method to improve his strength.

For her, apart from partners, the most important thing is strength.

"I...I want to learn too..."

Naz, with a pale face, finally got up, and just in time to hear this conversation, he also showed a joyful and enthusiastic look.Then came another punch from Erza.

Natsu had a big bump on his head, and ran away screaming, looking at Erza with fear.

"Hmph, I'll come first!" Erza clenched her fists at Natsu, and Natsu nodded hurriedly, her tone becoming the same as that of Happy.


Seeing this, Lu Zhuo couldn't help smiling, and the three returned to the guild.

At the headquarters of the Council at this time, after a heated meeting, they sadly discovered that the current Council has really become an empty shelf. Although there are many hidden cards, they cannot be opened casually, and most of those cards are It is a super-large-scale forbidden magic.

The price of obliterating a mage who has reached the pseudo-abyss level is not something they can afford.

Since they cannot be killed, it is even more impossible to expel them. The establishment of the Baram Alliance has been eyeing them, and they are digging their own graves to deal with Fairy Tail at this time.

And Lu Zhuo, a pseudo-abyss-level top powerhouse, is no less difficult to deal with than an entire guild!

Of course, they didn't know that Lu Zhuo was only showing the magic power in his body. In fact, Lu Zhuo is now at the real abyss level, that is, the strength of the holy level.

If they knew, these people would probably have to confess Lu Zhuo as if they were praying to God and worshiping Buddha.

Just look at Jeff, because he is an abyss-level black magician, countless dark guilds and dark forces all use his name as the core.It can be seen that the abyss level is terrifying!
Even if the strength revealed by Lu Zhuo is just a fake abyss, it is enough to make them feel extremely troublesome.

In the end, the speaker had no choice but to find out that he could only win Lu Zhuo swallowed...

As a result, the council branch collapsed, and they were directly labeled as being attacked by the Dark Guild, and directly pushed what Lu Zhuo did to the Dark Guild.

Then a bunch of texts were released, most of which were about how Lu Zhuo showed his power and expelled the dark guild. He is powerful and a new generation of strong men, and then gave Lu Zhuo the honorary titles of the two spare holy ten wizards.

All I can say is that Lu Zhuo's guess is absolutely right!

In Fairy Tail, after hearing about Lu Zhuo's actions, and seeing the coat and badge of the ten holy wizards sent by the council, he broke his jaw.

"Is there a mistake, after making a fuss about the Council, you can still get the title of Holy Ten?!"

"I also want to make a fuss like this."

"Don't be kidding, you think you are that monster Lu Zhuo, go make trouble, don't get slapped to death!" Makao looked at Wakaba beside him, laughing and mocking.

Then, a fist blasted over, and Wakaba gloated at Makao, who was punched and flew to the ceiling, and fell down again, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo withdrew his fist and said, "You dare to call me a monster, you are quite courageous."

"Er, you are here..." Makao got up with a helpless expression on his face.

At this moment, Lisanna jumped over, ripped off Lu Zhuo's brand-new coat of the top ten magic guides, and then put it on the counter, touched it from left to right, and said with a smile: "It's true!" Nice clothes."

"Of course, this is a dress that only ten people in the world can wear. Of course it's handsome." Mira smiled and looked at Lu Zhuo who walked over helplessly.

After rubbing Lisanna's little head fiercely, causing her to roll her eyes, Lu Zhuo took back the coat and put it on her body. After looking at it, she felt that it was indeed good, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Brother Lu Zhuo's clothes fit well..." Lisanna walked around Lu Zhuo a few times, tidied up the collar and folds of his shirt, and nodded in satisfaction.Then, he suddenly caught sight of Makarov who was sitting on the counter drinking tea, stuck out his tongue and said, "Grandpa President is so ugly in his clothes."

After saying this, Makarov spewed out the tea with a sip.

cough cough!I was shot while sitting!Makarov looked helpless, sighed, and said, "Oh, I'm getting old..."

(End of this chapter)

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