Chapter 318 Demon Killing Arrow (Part [-])
Darkness... Demon Killing Arrow!

The well-informed Mira recognized what that thing was at a glance, and her expression changed instantly.

"Oops! They actually have such a one-time super magic item, Erza, hide away, you can't stop it!"

The original magic cannon was only condensed from the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire, and then burst out a magic laser beam with extremely strong penetrating power.

However, at this time, the magic laser beam was used as the driving force for the Demon Killing Arrow!

That demon-slaying arrow was almost comparable to the evil-slaying arrow that killed Phoenix in the theatrical version.This kind of powerful thing, even if it is a semi-holy level, cannot be hard-wired.

Because... it is equivalent to a holy blow!
This thing was something that Ivan had spent a lot of time getting, and it was finally brought out during the negotiation with Joseph to deal with Fairy Tail.

"My God, this power..."

"Damn it, how can this be blocked." Gray gritted his teeth, looking at the jet-black long arrow that was close at hand.

"Elusha, hide!" The eldest lady shouted at Ersha with a flustered expression.

Erza shook her head, and said with a determined face: "Impossible, there is no way to hide at such a short distance. If I hide, what will happen to the guild behind! What about our small town?!"

After all, Erza gritted her silver teeth tightly, and in a burst of light, she used the magic of dressing up that she hadn't used for a long time.

Diamond Armor!

Even against the Demon Killing Arrow, which was dozens of times more terrifying than the Magic Cannon, Erza didn't have the confidence to block it.You know, this kind of thing was once used to deal with demons!

Even the weakest demon has the strength of a semi-holy level.

"Do you want to block it, naive!" Joseph stood on the top floor, watching this scene with a sneer expression.

Then, amidst a roar, the Demon Killing Arrow exploded suddenly!

A sound that seemed to cut through a piece of paper, tore through the air, and came through suddenly with a power that penetrated the world.

Feeling this force, Erza's eyes revealed a panic.However, I can't retreat!Behind her is the guild, the partners of the guild, and the common people of the town!

Even if you die... you must stop it!

Gritting her teeth, Erza swung the sword in her hand vigorously.

A dazzling sword glow erupted, and collided with the black long arrow with a tail like a shooting star.

Destroying the dead, the sword domain-level swordsman, coupled with the slashing of super-S-level magic power, was like rotten straw, which was directly worn to pieces, and he couldn't stop it even a little bit.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of everyone in the guild flashed with despair and intolerance.

"Eluza..." Natsu gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

For some reason, Lucy Lebimila and the others thought of Lu Zhuo at this time.

Even though this force made them feel like a divine power, it was simply irresistible.But Lu Zhuo's figure seemed to appear in front of them, and they all seemed to feel that Lu Zhuo... could block it!

Erza looked at the piercing arrow, her face was a little pale, and the fairy sword in her hand blocked it.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, Ersha even saw that her sword was knocked into the air, and then her vajra armor was pierced bit by bit.

Are you going to die...

Who... can protect me?
Just as this thought arose in her mind, a faint voice came from Ersha's ear.

That was Lu Zhuo's voice.

Although Lu Zhuo himself was still healing Makarov, but feeling everything here, Lu Zhuo made a direct move.

It was a finger. If time was slowed down infinitely, it could be seen that an ordinary finger whose fingerprints could be seen clearly flew from outside the sky and collided with that arrow.

But really, it's all coming to an extreme.

At such a time, Lu Zhuo did not hesitate to use the power of the source, in front of the power of the source, time and space can be broken!He, who was far away in Poliusika's house, just pointed in this direction and bent his fingers a little.

Looking at this scene, Poliusika's expression froze instantly.

"It's really... the only magic!"

In the distance, in the eyes of everyone in the guild, a stream of light seemed to fly from the sky, and seemed to appear out of thin air, just in front of the arrow.

The color of that streamer cannot even be described in words.

They stared dumbfounded. The streamer easily shattered the Demon Killing Arrow that Ersha couldn't stop with all her might!

After that, the streamer didn't stop at all, and directly penetrated the ghost's headquarters.

Joseph and Ivan, who felt this force, had expressions of horror and disbelief on their faces.

"No...impossible! The Demon Killing Arrow was actually..."

"Oops, run away!"

With an earth-shattering explosion, Specter's headquarters was suddenly shattered!Although it was not aimed at Joseph and Ivan, the force still directly caused them to spurt a mouthful of blood.

Among the ghosts, all the members were directly stunned, and the fragments of the ghost headquarters were blown everywhere.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dazzled and speechless.

"What... what happened?" Lucy stammered.

Mira came to her senses, breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and said, "Even the president can't stop something like the Demon Killing Arrow, so of course the only one who can stop it is that bastard Lu Zhuo."

"Brother Lu Zhuo is good or bad, you actually made us worry so much. Just now, you thought it was going to be over." Lisanna had an angry look on her face, her eyes rolled around, thinking about how to 'rectify' Lu Zhuo.

Erza, who was standing there blankly, looked confused.

Others couldn't feel it, but she was the only one who seemed to see Lu Zhuo's illusory figure standing behind her with a smile.

"younger brother……"

Muttering two words out of her mouth, Elusa's expression was a little moved.

That's right, at the last moment, the figure that emerged in her mind, protecting her from the wind and rain, was also Lu Zhuo!And in reality, it did happen...

In the distance, Lu Zhuo, who was standing in front of Makarov with his eyes closed, smiled.

Everything... is under control.Elder sister Erza... come into my arms obediently.

However, this kind of emotion was only a short moment in Ersha's heart.

The next moment, she looked at the figure of Joseph on the bombed Ghost Headquarters with an angry expression on her face.

" die!"

Seeing Joseph who looked like he had eaten a dead child, Erza didn't show any sympathy. She took a step back, grabbed back the Fairy Sword that had been knocked away just now, and came to Joseph with a vertical leap.

"Damn it, Ivan, is your Demon Killing Arrow a fake?!"

(End of this chapter)

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