Chapter 319 Blowing Joseph to Death (Part [-])
Seeing that Ersha's sword was extremely sharp, with streaks of shining and dazzling sword light, Joseph didn't dare to go straight. He jumped back, avoided the slash, and at the same time rushed to the side. Ivan, who looked ugly and astonished, shouted angrily.

Ivan looked extremely ugly, and said: "It can't be fake, the old man must have used some kind of trump card to take my arrow."

At the same time, he wondered, could it be Lumen and Xinghui from the first generation?
"You..." Joseph wanted to vomit blood depressedly. He thought he was going to succeed, but he was blocked by Erza for the first time, and because of Erza the second time, the Demon Killing Arrow was inexplicably destroyed. The Ghost headquarters in the city were blown to pieces.

Staring at Erza who kept throwing swords at him, Joseph was furious in his heart, and said, "Well, if this is the case, then let you know that the ten holy wizards are invincible to you!"

"That's right, the old man will definitely not be able to recover...Even if there are only two of us left, we can smooth Fairy Tail today!" Ivan stared coldly at Natsu and the others, and it was Natsu who was coming. Angry Fire Dragon Fist.

Just when Joseph was about to fight to the death with Erza, an old and domineering voice came.

"You said I can't recover?!"

Seeing the figure approaching in the distance, Naz and the others showed ecstatic expressions.


In contrast, Joseph and Ivan's faces were even more ugly. This time, it wasn't that they ate a dead child, but they felt that they were about to become dead children.

"How is it be able to recover so quickly after being hit by my dark magic..." Joseph looked at Makarov in disbelief.

Makarov sneered, and said, "You forgot, our Fairy Tail has more than one holy ten wizards."

"You said that newly promoted guy, how could he cure you in such a short time..." Joseph showed a look of disbelief.

At this moment, a faint voice came from behind him.

At the same time, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and he didn't even notice it!
"Why is it impossible?"

At this moment, Joseph felt as if a cat was half frightened, and the hairs all over its body exploded.As one of the top ten holy wizards, it was unbelievable to be approached so close, even patting him on the shoulder!

Seeing this, Erza stopped the sword in her hand, her eyes flickered with some inexplicable eyes, and looked at the figure that suddenly appeared behind Joseph.

Lu Zhuo smiled slightly at Ersha, and then with a flick of his wrist, Joseph, who was about to release the dark magic, directly shook the magic power in his body.

Joseph turned his head in horror, looked at Lu Zhuo, and said with disbelief: "Impossible...impossible, your magic stronger than mine."

"Tsk tsk, do you think that you are still a character?" Lu Zhuo looked at him mockingly. Lu Zhuo had already marked him as a "killer" arrow when he used that devil arrow on Ersha. marked up.

"I'm the ten great holy wizards..." Joseph was shocked and became angry when he heard Lu Zhuo's words. He struggled hard and got rid of Lu Zhuo's hand, and then a huge magical power rose from his body.


Seeing this, Lu Zhuo sneered and gave him a slap in the face.

As if being hit by a train, Joseph's whole body flew upside down, the huge wave of magic power was directly shaken to pieces, and then his whole body exploded in the air, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Ivan on the side watched this scene, his jaw almost dropped.I couldn't help rubbing my eyes to see if I was dreaming.

Others, except Ersamilla and other women, were not surprised, and even Nazgray was dumbfounded.

Those are the ten holy wizards!Was sprayed to death in one breath?
Lu Zhuo, are you still human?
After shaking his head, Lu Zhuo looked at Ivan with contemptuous eyes, which made him shiver immediately, as if being swept across his body by some kind of mighty eyes.

But Lu Zhuo didn't attack him in the end, but looked at Makarov and said calmly: "Old man, this is your family matter, you can handle it yourself."

At this time, Makarov, with the help of Lu Zhuo, not only recovered his original magic power, but even went one step further, he has reached the peak of the Holy Ten, comparable to the Four Heavenly Kings!

However, if you want to break through the half saint, because you are too old, your hope is very slim.

Makarov looked at Ivan with a complicated and distressed expression, and walked over.

Lu Zhuo had no interest in this kind of grievance between father and son. He walked up to Ersha, smiled slightly, and said, "Sister Ersha, how am I doing?"

"Very bad, you killed Joseph, who shall I practice sword with?" Erza stared at Lu Zhuo coldly, and the smile on Lu Zhuo's face froze instantly, which was very embarrassing.

As a result, the next moment, Lu Zhuo saw that Ersha leaned forward slightly, and even took the initiative to imprint on his mouth.Then Qiao blushed, backed away quickly, and disappeared into the crowd.

Lu Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and when he realized it, Elusa was no longer in sight.

At this time, among the crowd, Mira Lucy and the others looked at Lu Zhuo with different meanings. Although Lu Zhuo thought that his skin was as thick as a city wall, he was still embarrassed to see these different eyes. Scratched my scalp.

Afterwards, Lu Zhuo's figure flashed and disappeared in full view.

This time, everyone was not so surprised.

Even the top ten magic guides who died in one breath have seen it, and this kind of disappearance out of thin air is considered pediatrics.

In a deserted alleyway, Lu Zhuo saw Mistgang walking in wearing a veil, and saw Mistgang planting all the flags of the ghost branch in his hand on the ground, saying: "The task has been completed. "

"Okay, you can go back."

Lu Zhuo nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a force of space enveloped the Mistgang, and instantly pulled it to the world of Aedlas.

Then Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, and was about to take a step, when suddenly his eyes flashed, and he sneered, "How dare you!"

At this time, on the streets of Magnolia, the Fairy Tail people who were gathering together were suddenly surrounded by a large army.

That is...the Crescent Knights!

On the surface, the Crescent Knights belonged to one of the knights under the royal family, but in fact they were also controlled by the Magic Council.However, if you want to mobilize this army, you still need the king's consent.From this, we can also see the power dispute between the Magic Council and the royal family.

"Why arrest us! It was obviously the ghost who provoked us first." Natsu struggled desperately, but under the magic circle of the army, he was powerless to resist. Even Makarov couldn't resist the magic link of thousands of people. An army together.

"Regarding the case of Fairy Tail's war with the Specter Dominator, all ghosts have been wiped out. Fairy Tail, please accept the investigation!" The leader of the knights at the forefront was a knight commander.Possesses strength comparable to the ten great magicians of the Holy Spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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