Chapter 321 Invitation from the Royal Family (Fourth Update)


The knight commander gritted his teeth and struggled to get up. Although there was still a look of fear in his eyes, he said on his mouth: "Even if you can easily defeat can't defeat the entire country! The just a cutscene."

At this point, the Knight Commander's words finally softened. Seeing the surrounding soldiers, they all fell unconscious on the ground, and there were many of them two paladins, but they were easily stunned by Lu Zhuo just like ordinary knights.

"A cutscene? A cutscene doesn't work either! Look at these weak girls, if they get sick or something happens because of this cutscene, can you bear it!?"

Lu Zhuo looked at him domineeringly, with disdain in his eyes.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, the knight commander almost vomited blood angrily.

Is there any mistake, what is meant by a weak girl is a wizard, okay?And what's more important than the dignity of a country, such as getting sick!
He was very aggrieved in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak, because he was stared at by Lu Zhuo's cold eyes, and he was so frightened that he couldn't speak at all.

In Lu Zhuo's heart, the dignity of a country, even the entire Magic Council, is not as important as a single hair of Lu Zhuo's woman!
"Then...please do what you want." The knight commander finally said such a sentence in a very aggrieved manner.

Originally, the majestic and majestic led a knight group to arrest people, intending to frighten those magic guilds, but it turned out that they were frightened instead.

Seeing that the knight captain's clothes were soft, Lu Zhuo didn't bother to pay attention to him. He turned around, looked at Lucy and the others, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, I'm fine, let's go back and rebuild the guild."

"It's nothing!" The eldest lady complained dumbfounded.

Did you make a mistake, you wiped out a knight order, and it's okay?I'm afraid that he will face the king of the entire Fiore Kingdom next.

"If I say it's okay, it's okay. I'll go to the palace in a few days."

Anyway, Lu Zhuo played like this in Aedlas, and I don’t mind doing it again... He walked to Lucy carelessly, Lu Zhuo gently rubbed her blond hair, then smiled slightly, looking at Mira on the other side .

Mira couldn't help but sighed, and said, "I really... don't know how to say hello."

"Hey, brat, don't make things too complicated."

Makarov's old face twitched, looked at Lu Zhuo, and said, "I know you have this kind of strength now, so you definitely don't take everything seriously. But you have to remember, what you said just now is very important. It makes sense, there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. Even if you have the power of Jeref, there will still be existences in this world that can threaten you, so don't be too arrogant."

Makarov's words were transmitted directly to Lu Zhuo's ears through sound transmission magic. After all, Lu Zhuo has the same power as Geref, and this information is too terrifying.

Lu Zhuo smiled at Makarov and said, "Don't worry, I understand."

Indeed, in this world, there are still existences that can threaten Lu Zhuo, but they are not human beings, nor are they black dragons, only the will of the world that may be restored at any time!
The people from the guild walked back, and everyone started the work of rebuilding the guild.Even the old man Makarov turned into a giant to carry wood, bricks and tiles back and forth.

Of course, there was one exception, and that was Lu Zhuo.

If he doesn't want to work, who can ask him to do it?What's more, if Lu Zhuo helps, I'm afraid it will be solved with a wave of his hand.That would not be as pleasant as all the members of the guild working together in full swing.

Lucy directed Taurus to carry the wood. Under the sunlight, some fragrant sweat oozed from her forehead. After wiping with a handkerchief, she smiled and said, "Everyone must work hard."

"Aren't you tired? Come and have a rest when you're tired." Uncle Lu Zhuo sat aside, looked at Lucy, couldn't help curling his lips, and said, "I remember you were punished once a few days ago, and you hate dry gravity the most. Alive."

"You guy... can you come over and work?"

Lucy looked at Lu Zhuo with black lines all over her head, and she couldn't get angry.

"Well, I hate sweating." Lu Zhuo said nonsense with his eyes open, then he stood up suddenly, came to Lucy's side in a flash, stretched out his fingers, and gently touched her white forehead.

Putting the sweat on his fingers under his nose and sniffing it, Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "Even the sweat smells good, so keep working."

"You guy..."

Lucy was ashamed and pushed Lu Zhuo hard, but Lu Zhuo stood there motionless.In the end, the eldest lady could only turn around with a blushing face, ignoring Lu Zhuo.

"Lu Zhuo, come and work!"

There was an orderly tone, and he knew who it was without saying anything. Few people dared to talk to Lu Zhuo like that.

Turning around, Lu Zhuo looked at Ersha, and after a slight smile, he came to her side, showing a smirk, and said, "Sister Ersha, what did you mean by that last blow yesterday?"

"What?... That... doesn't mean anything."

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Erusa blushed immediately, and a look of panic flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, don't explain me, sister... don't you want me to stand behind you forever to protect you?" Lu Zhuo smiled affectionately and looked at Ersha.

"Don't get me wrong...I just...just thank you for saving me." Erza's pretty face flushed, but she had never had such an expression.With a flustered expression, he bypassed Lu Zhuo and left.

Showing this expression in front of Lu Zhuo, Lu Zhuo was even affirmed that Ersha had actually accepted herself in her heart.

Seeing her like this, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, rubbed his chin and looked at her back.

Don't dare to admit your heart, it's not the demeanor of a fairy queen.

Just as Lu Zhuo was about to step forward to see if he could get rid of the conversation, Mira suddenly walked over with a smile.

"Uh, Mira, and her..."

Lu Zhuo felt a little embarrassed immediately, rubbing the back of his head and giggling.

Seeing this, Mira flattened her mouth, snorted, and said, "Who cares about you and 'her'! I'm just here to deliver the letter." Mira deliberately bit 'her' hard.

Seeing that Mira seemed to be jealous, Lu Zhuo quickly changed the subject and said, "What letter?"

"No, it was given to you by the royal family of Fiore." Mira twitched her mouth, stuffed the letter into Lu Zhuo's hand, turned and left.

Lu Zhuo could only smile wryly, took the letter, glanced at it, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Invite me to the palace? What the hell is this? Do you want to deal with me?" Lu Zhuo coldly dropped the letter in his hand, and the letter spontaneously ignited into ashes in mid-air.

If you really dare to deal with me, then I don't mind changing Fiore for an obedient king!

(End of this chapter)

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