Chapter 322 Breaking into the Royal Palace (Fifth Watch)

About to go to Fiore's royal capital, Lu Zhuo said to Mira who was walking away: "It's Fiore's invitation letter, let me go to the palace, I will go back as soon as I go."

Mira kept walking after hearing Lu Zhuo's words, as if she was really angry, but after walking a few steps, she still said a word.

"be careful."

"En." Hearing Mira's caring words, Lu Zhuo laughed, turned around and took a step forward, and he had already arrived at the entrance of Magnolia Town.

Taking another step forward, what appeared in front of my eyes was the capital of Fiore, also known as Huadu, Kulocas!

At this moment, Lu Zhuo raised his brows suddenly, feeling a force related to fate, which seemed to be spying on him.A cold light flashed across his eyes, Lu Zhuo snorted coldly, and suddenly shattered that power.

Looking in the direction of the palace, Lu Zhuo said coldly: "Are you really going to attack me?"

After all, Lu Zhuo didn't bother admiring all kinds of flowers, he took one step and came to the palace.

Just now, inside the palace, in a secret room.

An old man with a three-foot-long beard was closing his eyes and covering a crystal ball in front of him with his hands.

The royal family of Fiore has ten knight orders.There are four of them, guarding the frontier, and two managing domestic affairs, which are equivalent to the police.

Two are responsible for the safety of the royal family, and the other two are under the command of the council. The Crescent Knights who went to capture Fairy Tail that day is one of the two knights under the command of the council.

As for the last two, they are extremely mysterious, and even ordinary people don't know the existence of these two knight orders.These last two can also be regarded as the hole cards of the royal family of Fiore.

There are ten knight orders, with a total of ten knight order leaders.But the leader of the knight order does not necessarily have the status of knight commander.

Ten knight orders, only four knight commanders, that is, the power of four holy ten magic guides.This kind of power is enough to surpass any guild except Fairy Tail.

Among them, there is also the high priest who is equivalent to the status of the knight commander.He is born with the power to touch fate. After many selections and countless dangers, he finally learns about the lost magic, the arc of fate, to become the high priest.

At this time, there was only one high priest of Fiore, and that was the old man who was using the power of fate to spy on Lu Zhuo.

The next moment, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes. His body seemed to be hit by some kind of force, and he flew upside down and hit the wall.

The magic ball that assisted the Arc of Destiny exploded, and at the same time, the old man spat out a mouthful of blood.

"High Priest! What happened?"

The two paladins who were closely guarding the door rushed in when they heard the movement, looking at the blood-spitting high priest, a trace of horror flashed across their faces.

There is obviously no one here, how did the high priest get injured?
A horrified look flashed in the old man's eyes, and he struggled to say: " can't conflict with that person..."

Just now, he spied on Lu Zhuo's fate, but found nothing!Just when he didn't believe in evil and urged all his strength to spy, he saw an extremely majestic figure with indifferent eyes staring at him on the long river of fate.

A cold snort seemed to hit his chest heavily, causing the power of his arc of fate to disintegrate instantly, and even almost shattered the source of magic power in his body!
After saying this, the high priest closed his eyes, not daring to speak any more, and quickly adjusted the disordered magic power in his body.The power of fate is the most dangerous. Once there is a mistake or backlash, the user's life will be in danger!
Seeing this scene, the two paladins looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't dare to disturb the high priest and quickly retreated.

At the gate of the palace, teams of guards stood here solemnly.

At this moment, everyone felt that all the surrounding sounds seemed to stop.

wind sound,

distant noises,

the sound of walking footsteps,

All can not be heard.

Step, step, step.

A black figure came step by step from a distance, and only the sound of Lu Zhuo's footsteps remained in everyone's ears.Every step made them feel as if they were sticking to the ground and listening.

Crisp, but cold!

Since you are not welcoming, then Lu Zhuo will naturally not go in in the normal way.

He... wants to tell Fiore's royal family, including all the Knights, who he is!

Those soldiers spoke in a panic, but found that they could no longer make any sound.In the whole world, only the sound of Lu Zhuo's footsteps remained.

Except for the sound of footsteps, there was deathly silence!

tread, tread, tread,

On the ground that Lu Zhuo walked on, cracks and cracks spread, and the solid bluestone floor was like tofu dregs!
Seeing this scene, all the soldiers had expressions of horror on their faces. They stared dumbfounded at this scene. No one thought of stepping forward to stop them, or no one dared to step forward to stop them.

In this way, Lu Zhuo went straight into the palace as if he had entered the land of no one.

The moment he walked into the palace, the whole palace fell into deathly silence.

All sounds disappeared, only Lu Zhuo's footsteps remained.

tread, tread, tread,

All the knights of the knight order, feeling all this, showed disbelief and fear of the unknown.

The king of Fiore, sitting on top of the main hall, felt all this, with a surprised look in his eyes.Open your mouth and say something you can't even hear.

"It's so mysterious and powerful...very good!"

The outside world is walking towards the main hall of the palace step by step. The reason why everyone's ears are only the sound of Lu Zhuo's footsteps is because Lu Zhuo deliberately shields everyone from hearing about everything else with his extraordinary knowledge and domineering aura. .

Similarly, because of his knowledge and arrogance, everything in the entire palace is displayed in Lu Zhuo's mind. Although he is walking slowly in the palace, his perspective at this time is like a god, overlooking the entire palace!

However, the knights of the Knights are not fools.After the short-term fear of the unknown, they quickly assembled to find the source of this power.

Although unable to speak and communicate, everyone cooperated with each other very tacitly through the magic circle.

Soon, the four knights led by the captain of the knights surrounded Lu Zhuo in the whole palace.

But Lu Zhuo's eyes were indifferent, as if he didn't see them at all, he still walked forward step by step.

tread, tread, tread,

It was still the strange and frightening silence and the sound of footsteps. The knights around Lu Zhuo showed horror and various lights in their eyes, and inexplicable fear flashed in their hearts, and they did not dare to stand in front of Lu Zhuo.

In this way, a knight group composed of nearly 5000 people formed a strange scene.

When Lu Zhuo takes a step forward, everyone takes a step back!
(End of this chapter)

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