Chapter 323 Are you pointing your sword at me?
The four knight commanders stood at the forefront, their eyes showed horror, because even they seemed unable to control their bodies, as long as Lu Zhuo stepped forward, they would involuntarily retreat!

What kind of weird power is this?

Can't go on like this!Start the magic circle!

At this moment, the four knight commanders who were comparable to the ten great magic guides had a tacit understanding at the same time.

Although Lu Zhuo imprisoned everyone's hearing, and even controlled their fear.But there is no magic to control them.

So, at the next moment, four groups of dazzling light erupted from the bodies of the four knight commanders.

It's like a white flame burning from their bodies!That is pure to the extreme light power!Although they are equal to the ten holy magic guides, because their light power is too pure, they are three points stronger than ordinary holy magic guides with the same magic power!

However, the power they can exert is far more than that.

Immediately afterwards, under the induction of the four knight commanders, the knight group of more than 5000 people burst out their respective strengths in unison.

Among them, there are apprentice knights, temple guards, and paladins.

Perhaps the power of one person is insignificant, but the power of more than 5000 people is linked together through the holy magic circle. This power is enough to shake the world!
More than 5000 people can all use magic. It can be said that the power of a country occupied by ordinary soldiers without magic is not even one-tenth.

In other words, the more than 5000 people standing here have already reached nearly half of the national strength of the Kingdom of Fiore. If there is a war with other countries, these people will be the backbone and the main force!

In an instant, the entire palace was extremely dazzling, as if the sun had set in the palace.

A violent explosion came suddenly, finally breaking the strange silence and the sound of footsteps, and at the same time making Lu Zhuo stop, with a look of appreciation in his eyes.

In front of Lu Zhuo, the four knight commanders stood together, their powers connected with each other, all holding the sword of holy light in their hands, bursting out a wave of magic power far stronger than that of the pseudo abyss level!
It can be said that even Pluto, Hades, Protoss King and other pseudo abyss-level powerhouses, if they fall into this situation, they will die unless they surrender.

It can even be said that even if the abyss level of Jeref is here, it will take a lot of effort to kill all these knights.

In the original book, during the martial arts period of Damo Dou, it was the seven fake abyss-level dragons that were able to make a big fuss about the entire Fiore royal family.After all, he is the master of a country. If he doesn't even have this bit of power, how can he rule a magic world, a country with countless magic guilds?
"Stop comers!"

"Trespassing in the palace, you will be caught without a fight, otherwise... die!"

The two knight commanders stared at Lu Zhuo steadfastly. Although they had cracked Lu Zhuo's strange power, they still didn't dare to be careless at all and shouted coldly.

"Oh? Didn't you invite me here?"

Lu Zhuo smiled faintly, not paying attention to the people in front of him at all.

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, several knight commanders looked gloomy.

Indeed, the royal family invited Lu Zhuo to come, but they didn't expect that Lu Zhuo would create such a weird scene as soon as he came, giving everyone a blow.I am afraid that even His Majesty the King has been affected.

"You use the power of magic casually in the palace, which is against the law!"

A knight commander looked at Lu Zhuo coldly, finally found a reason to fight back, and at the same time pointed the sword fiercely at Lu Zhuo.At the same time, the three knight commanders beside him swung their swords in unison, as if they were all in one mind at this moment.

In an instant, four swords of holy light, as dazzling as stars, pointed at Lu Zhuo with murderous intent!
However, Lu Zhuo smiled when he saw this scene, very chic and arrogant.

"Ha, haha! Are you pointing a sword at me? How dare you point a sword at me?!"

A fierce aura suddenly emanated from Lu Zhuo's body, as if turning Lu Zhuo into a sword.That is Xeon Sword Intent!
An ethereal, cloud-like, illusory, yet real power superimposed on the previous sword intent.That's Xeon Kenshin!
Afterwards, Lu Zhuo laughed out loud and waved his arms upwards.

An invisible field-like thing directly enveloped the entire palace.That was his Xeon Sword Domain!
Ding Ding Dong Dong!

In the astonished eyes of everyone, all weapons such as swords flew out of their hands, hands, and even in the armory of the palace, and flew into the air.

Even the four knight commanders were horrified, unable to control the swords of holy light in their hands, so that the four swords of holy light shot up into the sky with a buzzing sound, trembling lightly at Lu Zhuo's cicadas.

The entire sky, looking around, is full of swords!

These swords seemed to have their own will at this moment, as if... they were expressing their awe to Lu Zhuo.

The next moment, the holy dragon sword in Lu Zhuo's body was also inspired by this, and it suddenly turned into a bloody light and flew out, directly above the four most dazzling swords of holy light.

"Master hasn't used such a strong swordsmanship for a long time..." The Holy Dragon Sword trembled slightly, sending out a faint thought towards Lu Zhuo.

With one step, Lu Zhuo directly came into the air, and lightly tapped on the Holy Dragon Sword.

In the sky, there are thousands of mortal swords, and even the sword of the Holy Light, which is as dazzling as a star. Lu Zhuo seems to be a king of swords, a saint of swords!
At this moment, Lu Zhuocai looked down indifferently, at the four knight commanders who were stunned and shocked.

"I am a sword master, and all swords are subject to me. You...can you point your sword at me?"

This scene shocked everyone in their hearts, and they will never forget it for the rest of their lives.

Seeing those swords trembling behind Lu Zhuo's back, everyone had no doubt that as long as Lu Zhuo waved his hand, these swords would destroy the palace in an instant like a meteor shower, and knights like them would have no power to fight back !
Watching this scene, the knight commanders only felt extremely bitter in their hearts.

"So... so strong, Juggernaut?"

Just when Lu Zhuo's sword intent was getting stronger and stronger, cooperating with the countless swords in the sky, as if it was about to tear the entire palace apart, a voice came.

"Your Excellency stop, I have no malicious intentions." The king's weak-looking body slowly came out from behind the crowd, looking at Lu Zhuo, with a flash of respect in his eyes.

In the world of magic, the absolute strong will be respected everywhere.This is a world where strength can override power supremacy, exactly the same as the world of One Piece.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo gave the king a flat look.

All the swords flew back to their original positions when Lu Zhuo lightly waved his hand. This scene was like a miracle. The knights present would never forget this scene for the rest of their lives.

In that wave of hands, thousands of swords are surrendered, like stars dominating the moon, setting off their king's scene.


(Six more outbreaks, please support! Xiaofeng will continue to erupt tomorrow, let’s see how many days Xiaofeng can erupt in succession this time!)
(End of this chapter)

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