Chapter 324 Princess Marrying Lu Zhuo?

Seeing Lu Zhuo dissipate the frightening sword array in the sky, King Fiore also heaved a sigh of relief, and shouted at the surrounding knights: "Everyone leave, I want to talk to him alone!"

"This..." The knight commander's face suddenly turned ugly, and he wanted to say that this person was dangerous, but he couldn't say it.

So what about the danger, can they stop it?The scene just now, that kind of power, seemed to be facing the emperor who came from ancient times, the feeling of facing the sky and the earth, let them know that even if everyone works together, they can't stop Lu Zhuo alone!

As much as I hate to admit it, it is the truth.

In the end, the four knight commanders led the knights back with guilty expressions on their faces.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo looked calm, and walked slowly from the sky, landing in front of the king.Lu Zhuo, who could sense the truth of the words, knew that the king was not hostile to him.

Then, all of this is probably directed by the knights themselves.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo said lightly, looked at the old king neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "Please let me come, what's the matter?"

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, the old king was not at all angry because Lu Zhuo's tone seemed to be speaking on an equal footing, but looked at Lu Zhuo with a slight smile.

"I am a king who respects the strong. I heard that you defeated one of my knights alone, so I wanted to meet myself. Unexpectedly, I am stronger than I expected."

Speaking of this, the old king paused, with a fanatical look in his eyes, and said: "You can deal with the power of half of my country by yourself. Your strength is probably comparable to that of Jeref 400 years ago." .”

Without answering directly, Lu Zhuo looked at the old king calmly, taking it as a tacit agreement.

In fact, the strength that Lu Zhuo can display now is much stronger than that of Jeff. If it is said that everyone below the holy level is an ant, then under the true saint, even the holy level is also an ant.

Although the world of Fairy Tail is not yet controlled by Lu Zhuo, the power that Lu Zhuo can exert is not comparable to that of ordinary saints.

Seeing Lu Zhuo's acquiescence, the old king laughed and said, "Okay, that's great. I'm very happy that we can have such a strong man in Fiore!"

Having said that, the old king stopped for a while, looked at Lu Zhuo, and said, "I just heard you say that you are a sword master. Then, on behalf of the Kingdom of Fiore, I will give you the title of Supreme Sword Master of the Kingdom of Fiore." ,how?"

After hearing this sentence, Lu Zhuo looked calm, and said lightly: "Not interested."

The title is not conferred by others. In Lu Zhuo's view, the title of Juggernaut was obtained by his own hard work until he became the strongest in the world of One Piece.

"Eh." The old king was almost choked by Lu Zhuo's words, and he looked extremely embarrassed, so he could only smile embarrassingly.

Afterwards, he straightened his expression, looked at Lu Zhuo, and suddenly bowed deeply to Lu Zhuo.

"Please help Fiore Kingdom become stronger!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo frowned. He could bear a king's bow, but if he endured it, he might have to accept the task of making the Kingdom of Fiore stronger.

For Lu Zhuo, when he becomes a true saint, maybe he can make Fiore the only country in the world with a wave of his hand.But... a king can exchange for a country's Xeon with a single bow, no matter how you look at it, this old man is taking advantage of it.

The old king raised his head and saw that Lu Zhuo seemed to be in deep thought. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Your Excellency the Sword Master, you will not suffer from this matter, because in the future, this country may be yours."

"What does it mean?"

Lu Zhuo suddenly looked at the old king inexplicably, but what the old king said next made Lu Zhuo almost lose that 'superior demeanor'.

"Because my son was killed by Hades of the Gate of Hades, the only one who will inherit the throne in the future will be the little daughter Emerald Princess, but I hope to have someone strong enough to protect her, so as not to be like my son... So, I want to betroth Princess Emerald to you..."

There was an inexplicable light in the old king's eyes, and when he mentioned Hades, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.But Pluto is a Pseudo-Abyss-level powerhouse after all. If he gathers half of the country's power like he did with Lu Zhuo before, he can be besieged and killed, but that is simply impossible.

Gather half of the country to encircle a strong man, not to mention what to do in case of revenge after being run away by others, even if the neighboring country will take this opportunity to attack directly.

The old king respected the strong very much, and wanted to win over Lu Zhuo, so of course he investigated all of Lu Zhuo's information.In his opinion, one of Lu Zhuo's shortcomings, or something that can be said to be an advantage in some respects, is that he is very defensive.

And the objects of protection are all his women.

To the old king, this kind of flirtatiousness, fickleness, and lust are simply child's play. He himself has dozens of concubines, many more than Lu Zhuo's women.

In his opinion, if Lu Zhuo can marry Princess Emerald, then not only will Princess Emerald not have to worry about her safety, even the Kingdom of Fiore will become stronger with Lu Zhuo's help!
Although the old king built Fiore into a neutral country, no king didn't want his country to become stronger.


Lu Zhuo searched the memory in his mind, and soon found the girl Emerald Princess.Indeed, even compared to Lucy, she is not inferior.

Moreover, this girl released seven dragons and caused the palace to be almost destroyed. She is also a tragic girl, so she can leave it to herself to save her.

But... she was only 12 years old at this time?

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo immediately made a decision, and we will talk about the Damo Dou performing martial arts seven years later.

If he agreed to the old king now and forced a marriage or something like that, I'm afraid Lu Zhuo would marry a cold, sad Emerald Princess.

Although Lu Zhuo is confident that he can coax her well later, in that case, wouldn't he have designed a tragic plot for the beauty in advance? This is completely opposite to Lu Zhuo's idea of ​​saving the tragic girl.

"This matter... I will talk about it later. However, I want the title of Juggernaut."

Lu Zhuo finally looked at the old king, smiled, nodded, and then disappeared in a flash.

Seeing Lu Zhuo's departure, the old king was stunned for a moment. Lu Zhuo's last attitude made him a little confused.

Is this a refusal... or a yes?
From the old king's point of view, Lu Zhuo's information shows that he should be an extremely beautiful guy. He has confidence in his daughter. With such unpredictable power, I'm afraid that when he entered the palace, he had already seen the whole palace thoroughly.

Forget it, since I agreed to accept the title of Juggernaut, I have achieved my goal.

The old king sighed, turned and walked towards the main hall.

Originally, he was planning to give Lu Zhuo the title of Sword Saint. As for marrying Princess Emerald to Lu Zhuo, it was only when he discovered that Lu Zhuo was far stronger than he thought, comparable to Jeref 400 years ago. of.

A few days later, a message from Fiore Kingdom spread throughout the continent.

Lu Zhuo, the top ten holy wizards, is titled the sword master of Fiore Kingdom, and his status is equal to that of a king!
This news shocked the world, even if it is the top ten wizards, it is impossible to obtain such a status.Even the Four Heavenly Kings don't have such a status. Who is this Sword Master Lu Zhuo?
(End of this chapter)

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