Chapter 336 Chase

After Erza rushed into the black light magic circle that was about to launch the power of teleportation, the next moment, there was a scream and an angry roar.

"Damn it, you're a mad woman, a damned madman!"

Crazy, like Brian's voice.

The next moment, I saw Ersha rushing out in a mess of light, and there was a clear trace of blood on the fairy sword in her hand.

Turning over lightly in the air, Erza gently landed on the ground.

"Eluza, are you okay?"

Seeing this, Naz and the others also came to their senses and ran over quickly.

"It's okay..." Ersha said it was okay, but a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, facing five figures of the top ten magician levels, if she can still retreat unscathed, then Erza would have been supernatural.

At that moment just now, Ersha's instant impact was like a sharp blade, piercing fiercely into the enemy's weakest and most defenseless moment.

Brian never expected that Erza, who has always been known for her calmness, would make such a move that seemed to be sending her to death.Unconsciously, Erza cut off an arm abruptly.

However, at the moment when his arm was cut off, Erza also woke up from the frenzy of the apex sword intent, and retreated quickly, but was still instantly injured by the four people who shot together.

"It's just a slight injury. Their attacks have all hit my armor." A set of broken armor fragments can still be vaguely seen on Ersha's body.

"Elusha, I really admire what you did just now. I'm afraid your strength is already stronger than mine." Jura looked at Ersha in shock, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

However, at the next moment, Ersha suddenly let out a muffled snort, her face turned slightly pale.

This thought flashed in her mind, Erusa quickly turned up her sleeve, and saw that there was a blackish purple mark that had been bitten by a snake.


Ersha's face froze, and the people around her also showed a look of surprise when they saw it.

"Elusha, how do you feel?" Naz asked concernedly as he stood aside.

"Quickly, cut off my arm." Erza made up her mind in a split second, she drank coldly, wrapped her arm with half of her sleeve.

"Hey, isn't there a mage here who can heal magic?" Seeing this, Gray was taken aback and showed a helpless expression.

Then, Wendy walked over timidly, as if she had done something wrong, and said, "That... I can cure poison."

Erza slapped her forehead, showing a helpless look.

It's really strange that I actually forgot about Wendy.

Wendy saw that the poison on Ersha's body was rising continuously along her arms, and she didn't care about other things. She immediately stepped forward, a white light popped out from her hands, and printed on Erza's arm.

"How is this going?"

Lu Zhuo's figure seemed to appear out of thin air, and he came directly to the side, watching the scene where Wendy treated Erza, and frowned.

"Ah, brother Lu Zhuo... where did you go just now?" Wendy was startled by Lu Zhuo's sudden appearance, and asked a little timidly as the light in her hand disappeared.

Frowning, Lu Zhuo looked at Ersha and said, "I met one of the six demon generals just now, and it's settled. What's the matter with Ersha?"

"I'm fine." Erza slightly raised her head, gave Wendy a kind smile, and said, "Tianlong's healing magic is really miraculous."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Lu Zhuo again and explained what happened just now.

After learning that it was because the sword intent had risen to the peak, with a monstrous fighting spirit and an indomitable momentum, he abruptly rushed to the teleportation array of the five six-magic generals who were comparable to the level of the holy magician.Lu Zhuo could only smile wryly, but in his heart he had almost sentenced those people to death.

Jura looked at the crowd and said solemnly: "Since the news has been leaked and the blue Pegasus magic airship has been destroyed, then we have to fight them hand-to-hand. This is quite dangerous."

"What's there to be afraid of? Didn't you just have a fight just now? I'm already on fire!" Natsu's fighting spirit just now had not completely subsided, and he was hooked again when he heard Jura's words.


Erza stood up, punched Natsu to the ground with a bang, Natsu was just about to retaliate angrily, but found that the person who attacked him was Erza, his face turned bitter, and he lay down obediently.

"Since Lu Zhuo has already dealt with one of the Six Demon Generals, there are only five people left. Although there was one person on the opposite side who didn't make a move just now, Lu Zhuo also made a move on our side. I believe that if we meet again, we will surely can break them down."

Ersha gently shook the sword in her hand, and the sword intent in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo was in a slightly unhappy mood, but he got better again.

Just as everyone was discussing how to find the Six Demon Generals who had disappeared deep in the forest, a wave of earth-shattering magic power burst out suddenly!
"what happened?!"

Except for Lu Zhuo, everyone's face changed drastically, and they could all feel that the magic element particles in the air began to riot.

Among them, the two elements of light and darkness, in particular, present an attitude of overlapping and transforming each other!
"It's not good, Nirvana was found by them!"

Knowing some of the insider information, a flustered look appeared on his face, and he shouted, "Quick, we can't let them succeed, let's go!"

After all, his fingers quickly clicked the magic words in front of him a few times, and instantly found the source of the magic power fluctuations, and then he ran quickly.

"Okay, let's go!"

Erza nodded, jumped a few feet, and followed closely behind Xiang.

Next, Nazjura and the others all jumped out and quickly ran towards the direction guided by the sound, where Nirvana was being opened.

"Wendy, let's go."

Xia Lulu pulled Wendy, and when she saw the people in front of her running so fast, she showed a helpless look, spread a pair of wings behind her back, and flew up with Wendy in her arms.

"Uh, brother Lu Zhuo..."

Wendy was taken aback, turned her head and saw Lu Zhuo was still standing there, and called out.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and walked lightly.

With every step down, there seemed to be an invisible ladder, which was carrying Lu Zhuo's body, allowing Lu Zhuo to walk up to the sky step by step, with his hands behind his back, and followed Wendy casually.

"Brother Lu Zhuo can fly..." Wendy's big eyes blinked a few times, showing a look of joy, her little face was slightly rosy, she smiled, and murmured, "Well, Brother Lu Zhuo is omnipotent..."

"Little girl, what is omnipotent?"

Lu Zhuo walked to her side in three or two steps, although Xia Lulu wanted to stay away from him, but where could she get rid of Lu Zhuo, Lu Zhuo easily touched Wendy's little head.

"Don't touch people's heads like this, they won't be tall!" Wendy protested with her lips pouted, but Lu Zhuo just smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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