Chapter 337 Nirvana Starts
When Lu Zhuo was teasing Wendy, a little girl, for fun, there was an earth-shattering loud noise in front of him.

If it was a riot of magic elemental particles just now, it has completely exploded now.

It was as if there was a star falling from the sky ahead, hitting the ground and setting off a shock wave, but this shock wave belonged to the magic element particles.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo's eyes flickered, and he flicked his sleeves lightly.

A faint force directly wrapped Wendy beside her.

Of course, Wendy wouldn't be affected if he didn't do this, because she still had the soul of the Heavenly Dragon Grantini in her body to help her.

"Brother Lu Zhuo, is it going to be bad?"

Wendy's face was flushed just now when she was teased by Lu Zhuo's few words, and it still hasn't faded away, but feeling the magic riot, Wendy still showed a worried look on her little face.

"Ha, don't worry. Even ten nirvana, in the eyes of your brother Lu Zhuo, are also scumbags!"

Lu Zhuo laughed out loud, with a look of indifference in his eyes.


Xia Lulu snorted and flapped her wings vigorously, trying to take Wendy away from Lu Zhuo, the 'magic stick'.

However, the next moment, she felt her body was hit by a force, and she froze in mid-air for a moment, and Wendy, who was holding her, disappeared from under her cat's paw.


Xia Lulu exclaimed, almost fell from the sky, and then looked angrily at Lu Zhuo, who was holding Wendy with a teasing face, walking in the sky like a stroll in the garden.

"Uh." Wendy was also a little surprised, but when she realized that she was being held by Lu Zhuo, her face blushed slightly, and she smiled sweetly at Xia Lulu, "It's okay, let Brother Lu Zhuo hold me .”

Feeling the warm tender body of the little girl in his arms, Lu Zhuo smiled and blew softly in her ear.

"If you want me to hug you so much, then I will hug you forever."

"Ah?! This..." Wendy's face turned red again in an instant, with steam rising from the top of her head, and the little girl was so ashamed of being teased by Lu Zhuo's words that she didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing in his heart.

At this moment, Ersha and the others were all caught in the battle.

However, the enemies in the battle were some branch guilds under the command of the Six Demon Generals, all of whom were minions.In the original book, he was beaten to death by Naz and others.

But now... Looking at Ersha's dancing long crimson hair, like a gorgeous flower, coupled with that infinitely dazzling sword light, it seems to be an extremely beautiful art.

But this is a very dangerous art. Every time it flickers, it is as if it is destroyed. Those surrounded by dozens of people are cut to pieces in an instant.

Wendy, who was watching this scene in the sky, had a look of admiration in her big eyes, "Sister Ersha is so amazing."

"Well, I pointed out her strength." Lu Zhuo spoke the truth in a serious manner, but was looked down upon by Xia Lulu who disliked him no matter what.

After being dragged down for so long by the best of the six devil generals, his strength is probably average.This is how a cat thinks...

Unfortunately, Lu Zhuo was also paying attention to the battle below, and he was paying attention with the arrogance of knowledge and knowledge. In front of his arrogance of knowledge and knowledge, even his heart would be clearly seen by prying eyes.Cats are certainly no exception.

Ever since, Lu Zhuo gave Xia Lulu a hard look, and flicked his finger at it.


Xia Lulu screamed suddenly, and the wings on her back turned into four parts inexplicably. Although she could still fly in the air, she seemed to be bouncing up and down, which was extremely awkward.

Seeing this scene, Wendy couldn't help giggling coquettishly, her tender body trembling wildly.

"Brother Lu Zhuo, stop making fun of Xia Lulu..."

"Hmph, this guy is scolding me in his heart, he must be punished."

"Um..." Wendy was stunned for a moment, and asked subconsciously, "How do you know it's scolding you in its heart?"

Holding Wendy, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, and replied casually. "Oh, I can peek into anyone's mind if I want to, and cats are no exception."

As a result, after hearing these words, Wendy's little face became hot again.

It's over, brother Lu Zhuo can actually know what other people are thinking... Oh, then he knows what I am thinking now, no, I can't think about anything.

Seeing Wendy's cute appearance, Lu Zhuo couldn't help but burst out laughing.Of course he knew why this girl became like this, because just now, when he was domineering with his knowledge and knowledge, he accidentally saw that this girl had a part of yearning for him in her heart.

Wendy's eyes were flustered, but she found that the more she wanted to stop thinking about messy things, but those messy things were running around in her heart.

"Brother Lu Zhuo, you can't do this..."

In the end, Wendy was defeated, she pouted, blushed and protested with Lu Zhuo.

Protesting... well, protesting works.

Seeing Wendy's shy, even slightly annoyed expression, Lu Zhuo naturally knew that enough is enough, and after a slight smile, he put away half of his domineering arrogance.

In the depths of the jungle, Brian and his party stood like a five-pointed star.

Brian's face was pale, and his broken arm had already been bandaged.Because he was slashed by Erza's sword intent that broke all spells with one sword, all his dark magic was useless, so he had to abandon the broken arm.

But at this time, there was no anger on Brian's face, but joy and fanaticism.

"This is Nirvana...I'm finally going to get it!"

Feeling the surging magic power below, Brian couldn't help laughing.

Kebra on the side suddenly said coldly: "You should hurry up, they are coming soon."

"I have broken all the previous sealing magic, and there is only one last step left." Brian knew that Erza and the others had followed, but there was no anxious look on his face.

The next moment, his hands danced quickly, and the magic words formed a magic circle, like a key, suddenly inserted into the ground.

With an earth-shattering loud noise, Ersha and the others stopped in their tracks one after another. They were all a little shocked. Looking at them, the whole earth began to tremble.

No, it's not a tremor, it's the earth rising!

That is... a walking magic city... Nirvana!
"This is bad."

There was a dignified expression on everyone's face, but no one gave up. After looking at each other, everyone ran towards Nirvana together.

The six legs of Nirvana had just been lifted up, and a group of people used it as a ladder and quickly climbed up, but Natsu, when he found out that Nirvana was a means of transportation, his face instantly turned into a butt...

And Lu Zhuo, holding Wendy in his arms, took a step forward and came directly above Nirvana.

(End of this chapter)

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