Chapter 358 The Pain of Eternal Life

Mira dragged her little face aside, showing a helpless smile.

"That girl looks very pitiful. Brother Lu Zhuo probably just wanted to help her." Wendy at the side whispered to help Lu Zhuo, but her words seemed to have no effect at all.

Lisanna giggled, hugged Wendy from behind, and said softly: "Wendy sauce, you are too simple, Brother Lu Zhuo is a man with a heart, if you don't grow up here, I'm afraid you won't be able to win his heart oh."

As she spoke, Lisanna poked the flat bun on Wendy's chest with a smirk on her face.

Wendy's little face suddenly became feverish, and she quickly broke away from Lisanna's arm, and fled out in a bit of a mess, while feeling very entangled in her heart.

That's right... Why can't I grow up here? Brother Lu Zhuo really doesn't like me, right?

If Lu Zhuo knew what little Wendy was thinking now, he would laugh and hug her, and kiss her affectionately.

On the street in the night, Ekelea walked quietly with an unhappy bird beside her.

At this time, a figure came to her side and smiled gently at her.

"The place you want to go to, the Baoen Tali Forest, is very dangerous. Even if you have a body that is close to immortality, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach there alone." Looking at Ekelea calmly, as if Lu Zhuo forcibly struck up a conversation with the appearance of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Akelea was a little surprised, stopped, and asked softly: "How do you know where I'm going... So you used magic?"

"No, I don't use magic, I'm not a wizard."

Lu Zhuo smiled and said, Strictly speaking, Lu Zhuo is now a true saint and the master of the world, how can he be considered a magician.

From Lu Zhuo's eyes, Akelea didn't see lies, what she saw was sympathy and pity for her.

Feeling slightly relieved, Ekelea's words brought a touch of tenderness, and said, "Even if that's the case, I'm going." After she finished speaking, she turned around and continued walking.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo followed without hesitation, "Then, I'll go with you."

Akelea stopped again, with a bit of surprise in her eyes, and said softly: "Since there are terrifying monsters there, and you are not a mage, it will be dangerous to follow me."

"Aren't you in danger yourself?" Lu Zhuo looked at Ekelea tenderly, those eyes made Ekelea feel an inexplicable tremor in her heart.

Looking at Lu Zhuo, Ekelea sighed, and said in a deep voice: "My body will not die, so please let me go by myself." After she finished speaking, she continued to turn around and pulled Looking at Lu Zhuo's Mengmeng apologetically, he walked forward.

Lu Zhuo continued to follow, and suddenly smiled and said: "Although you are immortal, if you are eaten by some monsters, you will spend a long time in their stomachs, which is not good Experience."

Hearing this sentence, Ekelea's delicate body trembled, as if thinking of that scene, she suddenly showed a frightened look, and stopped again.

"Akelea..." Mengmeng looked at Akelea with some worry.

Lu Zhuo looked at this scene, smiled again, and said, "Although I am not a mage, I have a strong body and the ability to defeat monsters, so you won't refuse me to follow you."

After being silent for a while, Ekelea finally raised her head, looked at Lu Zhuo, pursed her lips and said, "Thank you...Although I don't know why you are so kind to me, and I don't know if I can repay you, but I also want to thank you." Say my thanks to you."

Seeing this scene, Mengmeng finally showed a smiling face, but it still looked funny.It stretched out its small wings towards Lu Zhuo, "Welcome to my team, my name is Mengmeng, please give me your advice."

"Well, my name is Lu Zhuo, please give me your advice." Lu Zhuo smiled, stretched out his hand to shake it, and followed Ekelea, the two of them walked slowly into the night...

In the forest of Baoen Tali, there was a roar of a monster.

In Akelea's astonished eyes, the three-story-high monster was kicked by Lu Zhuo so hard that it flew out, and Mengmeng was almost petrified.

"It's really not magic..." Lu Zhuo shrugged at Ekelea.

Ekelea slowly closed her small mouth, and then muttered, "Although it's not magic, this kind of power is the same as that of a monster."

Hearing what she said, Lu Zhuo couldn't help but chuckled, and said, "It seems that you are not normal either. What's the difference between having a nearly immortal body and mine?"

"Yeah, what's the difference." Akelea responded silently, and then followed Lu Zhuo to move on.

At night, beside the bonfire, Lu Zhuo set up meat skewers and concentrated on grilling, the smell of meat wafted out.

After becoming a true saint level existence, Lu Zhuo almost never made food with his own hands, and experiencing this feeling now, Lu Zhuo felt that his state of mind seemed to have become more perfect.

Mengmeng was flying up and down by the side, drooling non-stop, it seemed that before Lu Zhuo was cooked, he was about to pounce on him to snatch it.

Lu Zhuo smiled and flicked his fingers, lightly flicking Mengmeng far away.Akelea on the side looked at this scene and showed a long-lost smile.

Living with Lu Zhuo in the past few days has made her experience the warmth that she hasn't felt in a long time.

"Aikelea, here." Passing the grilled meat skewer over, Lu Zhuo continued to set up another skewer with a smile.

Akelea didn't speak, and took it lightly, moving like a nobleman, gently biting the grilled browned meat skewers that exuded fragrance.

Finally, Ekelea, who was full of food and drink, lay down on the grass, quietly looking at the night sky.

Because Lu Zhuo has put the world back together, the sky full of stars is dotted in the dark night, which makes people have infinite emotions.

"Life... is so fragile compared to the stars in this sky."

This sentence was not said by Lu Zhuo, but by the side, Ekelea, who rarely spoke, let out a sigh of emotion.

Lu Zhuo sighed, and lay on the side, softly said: "You have a nearly immortal life, which can be as eternal as the stars in the sky."

After saying this, Akelea suddenly became very excited and sat up abruptly.

"I don't want any eternal life... My people, my family, all died behind me one by one, 400 years of loneliness, any friend will die in my long life, such eternity, It can only bring heartache and pain!"

Looking at Ekelea who looked excited and had tears in his eyes, Lu Zhuo sat up gently with a burst of love in his heart, and hugged her in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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