Chapter 359 Sleeping Together?

Akelea was very emotional and did not struggle, but cried bitterly in Lu Zhuo's arms, as if she wanted to vent the pain of 400 years of loneliness.

Gently stroking her long hair, Lu Zhuo said softly, "I can understand your pain, that's because you haven't met a real partner."

"Magic will bring war and pain, but it is undeniable that magic can also bring joy and happiness. Just like your almost eternal life, if other people can have this power, then, do you think 400 Will the time of the year be long and painful, I am afraid, it will become happy and short."

These words were not approved by Ekelea. Without saying a word, Ekelea cried deeply in Lu Zhuo's arms for a while, then she stabilized her emotions, then she got out of Lu Zhuo's arms and lay down. On the side, fell into a deep sleep.

She knew that eternal life was created by the tears of the phoenix, and only that part of the tears of the phoenix had been used up by her.

Therefore, she felt that there would be no other eternal life in the world, and she would never have a real partner.

Lu Zhuo really wanted to tell her right now that immortal life and everything that is eternal exists.Even Lu Zhuo can give anyone eternal life as long as he wants.

However, all this is not the key to Akelea's knot.Her knot needs to be untied for her bit by bit.

Looking at Ekelea who was deeply asleep, Lu Zhuo sighed and closed his eyes.

The next day, Lu Zhuo and Ekelea finally came to a magical town in the middle of the destination.

Magic flying carpets all over the sky, all kinds of magic props, this is a magic city far more lively than Magnolia.Lu Zhuo and Ekelia walked quietly on the street.

"Look, the joy and laughter brought about by these magics." Looking at Akelea with a plain face, Lu Zhuo smiled faintly and spoke softly.

Akelea glanced at Lu Zhuo expressionlessly, then lowered her head slightly, and continued to walk forward with a dull voice, "But magic brings more pain."

In fact, joy should be greater than pain, after all, this is a world of magical civilization.Lu Zhuo didn't say this sentence, but just flashed in his mind, and then continued to follow Ekelea.

This magic city is very lively today, and I don't know what celebration is going on. Almost all the hotels are full of people.

"Boss, can you open two rooms?" Lu Zhuo walked into a hotel with Akelea, who didn't like talking very much.

The boss wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiled awkwardly, and said, "It's a bit hot, well, there's only one room left."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhuo turned his head in embarrassment and looked at Ekelea.I went all over the hotels on the street, and they were all full. The only one that wasn't full had only one room left.

Of course, Lu Zhuo said that he was actually manipulating it silently, and he has already fed the dog with morals and so on!
"Just one room." Akelea, who had been silently following behind without speaking, spoke softly, with an indifferent expression on her face, as if she didn't take it seriously at all.

Well, I knew everything was under control.

Lu Zhuo handed over the money to the boss behind Akelea's back, and the corner of his mouth showed a curve that no one else could tell.

"You...don't mind?" After paying the money, Lu Zhuo turned and looked at Ekelea.

On the side, Mengmeng flew around, and said to Lu Zhuo: "Ekelea doesn't mind, isn't it sleeping together in the forest these days?"


This time Lu Zhuo really sprayed.

The boss looked over with surprised eyes, glanced at Lu Zhuo and Ekelia a few times, and showed an expression that you understand.

Akelea's face turned red, she stomped at Mengmeng in embarrassment, and shouted, "Mengmeng, what are you talking about!"

"Hey, did I say something wrong?" Mengmeng saw that Ekelea was a little angry, and quickly hid behind Lu Zhuo, with a puzzled face.

Lu Zhuo patted its completely asymmetrical head calmly, and said, "Well, you are right, but some people may misunderstand it."

After all, I saw Akelea has already rushed to the room first.

Although this girl has lived for 400 years, Lu Zhuo feels that she is still no different from an ordinary girl.Just like Mebis, a cute little loli over 100 years old.

In Ekelea's case, she is four hundred years old, a beautiful girl with arrogant and pathetic attributes.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo rubbed his chin, followed Ekelea into the room, Mengmeng was still puzzled thinking about why Akelea blushed just now.

Pushing open the door and entering, Lu Zhuo touched the back of his head when he saw Ekelea sitting on his bed with his head bowed, "That..."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Akelea raised her head and said softly, "Go to bed early."

After saying this, Akelea turned over and lay down on the bed, closing her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo and Mengmeng looked at each other, their jaws dropped.

No... Did you hear me right? !

How could Akelea actually say 'Go to bed early', so caring about other people's words?

"It seems that Akelea has already taken you in her heart as a friend." Mengmeng fluttered her wings twice, showing a smiling face.

"To shut up."

Ekelea, who closed her eyes, heard Mengmeng's words, and scolded coldly, and at the same time, a trace of rosiness flashed across her face.

Lu Zhuo looked at Ekelea, whose mood seemed to be a little unstable, her beautiful eyelashes trembling slightly, like a sleeping princess, and she felt a little happy in her heart.

It seems that the iceberg-like heart of the beautiful girl has already melted a crack by herself. This is good news.

However, seeing Mengmeng flying directly into Ekelea's arms and sleeping soundly, Lu Zhuo's face collapsed slightly again.It seems that there is only one bed in this room.

Seemingly thinking of this, Akelea opened her eyes again, looked at Lu Zhuo calmly, and said softly, "Are you going to sleep on the bed? I don't mind."

This is completely ignoring the intimacy between men and women!As expected of a poor girl who has witnessed 400 years of history, but you don't mind, I do.This kind of thing must be done slowly step by step, how can...

In order not to leave a bad impression on a girl whose iceberg-like heart has just melted a little...

Well, Lu Zhuo admitted that it was actually because there was a light bulb called Mengmeng here.Although this guy is just a little bird with a long and weird shape, it does not hinder its essence as a light bulb.

"I'll just lie on the chair and sleep for a while. You must have a good rest."

"En." Ekelea responded softly, and no one saw her face flashing a gentleness that hadn't appeared in hundreds of years.

When night fell, four figures hovered above the magical town.

"Is it right here?"

"Yes, but it is said that the girl is accompanied by a person who can defeat giant beasts with physical strength."

"Hmph, no matter how strong your body is, it will be vulnerable to my magic!"

(End of this chapter)

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