Chapter 369 Unrest caused by shopping

Unlike Fairy Tail, even though Fairy Tail used to be number one in Fiore, after seven years, it has become recognized as the bottom one and is looked down upon by others.

As for Lu Zhuo, he killed the black dragon Akunologia and forced back the great wizard of the abyss, Jeref. This record is enough to make Lu Zhuo, like Jeref, forever legendary!
"Really, it's so troublesome to go shopping."

Lu Zhuo shook his head helplessly, and said, "Elusha, you can continue to participate in the competition, and I will watch you as the host."

After all, before the excited crowd was about to pounce, Lu Zhuo directly pulled Princess Jade who was chatting with Lucy aside, and disappeared from everyone's sight in a flash.

"Hey, did you notice that the girl next to Lord Juggernaut seems to be Princess Emerald?"

"Yeah, great news, Princess Emerald has a close relationship with Lord Juggernaut!"

"It should be said that Princess Emerald has climbed up to Lord Juggernaut... With Lord Juggernaut here, the Kingdom of Fiore may be immortal."

On the other side, after Lu Zhuo had been away for a long time, Sting and Rogge stood up tremblingly with the support of their respective partners, Cat, sweating profusely, their faces pale, as if they were seriously ill.

The two looked at each other with horror in their eyes, and their mouths were extremely bitter.

"It's so's just a look!"

"It's ridiculous...we still want to challenge him..."

"Forget it, that person's realm is no longer something we can look up to. Now, we only need to defeat Fairy Tail, Natsu and Gajeel!"

"Yes, our goal should be the number one in Damo Dou Yanwu, not that person..."

The two dragon slayers looked at each other, finally realized what they should do, and left the scene in despair.

The passers-by around looked at them without sarcasm.To be killed instantly with a single look, as Fiore's number one sword-biting tiger, must be embarrassing.

But if that person is a legendary figure, as powerful as Jeref, that's different.

If it weren't for the two people's repeated provocations, if Lu Zhuo attacked them, it would make people feel that the big bullied the small.

That's right, Lu Zhuo's actual age in this world is only 17 years old, younger than Erza Lucy and others, but in people's subconscious, he has been placed in the same age as Jeref, who is immortal for 400 years. The monster is on.

"I didn't expect Master Juggernaut to be so young...and there are so many beauties around me." Among the members of Snake Princess Lin who had been watching from the side, Xue Liya, the sky-killing god mage, had a twinkle in her eyes. staring at the little star.

Jura's long beard almost dragged to the ground, and with a wry smile, he said, "Speaking of which, Mr. Lu Zhuo, the holy great wizard, is much younger than us, and he is probably a little older than Xue Liya." , This kind of strength is really unbelievable. If I was able to take a peek at the last time we met, then this time, I can't even touch the edge."

"Really? It's so powerful, it really is at the same level as Jeref!" Leo couldn't help feeling a little scared when he thought that he had once made an enemy of Lu Zhuo.

Xue Liya on the side listened to these words with a look of admiration in her eyes.

"So young, so handsome, so's perfect, the object of Xue Liya's love..."

"Okay, don't be an idiot, let's go!" The dog-headed Toby on the side patted Xue Liya on the shoulder.

Such a scene is constantly being staged in various parts of the Huadu Kuluokas.

The instigator, Lu Zhuo, just took Princess Emerald out for a walk.At this time, the two had returned to the palace.

"Although I don't want to question your decision, but...Can Erza and the others really defeat the Sword-Bite Tiger? After all, the Sword-Bite Tiger has been an extremely powerful guild in recent years."

Princess Emerald stood obediently beside Lu Zhuo, and accompanied Lu Zhuo to look at the scenery of the imperial garden below.

"Don't worry, even if I don't make a move, Elusa can wipe out all ten tigers bitten by swords alone." Lu Zhuo walked behind Princess Jade with a smile, and put his arms around Princess Jade's shoulders.

Princess Emerald blushed for a while, but she stood there quietly, feeling the warmth of Lu Zhuo's embrace.

Naturally, Princess Jade would not question Lu Zhuo's words, her eyes flickered, and she murmured: "I didn't expect Elder Sister Ersha to be so powerful."

"Of course, she is my woman." Lu Zhuo replied subconsciously, but found that the words were a little ambiguous.

Princess Jade also noticed it, and she struggled slightly, then turned to look at Lu Zhuo, with ripples in her beautiful eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, lowered his head and kissed her lips lightly.

On the other side of Huadu Kulokas, after receiving the news that Lu Zhuo had appeared on the street, Kagura tightened his grip on the sword in his hand.

She has been paying attention to Lu Zhuo's news, thinking about becoming stronger.Until Lu Zhuo sent her brother Simon over, she lost her goal and didn't know what to do, but Lu Zhuo continued to encourage her, hoping that she would continue to become stronger.

Therefore, she firmly carried out Lu Zhuo's belief, just like in the original book, constantly becoming stronger.In the original book, the goal is Gerald, but here, the goal is Lu Zhuo's approval.

She wanted Lu Zhuo to recognize her, not only as a younger sister, but also a more intimate identity.This girl, since she was paid attention to by Lu Zhuo since she was a child, has always carried Lu Zhuo's shadow in her heart. As she grew up, her heart was completely occupied by Lu Zhuo's figure.

After learning about Lu Zhuo's disappearance seven years ago, she searched desperately at sea for several months. The sword in her hand cut through the waves and even possessed the power to cut through space!

Lu Zhuo has also been paying attention to this sister Kagura. Her talent is not even weaker than Turtle Dove. With swordsmanship alone, she has reached the strength of a great swordsman. In addition, her gravity magic is much stronger than in the original book!

As soon as he arrived, he was watched by so many girls. If Lu Zhuo knew about it, he would probably be drunk. Of course, he was drunk and happy.

Emerald Princess, who hugged and kissed Lu Zhuo, was weak and panting.

Lu Zhuo let her go gently, looked at her tenderly, and said, "You want to leave everything to me?"

"En." Princess Jade was surprisingly calm at this moment, she nodded slightly, her beautiful eyes were tender like water.

As for Lu Zhuo, a princess picked her up and gently put her on the big soft bed, then smiled and kissed her on the cheek, saying: "Don't worry...just liking her is not enough , only true love can do it.”

After saying this, Lu Zhuo turned around directly under Princess Emerald's astonished gaze, and disappeared in front of her with a slight flash.

"Wait for me, I have to deal with something."

If the following things hadn't happened, Lu Zhuo might really have pushed down the princess directly... After all, the foreplay and flirting are all over...

(End of this chapter)

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