Chapter 370 Two Purposes

"This is, did the Master Juggernaut make a move? I didn't expect that the Master Juggernaut would participate in the design of this big demon fight performance."

In their eyes, Lu Zhuo had already become a supreme existence, and some small guild mages who were a little afraid that Lu Zhuo would participate in the big magic fight felt that the previous idea was too ridiculous.

I am afraid that for Master Juggernaut, Damo Dou Yanwu is just a game, a show.

"Master Juggernaut, it really is perfect..." The designer stared blankly at the giant maze that was created out of thin air like a miracle, with shock and admiration on his face.

The host Pumpkin on the side also looked at this scene with horrified eyes.But after all, it was a senior host, so he quickly realized that, according to Lu Zhuo, he began to announce new rules.

At the same time, the 110 three mage teams below were also sent into the maze in unison.

"Another reminder, this maze will change naturally every minute." Lu Zhuo casually said something, and Lu Zhuo directly hugged Princess Jade beside him, and then waved his hand, and a screen that could see through everything appeared in front of him.

At this time, inside the maze, all the mages were horrified and unbelievable when they heard that the maze was created out of thin air by the sword master Lu Zhuo.

This kind of power is like a miracle!

A labyrinth the size of half of the flower capital Kulokas was created out of thin air. This kind of power is completely the power of the gods. The holy great magician and sword master Lu Zhuo is indeed a god-like existence.

And Sting and Rogge, who once wanted to challenge Lu Zhuo, looked even more horrified in their eyes.

This kind of power, I am afraid that they can be crushed to death with one finger. Even the two dragons in their impression, the White Dragon and the Shadow Dragon, may not be opponents at all!

However, now is not the time to think about these things, they quickly regained their composure and must pass the first test.The companions behind looked at each other and began to walk in the maze.

On the other side, among the members of Mermaid's Heel, Kagura had a trace of attachment on his face, and a look of admiration flashed in his eyes, as if he had seen through a closed maze in the distance, that calmly watching here, as if Lu Zhuo is like a god.

"elder brother……"

After murmuring two words, Kagura clenched the sword in his hand, regained his composure, with a trace of sharp sword intent on his body, and entered the fighting state.

Now, what she needs is clearance.

Unknowingly, her original goal of helping Mermaid Heel become number one in Fiore turned into being able to show herself in front of Lu Zhuo...

All the teams were teleported to the edge of each channel by Lu Zhuo almost instantly, and then the first test began.

After the start, Lu Zhuo lost interest instead, and gently hugged Princess Jade beside him, and began to tease her.

Princess Emerald, who was originally a princess and had a noble status, only blushed pretty and slowly resisted Lu Zhuo's aggression, but as Lu Zhuo's actions became more and more daring, she gradually lost her mind, her cheeks Feihong, blurred eyes.

This scene was both warm and interesting, and Lu Zhuo didn't make any more excessive moves, but a pair of big hands almost touched her whole body.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Zhuo's somewhat bewildered eyes regained his composure.

At the same time, there was a heavy bell ringing in the distance, it was obvious that the selection of Damo Dou Yanwu was over.

Lu Zhuo was surprised to find that what he did had almost no impact, and the eight teams that advanced were still exactly the same as in the original book.

"Is it over?" Princess Emerald got up from Lu Zhuo's arms, with a blushing pretty face, she lightly tidied up her messy clothes, and then restored her arrogance and dignity.

"En." Lu Zhuo nodded lightly, and turned his gaze to the Great Demon Fighting Arena in the distance, but in fact, Lu Zhuo's purpose was not here at all.

There are only two things he thinks about at this time, one is Lucy who is about to travel through time and space in the future.

Because Lu Zhuo is the only body, just like the world of One Piece, there will be no him in the past and the future, only the only true self in the present, and I am the only one.

Therefore, in the future time and space, there will be no change from the original work. One time and space will be destroyed by [-] dragons, and one world will be controlled by Akunologia.

If the holy dragon sword in Lu Zhuo's body hadn't been completed and became an immortal holy weapon, and he didn't need the blood of the black dragon, Lu Zhuo would probably directly wipe out the black dragon in the endless time and space, killing it completely from the past to the future.

Of course, Lucy is the only thing in Lu Zhuo's heart in the future. As the daughter of the goddess of stars and moon, Leila, there is no doubt that even if the world is destroyed by ten thousand dragons, Lucy can still survive.This is why she was able to return from the future to the present with the help of the power of the star spirit.

When Leila is mentioned, the agreement between Lu Zhuo and Leila comes to mind.

After becoming a true saint, Lu Zhuo did not forcefully use his own power to break time and space and return to the past because of the consideration of the stability of the world. In the past, this would have had minimal impact.

After sorting out these things in his mind, with a smirk on his face, Lu Zhuo picked up Princess Jade and threw her on the bed.

"Master Juggernaut wants to eat this princess?" Princess Emerald suddenly showed a smile, and her noble princess temperament was instantly destroyed.

Tsk, this girl is very familiar now, and she dares to joke with herself.

Lu Zhuo rubbed his chin and couldn't help showing a smile. Without a doubt, compared to a princess who had to think and tremble when speaking, such a free and lovely princess undoubtedly made Lu Zhuo like it more.

Lu Zhuo thinks that he is also a domineering person in his heart, but he is not the domineering of an emperor. His domineering is sacred, not an emperor.

The emperor's dominance is to make everyone submit, and they must be submissive and respectful in front of him.

And the dominance of the saint is like that of Lu Zhuo, obedient, indulgent, and pampering the girls around him.To other people, they are all indifferent, cold and arrogant, and indifferent.

When the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses, but if someone really provoked Lu Zhuo and made the saint angry, it might be even more extreme!The world may be destroyed under Lu Zhuo's anger!
Lu Zhuo, transformed into a big bad wolf, threw Princess Jade down with a smirk, and almost stripped her naked amidst her exclamation and shyness, but what made her relieved and disappointed was that Lu Zhuo still didn't eat her, but Molested her thoroughly, and looked at her all over, making her feel that the noble temperament of the princess has been completely shattered into scum.

(End of this chapter)

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