Chapter 371 Aska

On the second day of the match, Lu Zhuo didn't interfere any more, but sat in the most honored and highest spectator seats openly and aboveboard, and even showed his arms around Princess Emerald without hesitation, appearing on this highly anticipated occasion.

Such a domineering and high-profile announcement of the Emerald Princess as his woman made countless nobles and princes who liked the Emerald Princess heartbroken, but they didn't dare to say a word, looking at Lu Zhuo with only fear.

Because those who dared to show a trace of resentment and hostility towards Lu Zhuo would naturally be forcibly deterred by a wave of heavenly power in their minds.

This is a rule specially designed by Lu Zhuo, the rules of heaven and earth, as long as you show hostility to Lu Zhuo himself, you will naturally be punished by heaven and earth.

As a true saint, Lu Zhuo naturally has the ability to create rules.Lu Zhuo didn't want to take the trouble to monitor everyone's mind, or let the hostility grow and cause some troubles.

Although I'm not afraid of trouble, it's not necessary. Raising one's hand and making a rule will solve it. Why bother to make so much trouble.

Looking at the man who stands tall, whose eyes are as deep as the endless starry sky, and whose temperament is like a god descending into the world, the hearts of countless beautiful girls tremble.

"Brother Lu Zhuo, I will let you see my excellence..." Kagura, a cold girl, showed a rare smile on her face, and clenched the sword around her waist.

"This guy..." Erza gritted her silver teeth, as if she had the urge to make Lu Zhuo go back and kneel on the washboard.

The two girls, Lucy and Wendy, looked at each other with helpless expressions.

Immediately afterwards, the real Damo Dou Yanwu kicked off.

Lu Zhuo didn't make any more moves to affect it, it was almost exactly the same as in the original book, first hiding and then fighting.

Lu Zhuo had little interest in the first few games until Lucy came out to fight against Freya from the crow's tail.

"The crow's tail... Ivan." Lu Zhuo's eyes were slightly cold, but thinking of the old man Makarov, Lu Zhuo still didn't make a move.

Although he really wanted to kill Ivan directly, Lu Zhuo still chose to respect Makarov. This old man's status in Lu Zhuo's heart was close to that of his elders.

Although Lu Zhuo usually doesn't care, there is no doubt that Makarov has a great affection in Lu Zhuo's heart, no matter he was in front of the computer in his previous life or he specially joined Fairy Tail in this life.

At this time, the battle on the field almost showed a one-sided situation.

Miss Lucy is not her in the original book. Although Lu Zhuo didn't directly help her improve her strength and violently destroy the plot structure, her strength has reached the level of a super S-class mage.

If the three-body door is opened to summon the star spirits regardless of everything, even the star spirit king, or even beheading the top ten magic guides is possible.

In comparison, Freya was too weak a woman. Lucy didn't even summon the protoss, and only used the Galaxy Whip in her hand to torture her to death.

But Freya, this woman is extremely vicious and vicious. Seeing that she is not her opponent, she secretly pushed her hair deep into the ground, then penetrated the arena, and approached a naive and cute little girl in the audience.

"Hehe, blonde, you are very powerful, but..." Freya smiled ferociously with scars on her body, and glanced slightly to the left.

Lucy originally had the chance to win, so she didn't care to glance at it, but the next moment, her eyes were filled with anger.

"You guy..."

In the auditorium, Aska, the daughter of Arzak and Biska, was looking pure and innocent, happily watching the game on the field, unaware that there was a strand of hair on her back that could be twisted at any time. The red hair on her slender neck.

"Hehe, don't move around, otherwise, I can't guarantee the life of that little girl."

"Damn..." Lucy gritted her teeth, but she really didn't dare to move. Seeing the attack sweeping in front of her, she involuntarily looked at the figure sitting there at the highest point.

But when she looked over, she found that figure had disappeared at some point, and only Princess Jade was left watching the game calmly.

In the auditorium, Lu Zhuo smiled and stood behind Aska, gently hugging the little girl who was only a few years old.

The little girl exclaimed, and when she turned her head to see Lu Zhuo's figure, she was immediately delighted.

"It's Uncle Lu Zhuo..."

The little girl has been listening to the legend of Lu Zhuo almost since she was born. She is in the big family of Fairy Tail. Although Lu Zhuo didn't see Lu Zhuo until seven years later when Lu Zhuo returned, she still has Lu Zhuo's shadow in her heart. To see what a great hero really is.

However, after Lu Zhuo came back, things were a bit chaotic, and Arzak and Biska took good care of the little girl again, not daring to let her provoke Lu Zhuo, the big devil in the eyes of the magician of Fairy Tail.

"Why, you know me?" Lu Zhuo rubbed her hair with a smile, and realized that he has become more and more inclined towards lolicon recently, and he can't even connect with a seven-year-old girl...

Cursing himself inwardly, Lu Zhuo casually erased the distracting thoughts.

"Of course...Uncle Lu Zhuo is a hero in my heart." Aska looked at Lu Zhuo with a blushing face, looking very cute.

Arzak and Biska on the other side didn't notice that there was a crisis in Aska, but Lu Zhuo hugged Aska, which naturally made them notice.

But the couple just glanced at each other, and then looked at Lu Zhuo with some vigilance, but they didn't dare to come over and snatch their daughter back.

This scene also fell into the eyes of Lucy below.

Overjoyed in her heart, Lucy no longer held back her hands. Although Freya's attack was already in front of her eyes, she still avoided it overnight.

Just when Lucy was about to take down Freya with one blow, a faint cold hum spread throughout the audience, making the extremely lively Damo Dou performance instantly silent.

Naturally, Lu Zhuo is the only one who can achieve this kind of miraculous power.

"I'm watching this big demon fight, no one is allowed to make small moves, otherwise... Humph!"

Lu Zhuo's indifferent voice, as if carrying the power of the sky, descended suddenly, and Freya in the field spurted a mouthful of blood instantly, with horror in her eyes, she directly knelt on the ground.

If Lu Zhuo hadn't taken care of holding a little Aska in his arms, he might have killed this crazy woman directly.

"Damn it..." Ivan gritted his teeth as he watched this scene from the audience, with a look of extreme fear in his eyes.

The scene of complete silence exploded in an instant.

No one questioned Lu Zhuo's words. Since Lu Zhuo suddenly intervened in the battle and said these words, the woman in the field must have made some small moves.

The hosts of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts were a little embarrassed. Originally, Lu Zhuo was only watching as a special guest, but there was a mistake in the game, and they didn't find it. They also asked Lu Zhuo to point it out. The council and the royal family were slapped in the face at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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