Chapter 381 Slaying the Dragon for You
Everyone, at this moment, focused their eyes on that ordinary person who stood quietly in front of the gate of the eclipse star spirit without a trace of momentum.

A huge dragon's head stretched out with the roar of the dragon, and the next moment, there was a sound like a piece of paper was cut.

The dragon had just poked its head out, and had just let out a dragon roar with the majesty of the dragon clan, a bloody sword glow flashed, and it chopped off its dragon head!
The huge body suddenly fell to the side, blood soaring into the sky.

In the eyes of everyone, it was almost invincible. The giant dragon who looked up at the mountain was instantly killed by Lu Zhuo with a single sword!

Everyone gasped.

"Okay... so powerful!"

"Master Juggernaut...what height is he standing on! I'm afraid he is the strongest human being in the past, present, and future!"

All the people standing beside Lu Zhuo looked at the bloody three-foot sword that suddenly appeared in Lu Zhuo's hand. It was as transparent as a cicada's wing. With a light wave, a fake abyss-level dragon was killed here. , with a look of incomparable admiration on their faces.

Future Lucy will use the same method, looking at Lu Zhuo with a hint of admiration.For the past few days, Lu Zhuo has been comforting her and promised to avenge her.

Although she heard that in this world, Lu Zhuo beheaded the Black Dragon King Akunologia, but she didn't see Lu Zhuo make a move in person, so she was always a little uneasy.

At this time, seeing Lu Zhuo beheading a giant dragon like chopping melons and vegetables, the stone in her heart was relieved.

Tears welled up in her eyes again, and she choked on Lu Zhuo with some deep hatred in her expression, "Please...kill them all! Please..."

On the side, Miss Lucy also looked at her future self with a complicated expression.She knew how kind-hearted her character was, but at this time she was able to say such cruel words as to kill all the dragons, which showed how much pain and torture her future self had endured!

Looking at Lu Zhuo's back, Miss Lucy felt inexplicably at ease, and a burst of warmth and love surged in her heart.

Fortunately, I met him in this time and space...

There were three loud roars again, and the three dragons rushed out of the eclipse star spirit gate one by one.

One has no entity and is entirely made of flames, the other is like a diamond, shining brightly in the sun, and the last one is emerald green, which is an emerald dragon.

As soon as the three-headed dragon appeared, it brought with it the aura of the peak of the three semi-sages. The overwhelming coercion made the guild leaders present and all the knight leaders tremble with fear!
The power of the three semi-sacred pinnacles changed the color of the world, and the space trembled!

"Wahhaha, there will be a gate of time and space to open... Hey, Arnold is dead?!" The emerald green dragon let out a happy roar, and then the voice seemed to be stuck in half, huge With horror in his dragon's eyes, he looked at the cup with a severed head, the first dragon that crossed over.

"You... all die."

Lu Zhuo looked at the three-headed dragon calmly, and the holy dragon sword in his hand shook slightly.

The sky is destroyed with one sword!

As if covering the sky and covering the sun, and the Milky Way falling for nine days, a sword light covered the sun's light, making the whole world suddenly dim, leaving only the sword light that was as bright as the fusion of endless stars in the sky.

"My body is a flame, you can't cut it... ah!" The flame dragon in the lead roared, breaking free from the shackles of the rules, trying to burst out its own flame power.

However, its flaming, incorporeal head was also chopped off by a sword!
The sword light flashed, and the three dragon heads shot up into the sky instantly, but this time no dragon blood spewed out, because the three dragons were not dragons with flesh and blood.


How shocking is this scene!

Just now, the three-headed dragon who descended upon the world with enormous coercion turned into three headless corpses the next moment!
"Instakill, another instakill!"

"This is a three-headed dragon... just like that, he was instantly killed by the sword master..."

"It's a great honor for our country to be able to give birth to such an existence as Lord Juggernaut in Fiore..."

All the people, including those powerful knight commanders, and even a group of guild leaders who were watching, looked in awe at the slender figure with a calm expression standing in front of the gate of the eclipse star spirit.

He killed the three-headed dragon with one sword. Because he didn't want to destroy the world, Lu Zhuo was forced to restrain his strength and did not use the eternal sword.

Look at the location of Sirius Island, that eternal sword will not be destroyed for seven years, as long as Lu Zhuo doesn't take the initiative to erase it, it will accompany the whole world until the end.

This power is obviously not suitable for use in this place.

"Let's go, I'll kill you to your heart's content!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo suddenly burst into laughter, grabbed the future Lucy beside him, took a step, and directly crossed the gate of the eclipse star spirit, and directly entered the 400 Years ago, in a world where dragons were rampant!

"Kill them all..."

Being pulled into the gate of the eclipse star spirit suddenly, Lucy just felt a little dizzy, then woke up, looking at the ancient and wild world, where countless dragons occupied the sky and the ground.

On her small face, there was incomparable hatred.

These days, Lu Zhuo found that it was impossible to completely smooth out her pain, so Lu Zhuo chose to turn her pain into hatred, and he helped her cut off all the objects of hatred. pain of.

"Hey, I will do what I promised you. Use the blood of ten thousand dragons to commemorate your dead companions and erase the pain in your heart."

Lu Zhuo laughed loudly, the laughter was full of domineering and heroic spirit.

He held Lucy with one hand, and swung the lightly held Holy Dragon Sword violently with the other.

The Eternal Sword Dao suddenly erupted, the original power in the body ran away, and the fighting power was fully activated!

Like a sword covering the sky, piercing the sky, and it was frozen there forever. Dozens of dragons flying and circling in the sky fell like a rain of blood under this sword!

The sky is destroyed with one sword!Stars fall with one sword!

Lu Zhuo continued to hold Lucy's hand, laughing loudly, took a step, and came into the air, the sword in his hand fell down with a bang, as if carrying a huge star and falling from the sky.

It was another eternal sword intent, freezing everything forever, a sun-like ray of light appeared on the ground, and dozens of dragons were wiped out by the sword in an instant!

More than a dozen semi-holy-level dragons, plus dozens of dragons at the peak of the holy ten, in Lu Zhuo's hands, couldn't even withstand a single sword, and were instantly killed!

This is the result of Lu Zhuo's strength being weakened by the power of time because he crossed the gate of time and space and came to the past!



(The third update will be late, so watch it again in the morning.)
(End of this chapter)

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