Chapter 382 Layout for 400 years!
Just when Lu Zhuo slaughtered the dragons, at this moment, in the hell world belonging to the past time, in the deepest part of the abyss, a pair of eyes slowly opened.

"finally come."

Beside this figure, there are eight huge auras, eight abyss-level demons, that is, holy-level existences!In addition to the figure with a pair of jet-black ink, which seems to represent the end of all darkness in the whole world, there are nine saints in total!

At the same time, behind the solar eclipse star gate, the one where Lu Zhuo is located belongs to the current time and space, and a figure floats in the sky above the flower capital Kulokas.

No one can see his existence. It's not because he hides his breath, but as if his whole body has been integrated into time.

Those plain eyes seem to have the boundlessness from ancient times. If Lu Zhuo were here and saw this scene, he would be able to realize in an instant that this person and the One Piece world were the last to appear, controlling time. None of them are nearly identical.

That face hidden in time and space is indeed Jeff!However, although his appearance and body are exactly the same as Jeff's, his soul is completely different!

At this time, he quietly looked down, at the shining eclipse star gate, and at the surroundings, those people with fanatical, worshiping, and admiring gazes showed a flat smile.

This smile made his eyes, which seemed to see through the world and see through the world of mortals, suddenly flash with frenzy!
"The 400-year layout finally...started, exactly as I expected."

A murmured word spewed out from his mouth, and after that, he slowly closed his eyes, and a huge force of time and space suddenly flashed around his body.

This power is the same as the Celestial Gate of the Eclipse, but even stronger!
The power of breaking the time axis displayed by the solar eclipse star gate is extremely frenzied and raging.

But beside this person, the power of time is as docile as a cat.

Without a sound, he disappeared, crossing time and space, without a trace.


In the time belonging to the past, in the world behind the eclipse of the Star Spirit Gate, Lu Zhuo had a trace of evil on his face, and the sword energy in his hand pierced through the heavens and the earth. Killing the dragon clan was like erasing a group of ants!
At this moment, Lucy, who was being held by Lu Zhuo's little hand, could clearly feel how invincible Lu Zhuo's power and sword skills are!

"I... I avenged you..." Lucy looked at this scene, and tears welled up in her eyes again.

Just when Lu Zhuo slaughtered nearly a hundred dragons with two swords, a more powerful aura finally came from afar.

"Who is it? Hurt my people!" An angry roar came from a distance, and an earth-shattering, trembling dragon roar came suddenly.

Although Lu Zhuo is the master of the world, his strength has also been weakened a little across time and space.

And in this time and space 400 years ago, there was undoubtedly more than one dragon who had the same status as the fire dragon king Igniru and reached the holy level!
Feeling the power that fully reached the holy level, Lu Zhuo laughed again.

"Lucy, let me kill you!"

Another sword strike, as if the Milky Way hangs upside down and the stars fall!
That aura, like heaven and earth, is above all living things, and regards everything as an ant!

All living beings fall with one sword!

The dragon king of the holy level had just arrived, and there was a look of horror in his huge eyes.

"How is it possible! This power... this human being!"

Without hesitation, it exhausted the greatest strength in its body to resist the sword that made the world eclipsed and everything lost its vitality.

It didn't work, a holy dragon was split in half by Lu Zhuo in an instant!

The bright red dragon's blood was sprinkled all over the ground, and the ground couldn't bear the power of the dragon's blood, and it burst open inch by inch, revealing abysses, allowing the dragon's blood to flow into the ground.

A holy dragon, even if it's just an ordinary dragon that just entered the holy level, is enough to easily destroy the world, and can face the black dragon. The existence of Jeref, the life of the same level, is just such a sword that Lu Zhuo understated Spike!


Lu Zhuo looked at the pair of long eyes that seemed to be terrified and unbelievable, and a trace of disdain flashed across his face.

"It doesn't make any sense, and this dragon's blood has no effect."

In his hand, the holy dragon sword, which was as thin as a cicada's wing and as red as amber, absorbed a little, and then spit it out.Even the dragon blood of the holy dragon clan, the holy dragon sword is completely unnecessary, it is indeed in a perfect state.


Gently flicking the sword in his hand, Lu Zhuo took Lucy's little hand, and with one step, he had crossed an unknown distance.

With one sword strike, the world was shocked!

The mighty sword energy is constantly flashing between the sky and the earth, the whole world, no matter where it is, can be seen and felt, that Ling Ran sword intent that suppresses the sky and earth and makes the whole world tremble!
kill!Keep killing!
More and more dragons died in the hands of Lu Zhuo. Among them, there may be dragons that Lu Zhuo was familiar with, such as Ignilu and Grantini, but they only belonged to the existence of this time and space in the past.

Without mercy, kill them all!

Lucy who was following Lu Zhuo's side, the look in her beautiful eyes was constantly changing.

From hatred, to the joy after revenge, to a kind of numbness, and finally weeping again.

At this time, Lu Zhuo had slaughtered tens of thousands of dragons!
In just one hour, the number of dragons that died under Lu Zhuo's hands reached tens of thousands, and many of them were at the holy level. Even the black dragon Akunologia, who had not yet grown up in this world, also died. In the hands of Lu Zhuo!
However, on Lu Zhuo's face, the killing frenzy and gloom gradually faded away. Looking at Lucy who was crying again, he sighed slightly, put away the sword in his hand, and gently held Lucy in his arms with both hands.

He knew what Lucy was thinking, even if she took revenge, even if she killed ten thousand dragons, her partner still couldn't come back.

If Lu Zhuo pays the price of destroying the whole world at all costs, it is still possible to belong to the future Lucy, that future time and space, and resurrect Naz and others.

But Lu Zhuo would not do this kind of thing, first of all the price would be too high, and moreover, Lu Zhuo is not a kind person, all he has in his heart is domineering.

Lucy belonged to him, and the future Lucy also belonged to him.

This future Lucy follows the main line of the original book. Not surprisingly, the person she likes in her heart must be Natsu.Now, the Natsu who belongs to the future is dead, and the Natsu of this world has no relationship with future Lucy.

Naturally, Lu Zhuo wanted to carve his figure into Lucy's heart.

Although it is difficult to get rid of the figure that belongs to Natsu in Lucy's heart, time can always erase everything, Lucy's pain, and all other figures in her heart.

After all, Lu Zhuo has infinite and eternal time...


(The final layout of the design is about to be unveiled, and the world of Fairy Tail is coming to an end. Well, the next world is Zhan, Crimson Eyes! A great anime, but it makes Xiaofeng have the urge to kill the author, But it definitely can't be killed, so Xiaofeng used his own pen to rewrite that world.

Well, children's shoes that you haven't seen before, you can make up for them.There are a total of 24 episodes in the animation, and I finished watching it in half a day. I highly recommend it, and you won’t regret it! )
(End of this chapter)

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