Chapter 383 Jeff Appears!
Just when Lu Zhuo gently hugged Lucy in his arms and comforted her softly, as if he knew what Lu Zhuo was thinking, a plain and emotional voice appeared behind him.

"Yeah... Time can always erase everything..."

The appearance of this voice made Lu Zhuo's pupils shrink, and a trace of surprise appeared in his heart.

Because as the master of the world, he didn't realize how the master of this voice got here.

However, after being slightly surprised, Lu Zhuo didn't care much, and whispered in Lucy's ear: "I have avenged you, I will send you back first..."

"En." Lucy still had tears in her eyes, she murmured, and was sent back by Lu Zhuo.Instead of going through the eclipse gate, it violently shattered time and space and sent her back directly.

Then, Lu Zhuo turned around and looked at the figure behind him calmly.

"Jeff? Seems a little different."

The moment he saw that figure, Lu Zhuo deciphered all his information through his own strength, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes again.

That figure looked at Lu Zhuo calmly, but there was a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes that couldn't be concealed. He showed a faint smile and said, "Yes, and no. My name is Wu."

"No?" Lu Zhuo chuckled lightly, rubbed his chin, and said lightly, "Jerf from Aedlas, I said why I haven't discovered your existence, it turns out that you are the master of time rules. "

Looking at Wu who is exactly the same as Jeref but has a completely different soul, Lu Zhuo recalled some distant memories in his heart. It was the world of One Piece, Wu who also controlled the rules of time.

The two of them are free from time, and their ability to control time is even stronger than that of Lu Zhuo, the master of the world, the true sage.

Moreover, it is also the only one who can be exactly like Lu Zhuo. In countless parallel time and space, he has a unique true self. In the past, present and future, there is only one deity.

However, in comparison, Wu in the world of One Piece was much weaker, only half-holy-level power, and finally died in the hands of the holy-level Wu Laoxing.

And this world's nothing, in him, Lu Zhuo felt a power no less than that of a saint!
Although there is no origin in this body, Lu Zhuo's feeling is the induction of the world, and there is absolutely no mistake.

There is no original power, but it has the power to counter the original power!
This is simply an unbelievable thing, and it also made Lu Zhuo show a little surprise for the third time.

Looking at Lu Zhuo's expression, he stood calmly in the void without a face, and there were two forces circulating in his body, causing gusts of wind to pass by.

"Are you surprised? Why have I not touched the abyss, but I have the power of the great magician of the abyss? Oh no, according to you, it should be... the power of the holy level?"

"Yes, I'm a little surprised." Lu Zhuo regained his composure, and said lightly, "However, the surprise is only for a moment. As the lord of the world, as long as I want to, I can find all the information through the flow of heaven in an instant. "

Looking at the figure in front of him, Lu Zhuo's expression was calm, and he didn't show surprise anymore, but surprise kept appearing in his heart.

In Wu's body, apart from the extremely powerful power of time, there is also a power that assists the power of time, which Lu Zhuo is also very familiar with.

At this moment, looking at Wu, scenes flashed in Lu Zhuo's mind.

As long as Lu Zhuo is willing, he can instantly understand and see everything that happens in this world and under this world.

Those scenes took place within seven years of Lu Zhuo's disappearance after defeating the black dragon.

That was Eslant's Jeref. After discovering that Lu Zhuo killed the black dragon, fought against the will of the world, and disappeared, he was very confused.

Leaving the empty sea, the Sirius Island where he lived for hundreds of years, Jeff set foot on the mainland again.

The pictures flowed quickly, and several years passed in an instant. Jeff also traveled the mainland almost once, but he didn't interfere with anything.

Since Lu Zhuo broke the will of the world and shrouded him, the power of darkness and repulsion that would casually deprive him of his life also disappeared, so Jeff no longer had the thought of seeking death.

Therefore, he wanted to erase all the demons in the gate of Hades that he had created and were still messing around in the world.

However, when he came to the gate of Hades, he was surprised to find that another self was waiting for him together with Hades.

The other self, of course, is Wu, or in other words, Zeref of Edras.

After that, there was an earth-shattering battle!

Since time and space were not blocked, apart from the people present, only Lu Zhuo saw the battle through this replay.

The process and result of that battle surprised Lu Zhuo, because Wu, who didn't control the source, but only controlled a time rule, defeated the saint-level Jeref!
Moreover, it looks very relaxed, almost a crushing posture!He didn't even use the original power of the protoss that Lu Zhuo felt.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo realized something.

Source rules all, Source rules all.Yuanyuan is equivalent to an emperor, and controlled by Yuanyuan, the rules that maintain everything in the world are ministers and generals.

If a certain general is too powerful, then he can coerce the emperor to make the princes!

In other words, not only will not be restrained by the source, but it can be restrained by the source!

However, there is only one rule that can be so powerful.Even cause and effect, reincarnation, life and death, fate, etc., cannot be strong enough to backfire on the source.

The only thing that can be strong enough to counterattack the origin is the time that transcends everything.

Time rules, eternity exists.

In the two-dimensional billions of worlds, there may be no gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, there may be no cause and effect, and reincarnation, but... there must be time!
Therefore, time is the only one, which may be so powerful that it can counteract the power of the original rule.

This kind of situation is too rare, but Lu Zhuo didn't expect that he just saw one.Just the existence of a semi-holy level can be as strong as the peak of the holy level, and maybe even stronger!
No wonder, it was easy to seal a portion of Wanlong's blood essence, and it made the black dragon Akunologia helpless.

No wonder, it can cause a time paradox and kill the past Layla.

All the mysteries seemed to be solved at this moment.

However, when Lu Zhuo saw what happened after Wu defeated Jeref, he vaguely felt something was wrong. It seemed that there was a conspiracy fully unfolded, and he himself was at the center!

(End of this chapter)

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