Chapter 384 Counterattack the True Sage!

In that scene, it was Pluto, Mardo and Jill, with Wu's help, devoured Zeref who created him!
In an instant, he became a holy existence!Moreover, with Wu's help, in a short period of time, he swallowed all the demonic powers of other people in the gate of Hades, and became a peak saint!
Yes, comparable to the holy peak of the black dragon Akunologia!

"Hey, I didn't expect that a miscellaneous fish would turn over one day. Don't hide, come out." Seeing this, Lu Zhuo sneered, and his calm words seemed to spread throughout the world.

The next moment, there was a crackling sound like a mirror cracking in the space. A man wrapped in darkness with the power of a demon broke through the space abruptly, opened a space tunnel, stepped forward, and came to Lu Zhuo. Standing beside nothing.

Pluto, Mardo, Jill!
He looked at Lu Zhuo calmly, and was not angry because of Lu Zhuo's words. It seemed that he who swallowed Jeref and many other demon powers had really wiped out all human emotions.

At such a time, Lu Zhuo already knew that there must be a plan, a scheme, and it was Lu Zhuo himself who planned.

If Lu Zhuo didn't control the whole world and become a true saint, he might still frown.Of course, fear of this kind of psychology definitely does not exist. His immortal will is truly immortal. Even if the entire Two-dimensional is destroyed, the will that belongs to the third dimension is also immortal.

After becoming a true saint, he is the lord of the entire world. Even if it is Wu who is comparable to the peak of the holy level, Pluto, the peak of the holy level, and even a lot of holy levels, in front of Lu Zhuo, it is nothing more than annihilation. .

"Hey, what a great handwriting. With your methods, the black dragon Akunologia seems to be just a clown." Seeing Wu Wu with a flat face, but the enthusiasm in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger, Lu Zhuo endured it. I couldn't help but sneered.

"Yes, it is just a clown. Even without me, it is destined to be a clown. Because, the life belonging to this world, born in this world, cannot resist the will of the world, even if it swallows the power of the whole world, it cannot Against the will of the world, that stupid dragon didn't understand until the end."

A trace of disdain flashed across Wu's face. For such an existence free from time, he naturally knew the ending of the black dragon. Even without Lu Zhuo's variable, the black dragon would not be the protagonist in the end.

"Hehe, so, you deliberately let me, a foreign race, wipe out the will of the world, and then what? You want to kill me again and become the new master of the world?"

Lu Zhuo looked at Wu in front of him with great interest, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Yes, that's it. For this plan, I have laid it out for 400 years." Faced with Lu Zhuo's ridicule, the enthusiasm in Wuyan's eyes gradually subsided, and he became calmer instead.

"There is another question, where did Zeref go in this past time and space." Lu Zhuo finally asked a slightly puzzled question.

Wu said lightly: "I was killed and devoured."

"Oh, that's no problem." Lu Zhuo shrugged, then looked at Wu, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body, overriding the heavens and the earth, intimidating hundreds of millions of living beings.

"With your ability as a master of time, if you completely hide yourself in time, maybe I, the lord of the world, can't do anything to you, but you jumped out by yourself, and you even made a fight against me, which is a bit ridiculous!" layout, then, you go to die."

The calm words, but with infinite murderous intent, even if ordinary people get close, they will be instantly pulverized by this monstrous killing intent!
The next moment, Lu Zhuo flipped one hand, and the amber holy dragon sword suddenly emerged, slashing at Wuhe Hades in front of him.

A huge awe-inspiring sword intent that could easily cut down the stars crushed down majestically, which contained the eternal sword intent, the power of the world, and the power of the source.

This is Lu Zhuo's full blow!
Facing this majestic attack, even ten holy-level peaks would be instantly killed, with a terrifying strike, his expression was very calm.

On his body, the power of time fluctuated for a while, even under the dual suppression of Lu Zhuo's world power and the power of the source, he could still be activated.

However, it can only be activated to slow down time a little, but it can no longer escape from this world and hide in the time axis.

Of course, looking at nothing, there is no intention of hiding at all.

That awe-inspiring sword intent, under the deceleration of time, slashed slowly.

Although the Eternal Sword Intent can withstand the scouring of time and is eternal, it does not mean that it can ignore the existence of time.So this sword became extremely slow.

However, the power of time deceleration is also a range, or in other words, under Lu Zhuo's suppression, Wu can only use a range of time deceleration.

"Sword Saint... Lu Zhuo. A powerful existence from another world. Without you, I would never have seen the opportunity to control this world. But now, I see..."

"Did you know? The time you understand, there are countless parallel spaces on the time axis. This kind of theory is only half right. A space has a time axis of the past, present and future, without any parallel spaces. This theory is only true. Halfway through."

"Actually, time is very complicated, hard to explain, and very ethereal. Even if I control time, I can't explain it clearly. But I do know one thing... no matter which time, the impact , has the possibility of affecting all time!"

After saying these words, the flat expression on Wu's face instantly became frenzied.

"let's start!"

After he said these three words, the time deceleration suddenly disappeared.At the same time, Pluto, who was beside Wu, turned his hands over in an instant, shaking out a magic circle that spread to the entire world in an instant!

At the next moment, Lu Zhuo's sword intent came with a bang, magnificent and unstoppable!

Seeing that Wu was about to die under the sword, Lu Zhuo's expression changed, his body trembled violently, and at the same time a shocked expression appeared on his face.

"It turned out to be so!"

In Lu Zhuo's body, the world of Fairy Tail, which was slowly merging with the world of One Piece, trembled violently, and the dark space belonging to hell burst out with a strong light, and began to break free from the shackles of Lu Zhuo's will !

This is a contest between worlds. Although the rule of time can counteract the origin, it has lost its effect on the level of the world.

"Hmph, it turned out to be me playing the remaining tricks, suppress them for me!"

With a cold snort, without hesitation, Lu Zhuo suppressed the power in his body, crushing the hell world fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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