Chapter 387 Punishing Layla
However, if it is not within the soul space, Lu Zhuo's will can only make himself immortal, and cannot attack others.

But on the other hand, as long as it is within the soul space, let alone a time master in the middle world, even a high-ranking true saint will be killed by Lu Zhuo with a single thought!

"You want to devour my soul?" Lu Zhuo's will was separated from the soul, intact, as if carrying infinite starlight, standing there, it was like a cosmic starry sky!
Feeling the gap between Lu Zhuo and himself, there was an unbelievable look on Wu's face!

"'s impossible, it's all fake, fake!"

Under the huge gap, Wu Xin almost wanted to go crazy. After 400 years of layout, he realized that he was really just a clown!
"If it's not me, but other middle-ranked true saints, maybe you really succeeded. You can be regarded as a genius, no, you can be regarded as a monster, but... I am more monster than you!" Lu Zhuo looked pitifully, then The soul begins to crumble and the will becomes insane.

Indeed, if it wasn't for Lu Zhuo's indestructible will, if he was replaced by another middle-ranked true sage, even a high-ranked true sage, facing this situation, he would probably be unsuccessful.

Because all disadvantages point to Lu Zhuo.

In the past time period, the world in the body consumed most of its power due to fusion, and all the worlds split at the same time, resulting in the splitting of the soul... Wait, so many unfavorable factors combined are enough to make the high-ranking true saint die without a place to die.

But... Although Lu Zhuo is not a high-ranking true saint, the degree of fear is far better than that of a high-ranking true saint!

"Ahh! I want to be the master of the world! I want to be the master of the world!" Crazy Wu, burning his own soul, rushed towards Lu Zhuo viciously.

However, Lu Zhuo just looked at him with a trace of pity.

As if a balloon was being pricked with a needle, Wu's soul just burst open.The will completely dissipated, leaving only a pure soul power.

Then, with a thought of Lu Zhuo, his torn soul quickly devoured that pure soul power.

At the same time, when Lu Zhuo's soul quickly recovered, the five divided worlds gradually approached and reunited.

This time, it's the perfect combination, with the world of One Piece seamlessly integrated into the world of Fairy Tail.

Or, it cannot be said to be the world of Fairy Tail, but Lu Zhuo's own world.

These five dimensions no longer present the unstable structure of hell below, the astral world above, and others inside.

Instead, it is like five continents, directly pieced together to form a complete continent.

Lu Zhuo completely devoured Wu's soul power, and his soul surged instantly. Not only did he fully recover, but he also reached the peak of the median true sage.

Moreover, after the perfect integration of the five worlds, Lu Zhuo's original power has also grown a lot.The realm has also reached the peak of the median true saint!

At this time, Lu Zhuo doesn't even need to go to the high-level world anymore, he just needs to find a way to get a low-level world fusion, and then he can upgrade his world to the high-level world, and he can become a high-level true saint, two-dimensional is almost top-level exists.

A huge crack runs through Eslant.

Lu Zhuo's figure stood there, the crack healed quickly, Leila and Pluto stood there, looking at him.The two did not prevent the reintegration of the five worlds, or even if they did, they could not prevent it.

Finally, Lu Zhuo slowly opened his eyes.

"Mr. Wu, congratulations on your success!" Leila smiled faintly at Lu Zhuo.

Pluto looked at Lu Zhuo calmly, but bowed slightly to express his respect, "Welcome, my lord!"

Without saying a word, Lu Zhuo walked slowly and walked in front of the two of them.


It was just a plain slap, with the power to destroy the world, under Pluto's horrified and unbelievable gaze, the slap smashed his whole body into pieces!

At the peak of the holy level, killing with one palm, like an ant!
Seeing this scene, the smile on Leila's face froze for an instant, a look of shock appeared on that beautiful and delicate face, her small mouth opened wide, stunned.

"No... Mister Wu, why..."

"You still call me Wu?" Lu Zhuo looked at Leila with playful eyes, this goddess of Xingyue who will become his mother-in-law in the future, but now she is three points more beautiful than Lucy.

The whole body exudes that holy, noble, and elegant atmosphere, which is incomparable to Princess Emerald.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Leila finally showed shock on her face.

"How is it! You!"

She backed away in horror, her rosy face became pale at this moment.

"How is it impossible? The future mother-in-law?" Lu Zhuo looked at Leila with a smile, but felt that this sentence was strange, but the past mother-in-law seemed even weirder.

Seeing Lu Zhuo's smile, Leila felt like the most ferocious demon in hell. She was terrified, and took a step back, and a colorful portal appeared behind her, leading to the astral world.

However, before she could step in, a figure flickered over and hugged her slowly from behind.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Lu Zhuo looked at Leila, a wicked smile flashed in his eyes.

"Don't...don't do this, let me go!" Leila struggled hard, but Lu Zhuo directly suppressed her, groping up and down her holy delicate body.

"Hehe, since you want to kill me, you have to pay a price. Besides, you are very naughty. You know that I am your son-in-law. Since you don't regard me as your son-in-law, there is no need for me to treat you as your son-in-law." The mother-in-law is here to see."

The evil smile on Lu Zhuo's face became heavier and heavier, and then with a sudden pull, he tore the golden and glittering star spirit robe from Leila's body to pieces.

This Layla is from the past, the Goddess of Xingyue 400 years ago.It's still hundreds of years away from marrying Jiude, Lu Zhuo has no intention of infringing on Lucy's mother, but the one who dares to provoke him, Leila from the past, hehe, don't even think about old Mr. Jiude !
At this time, perhaps she is not called Leila. She is the most holy and noble goddess of the stars and the moon, the master of the star spirit world.

However, at this time Lu Zhuo aggressively rode on her and announced that the naughty Leila would be one of his female slaves in the future!

"Asshole...quick...let me go!" Leila looked at Lu Zhuo, with a trace of fear flashing across her face. As a god, how could she not know what would happen next.

But inexplicably, her face flushed, as if she still had a glimmer of expectation.

This is the natural charm of Lu Zhuo, the lord of the world. Even the holy goddess Xingyue will still be affected by this power.

(End of this chapter)

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