Chapter 388 The Imperial Temple
Just like people will decay, a country will one day go to ruin. Even the imperial capital, which has been prosperous for thousands of years, is just a corrupt hell on earth, where ghosts and monsters in human skin run rampant everywhere.

On this day, His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire passed away.

On this day, under the manipulation of Minister Ornest, the ten-year-old little emperor ascended the throne as emperor.

On this day, the little emperor, wearing a dragon robe and holding a sacred scepter, walked into the center of the imperial capital, behind the palace, the towering temple!
Thousands of years ago, when the first emperor established his empire, he built this temple at the same time.

In the eyes of everyone, the temple is extremely mysterious, and no one knows what is inside it.But there is also a legend that has been handed down, that is, inside the temple, there lives the gods who protect the eternal immortality of the empire!
The temple, no one has ever stepped into it, but it will never be stained with dust.

Only the emperor who ascended the throne was qualified to enter the temple on the day he ascended the throne.

Otherwise, whoever enters, will be ruthlessly swallowed up by the dark temple.

There was once an emperor, who was unwilling to have a legend of the gods above the imperial power, and sent a powerful warrior with the emperor's equipment to enter the temple.

There are no guards in the temple, and the gates are always open.

The humans who broke into the temple never came out again, and they didn't even make any noise. The temple swallowed up [-] elite soldiers at that time!

Since then, no emperor of any generation, any person in power, has dared to disrespect the temple again.

Watching the little emperor walk into the temple, the minister Ernest felt a little uneasy in his heart.Behind him, there are groups of civilians and military generals standing, with respect in their eyes.

Ernest stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth and bit it, with a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, he murmured: "That god should not affect any government affairs..."

In the dark temple, the little emperor was also very disturbed.

"The 210th and fourth emperor of the empire, see the supreme god!" The crisp voice came into the dark temple, causing a burst of echo.

After a long time, a faint voice came.

"Interesting, is the emperor of this generation actually a girl?"

The moment he heard this voice, the little emperor was shocked, the legend circulating was true!

She knew that she should not have become the emperor, but under Ornest's conspiracy, coupled with her father's trust and delegating power to Ornest, Ornest covered the sky and put her on the throne.

She was a little afraid that this god would deprive her of her status.

The slight sound of footsteps came from the hall, making the kneeling little emperor tremble slightly.

A figure in white came from the hall, stood in front of the little emperor, smiled slightly, and said, "What are you afraid of?"

"I..." The little emperor's voice was a little trembling, and just about to speak, he felt his body lighten, and was actually hugged by the person in front of him.

Looking at the little emperor in his arms, Lu Zhuo suddenly found it very interesting.

Originally thought that the last emperor of the Millennium Empire was just like the one in the anime, a little Zhengtai, who would have thought it would be a little lolita.

With a wave of his sleeves, the entire dark hall was instantly illuminated by golden light.

The little emperor squinted his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened them again, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

The hall was completely different from what she had imagined. It was empty, just an open space. Only in the center was an altar with two swords floating in the air. One was crystal clear and the other was like blood-colored amber.

Lu Zhuo came to this world just when the empire had just been established.Lu Zhuo almost didn't recognize which world it was, but later when Emperor Shihuang made the Teigu, Lu Zhuo realized that it was the world of the Crimson Pupil.

What happened in this world, or the animation I watched in the previous life, once made Lu Zhuo almost smash the computer, and made the big man Lu Zhuo cry so badly that he sent countless blades.

This life can be born in this world, Lu Zhuo will naturally change.

However, due to the will of the world, Lu Zhuo cannot be too unscrupulous.Although he can easily wipe out the will of the world in this world now, there is still a high-ranking true saint looking around, and it will be troublesome to be found.

Of course, because Lu Zhuo's power is too strong, the will of the world has also made concessions to Lu Zhuo. As long as the plot is not changed too much, the will of the world can accept it.

This is also the respect given to the strong, and perhaps one of the rules of heaven.

But if Lu Zhuo wants to reverse it completely, such as killing Chitong Tazmi directly, then the will of the world will definitely go berserk.

Then Lu Zhuo raised his hand to destroy the will of the world, and then was discovered by the high-ranking true saints outside. Before he could devour the origin of the world, he was kicked out and continued to flee.

Therefore, Lu Zhuo also accepted the current situation, built a temple in the empire, didn't bother to interfere, and waited for the start of the main plot.

Only then did the little emperor see Lu Zhuo's appearance clearly, handsome and unrestrained, just like a big brother next door, completely different from the majestic, old man-like god in his imagination!
"Brother... are you a god?" The little emperor's face was full of surprise, and his voice was somewhat curious.

When she came in before, she was trembling like walking on thin ice, but the moment she was hugged by Lu Zhuo, she felt extremely at ease, as if there was nothing that would scare her.

Her elder brother interrupted Lu Zhuo's thoughts, Lu Zhuo looked down at her face even though she was still young, but already showed the color of a fish and a wild goose.

"Hehe, you are still the first emperor who dares to call me brother and ask me if I am a god." Lu Zhuo laughed out loud, but there was no trace of anger in his voice.

The little emperor could hear that Lu Zhuo's voice was not angry or majestic, and a sweet smile appeared on his little face, "But my brother is very different from the gods I imagined."

After hearing these words, Lu Zhuo stretched out his fingers, flicked her forehead lightly, and said with a smile: "Are you thinking that the gods are all extremely majestic, with long beards fluttering, and have the bones of immortals?" Old man? How dare you imagine me like that, you should hit me!"

This scene, if placed in the outside world, is enough to scare off a jaw.

Who is that person in the arms?Be the emperor of the empire!Not an ordinary kid!And who is holding the emperor?It is the immortal god of the empire for thousands of years!

The little emperor was flicked in the head, and she giggled coquettishly. She was originally a princess, and her education was also the education of a princess since she was a child. She never learned how to fight for the throne.

But precisely because of this, Minister Ernest forcibly pushed her to the throne, because she was the easiest to control in Ernest's view.

It's just that Ernest was standing outside the temple tremblingly at this time, and he didn't know where to throw the piece of meat in his hand.He was a little afraid that the god would intervene. After all, this was pushing the princess to the throne, something that had never happened in the empire for a thousand years.

But thinking of that god, he has never left the temple for thousands of years, and only the emperor can enter the temple.Only then did he decide to choose the youngest and the purest princess to become the next emperor.

From this, we can also see how huge Ornest's rights are!
(End of this chapter)

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