Chapter 402 Minister?Can you eat?

You know, in the low-level world, it is too difficult to have a holy level.In the entire history of the One Piece world, if Lu Zhuo is not counted, there is only one holy rank, and the five old stars are from other worlds.

"If you can become a holy class..."

Standing there quietly, looking up at the sky, through the world, Lu Zhuo saw the high-ranking true saint who had been waiting for thousands of years in the void.

Lu Zhuo wants to erase the will of the world and devour the origin of the world by himself, which will definitely alarm him.He has been unable to find any good solution, so he has not moved the will of the world.

But now, he has a new way.

Most of Lu Zhuo's women only have semi-holy aptitude and cannot step into the holy level.

And in Esdeth, Lu Zhuo saw the hope of the holy level.If Esdeth becomes a saint, Lu Zhuo can help her erase the will of the world, and then stop that high-ranking true saint by himself, and make Esdesh become the low-ranking true saint in this world.

When the time comes, the two join forces, and they should be able to fight against that high-ranking true saint.


In the palace, with a smile on his face, Lu Zhuo gently hugged the little emperor in his arms, and handed the cakes to her mouth one by one.

There is also a different kind of humor in feeding the little emperor.

On both sides of the hall, the maids and guards bowed their heads, completely ignoring the scene in front of them, which could be frightening.

"Brother, don't you want to call Sister Heitong?"

Finally, the little emperor, who was full, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, leaned on Lu Zhuo's arms meekly, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, this girl is working very hard." Hearing what the little emperor said, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly.

Hei Tong's efforts far exceeded Lu Zhuo's imagination. Lu Zhuo didn't expect that once this cute foodie girl who doesn't know how to be coquettish and cute, once she thinks about something, her paranoia is simply terrifying.

This is completely an extreme, just like in the original book, she wanted to kill the betrayed sister Chi Tong.

Heartbreaking, pitiful.

Rubbing the little emperor's head, Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "Let's go and have a look."


In the imperial capital, a gorgeously dressed young man with a proud face stepped into the palace.

"Oh, it's still comfortable in the imperial capital. The air outside really makes me uncomfortable."

There was a trace of arrogance on the boy's face, and some crazy light flashed in his eyes, and said, "However, the games outside are still interesting."

"Is that so, Master Sheila..." Beside him, two girls with winking eyes and extremely docile hugged his arms and said coquettishly.

Sheila glanced at the two of them. These two women were the recipients of his outing this time. He designed a game using tricks to kill the families of the twin girls, and then he appeared at the end as the savior. Defeat the villains and get the love of two beauties.


Cursing her lips, Sheila shook her arms impatiently, and slammed the two girls away. For him, the game was over and he was basically tired of playing.

Walking swaggeringly into the imperial city, Sheila was feeling bored, but suddenly saw a girl in a black **** dress with a cute expression and a long sword hanging from her waist.


Unable to bear the light in her eyes, Sheila showed a lewd smile at the corner of her mouth, and walked up.

"Little girl, come with me."

It's that straightforward, direct and domineering words.As the son of the minister Ornest, in the entire palace, there are only a few people like Esdes and General Bude.

He even dared to be so unscrupulous, blatantly taking what he wanted in the palace.

"who are you?"

Heitong looked at the arrogant Sheila who blocked his way, and responded with a cute expression.

Sheila laughed loudly, and said arrogantly: "I didn't expect that I played an interesting game outside and didn't come back for a month. Someone would not recognize me. Listen carefully, I am the son of Minister Ernest! "

"Minister Ernest?"

There was a hint of doubt on Hei Tong's small face, and then he instantly turned into a cute, drooling mouth, and said, "Can I eat it?"

Sheila felt a tightness in her chest, and she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

In the palace, is there anyone who doesn't know Ernest?

Forget it, and even asked... can I eat it? !

"You uneducated girl, how dare you insult my father! See if I don't teach you a lesson!"

In a rage, Sheila stepped forward viciously, and grabbed Hei Tong's neck.

The next moment, Sheila only held up a ray of cold light, and her heart suddenly became cold. She instinctively pushed her body back, but a section of her hair was still cut off!

Looking at the strand of hair that fell on the ground, Sheila couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear. If it wasn't for his quick reaction, it might not be the hair loss, but the head loss!

Who is this girl?How dare you move your sword against yourself? !
Seeing that the little face suddenly became serious, and at the same time holding the unsheathed sword in his hand, aiming at the black pupil of his chest, Sheila had an angry look on her face.

Sheila, who reacted, was extremely furious!
Because just now, he almost lost his head!
"You... how dare you cut me? Do you know what will happen to me?"

Hei Tong looked at Sheila silently, pointed the sword straight at her, her slender arms did not tremble at all.

"My brother said that no one can teach me except him."

If someone dares to attack you, no matter who it is, cut it off!
These are Lu Zhuo's original words.

Sheila was in extreme anger at this time, and shouted angrily: "Brother, what brother! You humble and lowly maid, you dare to cut off my precious hair, and almost killed me, you..."

Originally, a bunch of vicious words should have been said here, but Sheila couldn't bear it anymore, and with a flick of her wrist, a strange-looking prop appeared in his hand.

The next moment, a ray of light flashed slightly, and Sheila disappeared.

Hei Tong's expression froze and became extremely solemn. Her talent in combat was extremely powerful.In the original book, she, who possesses the Eight Houses of Teigu, stopped almost all of the fighting power of the night attack by herself.

Sheila's figure appeared directly on the right side of Hei Tong, but what awaited him was a weak but just right, incomparably fierce sword light!

Frightened in her heart, Sheila was about to grab Teigu's right hand from Hei Tong's hand, and just handed it out halfway, she stopped abruptly, and at the same time, her body leaned back, trying to avoid the sword.

His Teigu Dimensional Phalanx (Shangri-La) has an interval between each use. If he can teleport all the time, he will be invincible.

And there was only a one-second interval, which put him in a great crisis at this moment.

When he attacked for the first time, he never expected that Hei Tong would dare to attack him directly.But when he used Teigu for the second time, he thought that Heitong just swung the sword at him, but his strength was very weak, so he wanted to take Heitong's sword directly.

But... after half a month of Lu Zhuo's guidance, coupled with a kind of paranoid and persistent efforts, Heitong comprehended the breath of all things in a short time.

Although he hasn't reached Jianhao yet, he can feel a little bit of Sheila's teleportation.

(End of this chapter)

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