Chapter 403

A shrill scream sounded, after all, Sheila didn't completely dodge the sharpness of the sword, and there was a deep bloodstain on her face, which happened to cut her nose off!
If he didn't lean back with all his strength, I'm afraid it wasn't just his nose that would be cut off, but his head!

After pain comes anger.

Extreme anger! ! !
Sheila never thought that she would be injured!Moreover, it was his own face that was hurt!

On his face, there were originally two bloodstains, which he once wanted to molest Esdes, but was cut out by Esdes.

Now, Hei Tong made another mark on him, turning the marks on his face into a rice-shaped pattern, undoubtedly completely uncovering the scars left by Estes before!
"Ah! Damn it! Damn it!"

Sheila became a little hysterical, and the huge commotion finally shocked the entire palace, and the guards and servants rushed over one after another.

"Xi...Master Sheila?!"

Several of the guards looked at Sheila, who was covering his face, and the blood was constantly overflowing.

Sheila was already very angry at this time, and shouted: "You guys, arrest her quickly!"

After that, he gritted his teeth and pointed in front of him, holding the black eyes of the sword calmly.

Several guards looked in the direction he pointed, and their legs went limp from fright.

"Gong... Your Highness the Princess... Also, Master Emperor... Ah, the villain sees the emperor!"

A series of trembling voices came out, and several guards knelt down in a panic. Behind Heitong, it was Lu Zhuo who was holding the little emperor's little hand and smiling playfully.When I came to look for Heitong, I happened to encounter this scene.

"It seems that something interesting happened here." Lu Zhuo smiled, let go of the little emperor's hand, walked behind Hei Tong, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Are you all right?"

Hei Tong nodded lightly, and then whispered: "Brother, this man said he was the minister's son, and he wanted to catch me... so I cut him off with a sword."

Having said that, Heitong showed an expression of fear of doing something wrong.

Lu Zhuo laughed loudly, patted her head, and said: "It's a good cut, it's right, let alone the minister's son, it's the minister himself, you can chop it off if you want."

After saying this, the guards on the inner, third and outer floors who knelt were continuously gathered, all sweating profusely and frightened, they all meditated silently and heard nothing.

The little emperor stood there calmly, roughly guessing what happened, a trace of anger flashed across his face, and he said in a crisp voice: "Who dares to catch my black-eyed sister?!"

Sheila, who had been in a daze since the little emperor came over, said in disbelief: "Emperor... His Majesty the emperor is dead? The new emperor has ascended the throne?"

"Bold! You are so presumptuous in front of me, let me drag you down!" The little emperor's pretty face suddenly became extremely angry after hearing what Sheila said. In the eyes!
When the guards heard the emperor's order, they looked at each other in blank dismay, hesitated for a moment, then immediately stood up and surrounded Sheila.

After all, Sheila is not a fool. He has already heard the taste of what he said just now, and guessed that something big might happen to him in the past few months when he is not in the palace.

Originally, he was flustered and forgot that the wound on his face was still bleeding.

However, when he thought that his father, Ernest, had played with the old emperor on applause, and that the young emperor's ascension to the throne must also be manipulated by his father, he felt at ease again.

"Who dares to arrest me? My father is Minister Ernest!"

Sheila looked at the guards around her coldly, scolded sharply, then put on a respectful expression, saluted the little emperor, and said, "Your Majesty, you may have misunderstood something, I am Minister Ernest Son, you are absolutely loyal to the empire,"

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Because it reminded him of a joke in his previous life on Earth, my dad is Ernest!
If Ernest was here, would he say that you are cheating, are you cheating, or are you cheating? !
Just thinking of this, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, and looked at the panicked trotting figure in the distance.

What do you want!

Ornest was in a cold sweat at this time, and after hearing the report from his subordinates, the son Sheila had just come back, and he had the audacity to attack the emperor's younger sister, Princess Black Eyed, and he felt that the heavens It's about to collapse.

Pit father!This is real shit!

In his eyes, the death of ten sons is nothing, he is afraid that he will be implicated!

Whether it is Hei Tong, the little emperor, or even Bud in the palace, Estes, he is not afraid of anyone, the only thing he is afraid of is the god Lu Zhuo!
As soon as he ran over, Ornest first saluted the little emperor respectfully, then turned around abruptly, and slapped Sheila hard on the face.

This slap instantly made the still arrogant Sheila dizzy.

The wound that was about to heal also burst instantly, and blood spattered everywhere.


Sheila was slapped and fell to the ground, with an unbelievable expression on her face, looking at Ernest, whose face was livid at this time, and there was even a hint of panic in his eyes.

This is panic!
When had he seen that emotion in Ernest's eyes?

"Honest, your son, you put on a good show."

When Lu Zhuo saw this, he didn't even glance at Sheila who was fainted by a slap, but looked at Ernest with a half-smile.

Hornest was very flustered at this moment, and almost even called out Lu Zhuo's identity directly.

"God... Master Emperor, I don't know anything about this!"

After that, he grabbed Sheila's hair suddenly, pulled the son over, threw him in front of Heitong, and shouted: "Bastard, do you know who she is? She is the princess of the empire, you Don't even apologize to me!"


Sheila was stunned. First of all, he had never heard of an extra princess in the empire.He also said that the black pupil was a maid in the palace.


He turned his head to look at Ernest with a gloomy face, and wanted to say something, but Ernest gave him a hard look.

Originally, he wanted to say that with Dad here, even the princess should be ignored.But seeing this look, he immediately thought that he must have offended someone who shouldn't be offended today.

In the past, there were only two people, Esdes and General Budd, but now there seems to be one more...Emperor Master?
This bunch of thoughts just flashed through his mind quickly, and was covered up by the fear in his heart.

After he was taught a lesson for molesting Esdes, the minister said that if he provokes people he shouldn't provoke again, he will personally abolish him.

Although he is the son of a minister, but knowing what kind of person his father is, his son is even just a tool!
That is definitely not a joke!

(End of this chapter)

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