Chapter 405
Lu Zhuo smiled lightly, knowing that it must be an accessory of this mansion without guessing.

Carefully selected since childhood, and after continuous screening year after year, the most perfect maid, or female slave, was finally selected.

It was all too common in this decaying empire, especially one that was still slavery.

After shaking his head helplessly, Lu Zhuo turned a blind eye to the vague charm of the two girls, and said indifferently, "What are your two names?"



The two girls spoke softly, even their voices sounded like silver bells.

Even Lu Zhuo had to admire that this decadent empire has thousands of tricks to cultivate maids for people to play with.

As far as this pair of twins is concerned, they are probably almost perfect.

Thinking about it, even in the hands of Ornest, it is definitely extremely precious, and it has just been cultivated.

"Get up."

Lu Zhuo spoke lightly, seeing the two girls with clear eyes but standing up with a hint of meekness, his expression was a little unnatural.

How should I put it, perfection in a certain sense, if Lu Zhuo didn't deliberately suppress his emotions, it would be difficult for him to resist the temptation of these two sisters.

"I don't need a servant here."

Lu Zhuo's first words instantly turned the pretty faces of the two girls pale.The body that had just stood up, knelt down again with a plop.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo frowned, and said lightly, "You don't want to be free?"

"Emperor...Master Emperor, if you don't want a maid like us, even if you go out, you will be arrested... Please take me in..."

The two girls knelt there, tears welled up in their beautiful eyes.

Touching his chin, Lu Zhuo said lightly: "In this case, get up, and you can stay here temporarily... I should... There is nothing you need to do."

Looking at the two beautiful and charming slave girls who looked like they could be picked by you, it would be a lie to say that they were not tempted.But Lu Zhuo came from two worlds, and there was no woman around him.

Moreover, as long as it is a woman who is by Lu Zhuo's side, even if it is a female slave, that kind of treatment is definitely beyond everything in the mortal world.

Not to mention Lu Zhuo's own holy world, how many people want to enter the holy land but can't get it.

"Thank you master for taking me in..." Xueer and Xueya's pale faces finally regained some blood, and the words immediately changed from master emperor to master.

The two of them don't know Lu Zhuo's true identity yet, they only think that they are a nobleman in the empire who overwhelms the sky with one hand.

Couldn't help staring at the two girls for a few times, Lu Zhuo suddenly smiled and said, "It's really similar, it's exactly the same, just like walking out of a mirror."

Coming from the world of Fairy Tail, Lu Zhuoke, who is exactly the same as this, has also received a lot, and even Lucy has three of them, which is not too novel.

Seeing Lu Zhuo's gaze, Xueer and Xueya blushed slightly, and then said softly, "Master, why don't we have something to do? Even if you don't live here, the house still needs to be cleaned."

After hearing her words, Lu Zhuo just wanted to say that he was no longer bothered by these things, and everything would be cleaned up with just a wave of his hand.

However, after thinking about it, I stayed in the temple for 1000 years before, almost grinding away my humanity, and turning it all into an indifferent divinity, which is not acceptable.

Now that I have decided to come out to have fun, I would like to revisit the life of human beings, because I have also come here step by step.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "Then I take back what I just said, and I will leave the trivial matters here to you."


Xue'er and Xueya looked at each other, and they could see joy in each other's eyes.

It wasn't until this moment that they thought that Lu Zhuo had decided to take them in.

For female slaves like them, who were sent out by Ornest, if Lu Zhuo didn't want them, the end would definitely be extremely miserable.

But they didn't expect that such a blundering step would give them something they never dared to think about before!

Walking past Xueer and Xueya, Lu Zhuo raised his head and looked at a castle-like villa with a western classical flavor.

He was used to using the power of God to sweep everything at a glance, but he felt a little awkward not using power at this time.

After shaking his head and smiling, Lu Zhuo took a step forward and quietly wandered around the villa.

This kind of plainness made his heart more peaceful. When Lu Zhuo discovered that although he was a true saint and god in a world, he himself was the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven.But in the world, there are still countless rules of heaven.

It was just such a simple idea, to be an ordinary person, that actually improved Lu Zhuo's control over the origin.

Although it is very weak, it is a real improvement.

This is not an overall increase in strength, just like Lu Zhuo has a hundred strength and can only exert eighty.And some people can even use the power of one hundred to play the role of one hundred and two.This is the gap.

Lu Zhuo knew that if he was willing to give up all his feelings and directly become that kind of ruthless divinity, then he would definitely be in control of One Hundred Two.

But... how could he do that!
After wandering around the villa, Lu Zhuo suddenly heard the sound of the emperor coming from outside, smiled slightly, and walked outside.

As soon as he turned the corridor, he saw that the little emperor was trotting over holding Hei Tong's little hand.

"Brother, how is your Imperial Master's Mansion?"

"If it's this house, it doesn't matter. If it's the emperor's mansion that you, a girl, personally appointed, then I'm very satisfied. How dare I say that what your majesty bestows is not good."

Halfway through talking, Lu Zhuo couldn't help making a joke, which made the little emperor giggle coquettishly, and then really put on an emperor's appearance.

"That you... and you, go get something to eat, sister Hei Tong is hungry."

Pointing to Xueer and Xueya who came after hearing the sound, the little emperor gave a very dignified order.

The two maids were about to meet His Majesty the Emperor, whom they didn't even dare to think about. When they heard the little emperor's order, they nodded quickly, and at the same time they didn't forget to look at Lu Zhuo, which made Lu Zhuo feel a little funny.

"What the emperor said must be what I said. Also, I don't need to be too rigid about etiquette."


Xue'er and Xueya looked at each other, still saluted Lu Zhuo and the little emperor respectfully, and then retreated.Lu Zhuo frowned slightly, and said, "It seems that etiquette and obedience are deeply imprinted in the hearts of such maids who have been trained since childhood."

"I think that's what a maid should be like." The little emperor looked at Lu Zhuo with a smile, and turned into a tired girl again, losing the majesty of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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