Chapter 406 Najeta's Visit

Lu Zhuo chuckled, stretched out his finger and tapped the little emperor's head again, and said, "That's your idea, not mine. Besides, can my maid be considered an ordinary maid?"

"Hmph... everything my brother said is right, everyone else is wrong!"

The little emperor was knocked out, and his eyes were filled with tears. He looked at Lu Zhuo dissatisfied, and even changed the word 'zhen' into 'other'.

"Still talking back."

Lu Zhuo chuckled and tapped her forehead again.

This time, the little emperor didn't dodge, evade, or talk back, and let Lu Zhuo hit him, but looked at Lu Zhuo closely with those big eyes that seemed to be very wronged.

Within three seconds, Lu Zhuo raised his hands in surrender.

The lethality is too great to help...

Holding the little emperor in his arms, Lu Zhuo said with a wry smile: "Okay, my emperor, the leader of the empire, every word is right! Brother said everything is wrong, okay Alright."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo looked at the little emperor who burst into laughter instantly, curled his lips, and said, "You girl, if you grow up a bit, you won't be able to hug you like this."

"Really? I'm only ten years old, and I'm going to be an adult at 15, and I still need my brother to hug me for another five years!" The little emperor muttered.

Tsk tsk, 15 years old in five years, almost enough... Bah, is this the natural thought after deciding to become an ordinary person? !
Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Zhuo said, "Stop being coquettish, you've already left Hei Tong aside."

Ever since the little emperor had been playing with Lu Zhuo, Hei Tong stood there obediently, watching silently without saying a word.

Lu Zhuo just likes her. When she is cute, she is cute, sometimes with a strong paranoid personality.

"Let's go, let's eat."

After patting Hei Tong's head with the other hand, Lu Zhuo clearly saw that the corner of Hei Tong's mouth seemed to be drooling a little.

With a helpless smile, Lu Zhuo couldn't help withdrawing the thought just now, attracted by the food, with the black pupil in a heartless situation, even if she was snubbed ten times, this girl wouldn't care.


Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Lu Zhuo wandered around the palace very casually, and occasionally walked around the Imperial Capital Avenue.

However, Night Raid has not been established yet, so Lu Zhuo feels a little boring.

During the period, it was Esdes who challenged Lu Zhuo three times, which surprised Lu Zhuo every time.Estes in the original book has almost no opponents, so his strength has stagnated.

But now, with Lu Zhuo as her goal, her strength has skyrocketed, and her battles have become crazier every time. She does not hesitate to throw Lu Zhuo on him and bite him hard to declare that she has the upper hand!

Crazy woman... This is Lu Zhuo's helpless evaluation of her.

very good, very powerful!
In a short period of time, after three challenges, she almost achieved the growth rate of triple jumping, and by the third time, it even surpassed the intensity in her original work.

If she needed [-] elite soldiers plus night raids in the original book, she needs double that now!
In particular, Mo Ke Botmo, who was supposed to comprehend that move after meeting Zha Mi, unexpectedly comprehended it in advance. When he used it for the first time, because Lu Zhuo was unprepared, he froze her into a popsicle.

Fortunately, his head was not chopped off, otherwise he would not be able to die, but what a shame.

Since then, Lu Zhuo has known that if he meets Esdeth again, he will not be able to hold him back at all. Although the strength of this crazy woman is still far from that of a semi-saint, but the move of Moko Botmo involves the rules of time, then completely different.

He originally thought that there would be a fourth challenge next, but he didn't expect to get the news soon that Esdes was going to go with Najehitan to conquer alien races.

Sitting on the recliner in the Emperor's Mansion, shaking his body slightly, Lu Zhuo closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

"Looks like it's about to start."

If Lu Zhuo's predictions are correct, General Najiexitan should be unable to stand the cruelty of Esdeth during this operation. At the same time, he also lost confidence in the dark empire, defected to the Revolutionary Army, and then changed his name to Najieta , established Night Raid.

Just thinking about this matter, suddenly, with a slight smile on his face, his pink face was like a lotus flower, and he didn't know if it was Xue'er or Xueya who walked in.

"Master... There is an imperial general outside who wants to see you."

"The general of the empire? I don't see... Wait, is she a woman?" Lu Zhuo was about to refuse, when Najieta's figure flashed in his mind, and he asked again.


The girl nodded slightly, and stood meekly aside, quietly waiting for Lu Zhuo's decision.

In just a few seconds, Lu Zhuo stood up with a smile and said, "Xueya, let her in."

Although Xueya and Xueer are almost identical, there are still some subtle differences. For example, Xueya is absolutely obedient, gentle, and obedient to everything.And Xueer became naughty after several heart-to-heart talks with Lu Zhuo.

He even dared to joke with Lu Zhuo, the master, occasionally, but most of the time he was as gentle and submissive as his sister Xueya.

This happened to be what Lu Zhuo wanted to see.

"Yes." Xueya nodded lightly and walked out.After a while, a handsome girl in a white imperial general uniform walked in.

Yes, it can only be described as handsome and unrestrained, because Najieta, the former imperial general and later the leader of the night attack, is very neutral.

However, it is also a manifestation of beauty.

Looking at Najieta who hadn't lost an arm and an eye at this time, Lu Zhuo sat on the sofa and said with a smile: "I thought it was Esdesh, but I didn't expect it to be General Najiexitan... I It seems that I don't know you well?"

Najieta quietly looked at the man in front of him, who had reached the rank of an imperial general. Many things could not be hidden if they were not deliberately concealed.

However, Lu Zhuo's identity as a god was specially concealed for her and Esthers, and even Lu Zhuo made up a rule by himself so that the two would never get in touch with the truth.

After all, if you know the truth, it will not be fun, and there may be no more night raids.

What Najieta knew was other things that were hidden, such as being extremely close to the little emperor, who were considered brothers and sisters. For example, Ornest, a minister who overshadowed the sky, was extremely afraid of Lu Zhuo, and he didn't even dare to refute Any words from Lu Zhuo.

"I can't see through you..."

Najieta spoke softly, and when she spoke, she had a faint, general tone.

"The entire empire is now in chaos and darkness caused by Ornest. This imperial capital is about to rot. The court is completely divided into two factions. One faction is already in danger and opposes the minister, and the other faction takes refuge in the minister. of."

Speaking of this, Najieta stared at Lu Zhuo closely, as if she wanted to see something from Lu Zhuo's eyes.

"Master Emperor... just don't know, what do you think about this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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