Chapter 407 It's Just a Game
"Me? I have no opinion!"

Lu Zhuo smiled plainly, took a cup of tea from Xueer on the side, and used it carelessly in front of Najieta, and even waved at Xueer, asking Xueer to come over and give it to him. Squeeze your shoulders.

this person……

Najeta gritted her teeth. It was a little disrespectful to her. She was also a general of the empire. Although she was one level lower than the emperor, minister, and general, she was still at the top of the empire.

However, this trace of dissatisfaction was only fleeting, and there was a faint smile on her face.

This also made Lu Zhuo admire slightly in his heart, he is worthy of being a general, but he is really inferior to Esdeth.

With a smile on her face, Najieta seemed to look at Lu Zhuo with some deep meaning, and said lightly: "My lord, if you let the minister squeeze out all those who disobey him, and completely cover the sky with one hand in the court , so... who will he deal with next?"

Hearing her words, Lu Zhuo's eyelids trembled slightly, and he shook the teacup in his hand lightly, watching the tea leaves in it swirl with the water, as if he directly ignored Najieta's words.

Najieta was very patient this time, looking at Lu Zhuo with a smile all the time.

Although this meeting was before she was about to leave the imperial capital, it was not rushed at all for her, and she had prepared for a long time.I even searched a lot of information about Lu Zhuo, for example, Lu Zhuo has a weird personality, he can joke with court ladies when he is easy-going, and even ministers dare not take a breath when he is angry!

After a long time, Lu Zhuo finally spoke, still in a calm tone.

"What does it have to do with me?"


After hearing these extremely lazy words, Najieta suddenly became angry, didn't he understand what she said just now?

No, it should be very clear, that is, deliberately pretending not to understand!

Young and energetic!

This was Najieta's evaluation after meeting Lu Zhuo in person and having a few conversations.After all, it seemed that Lu Zhuo, the imperial teacher, was too young, even younger than her, a general in her 20s!
"My lord, you are truly covering the sky with one hand. The power in your hand is equivalent to that of the regent, assisting the emperor to control the government. If the minister settles everything below and wants to gain more power, he will definitely attack you! "

Seeing that Lu Zhuo pretended not to understand, Najieta simply stated her point of view.

However, at the next moment, Lu Zhuo still had that indifferent appearance, which made Najieta, who seemed to understand Lu Zhuo, unable to see through the fog on Lu Zhuo.

"It doesn't matter." Lu Zhuo replied without raising his head, nothing could be more indifferent than this.

Just when Najieta was about to go crazy, Lu Zhuo finally raised his head, glanced at her, and suddenly said with a smile: "General Najiexitan told me this, what is the purpose?"


Najieta was about to speak subconsciously, but quickly shut up, realizing that not only did she not dig out any useful information from Lu Zhuo, but she wanted to expose her original intention.

At this time, she has not yet contacted the revolutionary army, and she is just wishful thinking to change the decay of the empire.

Gritting her teeth and looking at Lu Zhuo for a while, Najieta finally couldn't hold back, and said in an extremely indifferent tone: "As you are, it is impossible not to know what the current empire has rotted into! Look at the imperial capital, where is it?" It is still a prosperous imperial capital for thousands of years, it is simply a hell on earth!"

"Minister, this bastard, he is going to completely destroy the empire! Even if you don't care, why don't you take care of your little sister of the emperor?!"

The last sentence was almost shouted out by Nadetta.

Xue'er, who had been pinching Lu Zhuo's shoulders from behind, stuck out her tongue, and stepped back obediently, wanting to leave here, she felt as if she had heard something she shouldn't have heard.

Lu Zhuo didn't look at Najieta, but continued to look at his teacup, and then waved at Xue'er who wanted to leave.


The tone is indifferent, but there is no doubt about it.

Xue'er's small face suddenly turned pale, as if she had thought of something terrible, but she didn't dare to turn around and run away, but walked behind Lu Zhuo tremblingly, and stood there quietly.

What did she hear just now?A general of the empire has a problem with the minister, and seems to want to kill the minister!She even came to provoke Lu Zhuo, the emperor's teacher, to attack the minister!
Just when the girl was thinking wildly about whether she was going to be silenced, Lu Zhuo suddenly chuckled and said, "You are very comfortable pinching, why don't you continue."

"Ah? This..."

Xue'er was taken aback and looked flustered, she didn't know what Lu Zhuo was thinking.Usually because Lu Zhuo talked about it a few times, she still dared to make some jokes occasionally, but how could she dare to make any jokes now.

"What are you afraid of? Afraid that I will silence you?"

Lu Zhuo directly ignored Najieta, who seemed to be angry and about to breathe fire, and turned to look at Xue'er, showing a smile that was not a smile.

Xue'er panicked when he saw her, lowered her head, and murmured: "Xue'er didn't hear anything..."

"Come on, continue to pinch my shoulders. Don't worry, no one in this world can kill you except me, and how could I kill my obedient Xue'er?"

Lying back slightly, Lu Zhuo involuntarily grabbed Xue'er's two jade hands and placed them on his shoulders.

"That's enough! Master Emperor, if you don't like me, just say it! Anyway, today I have made my words clear, and I am not afraid that the minister will know something. At worst, I will tear my face! Go to the revolutionary army!"

This sentence was originally with anger, but as soon as she finished speaking, Nadetta's face turned pale.

The last sentence is really treason!The man in front of her is a terrifying existence that can defeat Esdes. Facing Esdes, she already feels like an ant. In front of this man, she has no hope of escaping!
Just hope...he's not a bastard who supports the minister...

Seeing Najieta's expression constantly changing, Lu Zhuo suddenly smiled, very happily, and Najieta's heart was completely messed up while laughing.

"Go away, I'll pretend I haven't heard a word of what you said today. To me, it's just a game." After speaking, Lu Zhuo drank the tea in his teacup in one gulp and regained his calm look.

Najeta didn't know how she got out of the Emperor's Mansion, but she felt sweaty all over her body, as if she had walked out of hell.

"Damn...Emperor Master...what kind of person are you! Why, you are not willing to save the people who are in pain, why do you say this is a game! Treat the people as a game? I will never forgive you!"

Gritting her teeth secretly, Nadetta left without looking back.

In the Emperor's Mansion, Lu Zhuo closed his eyes, enjoying Xueer's docile service.

"Actually, it's just following the way of heaven... The so-called game is just me destroying a small part of the way of heaven. Next, something interesting will happen..."

Muttering these words that Xue'er couldn't understand, Lu Zhuo felt more and more comfortable, and finally fell asleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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