Chapter 410 That pink long hair
Hearing what the little emperor said, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing.

"If you want to go out with me, go out with me. What are you afraid of? If you want to be an emperor, just keep doing it. Who dares to say a word more?"

"That's right, if those annoying civil servants dare to object, let Sister Heitong cut them off!"

The little emperor muttered in his small mouth, looking like a fool...

The black pupil on the side bulged his eyes, hugged Tegu Hachibo in his arms, and nodded heavily.

If Chitong was the most important thing in her heart, then Lu Zhuo was the second, and the little emperor was the third.As long as she doesn't grab her snacks, she can listen to anything the little emperor sister has to say.

"Let's go then."

"Hey, are you leaving now?"

"Yeah, you don't care about the identity of the emperor anymore, since you want to break the rules, what else do you care about!"

Lu Zhuo laughed loudly, and directly pulled the little emperor and Hei Tong, and took two steps forward.

With one step, he walked out of the imperial palace, and with the second step, he walked out of the imperial capital.

At the same time, in the Imperial City of the Imperial Capital, a villa that was second only to the imperial palace and incomparably luxurious, Ornest was working hard to deal with a piece of meat roll.

The next moment, an inexplicable voice came from his ear, which startled him a lot.

After realizing the owner of the voice, his expression immediately became respectful and flattering.

"Honest, I'll take the little emperor out for a while."

This sentence is not an inquiry, nor an order, but a notification.Then let Ornest speak, and there is no reply.


"You actually took the little emperor out... How can I explain to those officials! Forget it, if I can't explain it, I won't explain it. Anyone who dares to take care of it will kill them all. Anyway, this is what the gods ordered..."

After shaking his head, Ornest withdrew his respectful and flattering expression, and continued to deal with the next meat roll as if nothing had happened.

After leaving the imperial capital, Lu Zhuo didn't use his strength anymore, but walked slowly with the little emperor and Heitong, and when he was tired, he grabbed a dangerous species as a mount.

Little Heitong wondered why Lu Zhuo didn't have the power to take them out of the palace, and went directly to her sister.

However, she is not one to complain.As long as Lu Zhuo took her to see her sister, she would be satisfied even if she walked slowly.

The training location for the elite seven-member squad of the Imperial Assassination Force was not the imperial capital, but the south, which was far away from the imperial capital, and a small town was even set up for this purpose.

It seems that the town is an ordinary town, but in fact the people in the town are either played by the Imperial Army, or they are ordinary people who are controlled and threatened.

Lu Zhuo didn't know the exact location of that small town, but he asked the little emperor to ask in advance, and someone immediately sent over the map, and he didn't dare to ask the little emperor why he wanted it.

The little emperor took it casually and handed it to Lu Zhuo, and Lu Zhuo glanced at it casually.

"Brother... There is a town ahead, do you want to go in?"

The little emperor half-embraced Hei Tong, sitting on the back of a dangerous species, leaning against a strange bulge on the back of the dangerous species.

It can be said that this dangerous species is almost a perfect mount, which makes the little emperor very satisfied.

Lu Zhuo also sat on it casually, glanced at the town in the distance, just about to say no, but suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Eh... she is..."

"Go, I haven't been to town for so long, I haven't seen anyone, and I don't know what people look like!" After being surprised, Lu Zhuo said with a smile on his face.

"..." Hei Tong silently ate the snacks in his hands. Of course, Lu Zhuo specially prepared these for her. He even asked his top chef in the holy world to make all kinds of snacks for her, so that she would absolutely eat them. Never finish, never get tired of snacks.

"Hmph, brother said I'm not human? What crime should I have for insulting the emperor!" The little emperor snorted, looking at Lu Zhuo with twinkling eyes.

Lu Zhuo pinched her small mouth and said with a smile, "How about punishing me to hug you for a day!"

"Sure!" The little emperor stood up laughing and rushed towards Lu Zhuo.

After approaching the town, he let go of the dangerous species. Lu Zhuo walked over with the little emperor in one hand and the little black pupil in the other.

It was easy to enter the town, and there was no such thing as a bloody scene where the guards looked down on others.

After all, although Lu Zhuo and the little emperor didn't wear emperor uniforms and dragon robes, they were still wearing extremely gorgeous clothes. The guards were not blind, and they didn't even dare to charge the fee for entering the city. They respectfully watched Lu Zhuo and the little emperor Heitong enter in the city.

"That clothes... tsk tsk, it's the most expensive. It should be made by an official family, and you can't buy it with money. It's an absolute imperial aristocrat!"

"I'm afraid even our city lord can't compare to him. He must be a big shot, but this person seems to like to play with that kind of young girl, that kind of little girl film, how can there be those coquettish mature women..."

The little emperor and Hei Tong didn't hear the discussion coming from behind, but Lu Zhuo heard it, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Hei Tong and Little Emperor are my younger sisters, right?Playing with young girls, what kind of evaluation is this damn!
If those two guards knew that in their eyes, the two girls specially reared and played by Lu Zhuo, one was the emperor of the empire and the other was the princess of the empire, they would be scared out of their wits!
After showing a helpless expression, Lu Zhuo didn't bother with the little people, and continued to walk into the city with Heitong and the little emperor.



"Fight monsters, brothers fight together!"

In an alleyway in the town, a group of teenage boys and girls were surrounded by a girl with a dirty body, pink hair, and an obvious mixed-race appearance.

The girl was very stubborn, bit her lip, and said nothing.Even, in the depths of her eyes, there is still indifference, it seems that she has experienced countless times in this kind of scene.

Just when a group of children kept throwing stones and rotten leaves at her, a hand suddenly stretched out, and just waved lightly on the head of the surrounded girl.

The wind was light and cloudless, and there was no sound.

Those stones and rotten vegetable leaves that were still flying in the air froze out of thin air and turned into powder in an instant!


The group of children froze for a moment, then fled away one after another.

Lu Zhuo gently withdrew his hand, and stood in front of the ragged and dirty girl, not bothering with those brats.

With a slight smile, Lu Zhuo said, "It's all right."

"It's up to you!" The pink-haired girl snorted, turned her head and left.

Seeing her appearance, Lu Zhuo froze for a moment, then let out a laugh, and said to himself: Sure enough, she is as arrogant as in the original book, little Ma Yin.

At this time, the little emperor and Hei Tong also came over and stood beside Lu Zhuo.The little emperor said in surprise, "Brother, who is she?"

She knew Lu Zhuo very well, if Lu Zhuo didn't care about someone, even if it was a minister or the emperor, he wouldn't bother to say a word.

This guy who looks like a beggar, how can He De let brother Lu Zhuo care?

(End of this chapter)

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