Chapter 411 Maine's New Trouble
Seeing that the little emperor seemed a little jealous, Lu Zhuo smiled and patted her head.

"Her? She is destined to be with me." She showed a smiling face like a magic stick, then waved her hand and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about this, find a place to live."

Now that I have seen this flat-chested, tsundere and petite Lolima Yin of Night Attack, I am not in a hurry to do anything to her, Lu Zhuo still wants Night Attack to be established normally.

Bringing the little emperor along, Lu Zhuo walked directly into the City Lord's Mansion in a swaggering manner.

The city lord didn't know the little emperor, he didn't know Lu Zhuo, but he knew the emperor's order in Lu Zhuo's hand, so he immediately invited Lu Zhuo and the others into the city lord's mansion.

To be able to carry the emperor's order, which is a supreme token that symbolizes imperial power, must be a big shot!
If we build a good relationship, maybe I can be promoted and transferred to the imperial capital!

To this city lord who was constantly being courteous, Lu Zhuo just said lightly, and the servant obediently withdrew.

"This guy is so annoying. If I don't leave, I will be angry."

The little emperor put his hands on his chest and snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

"Don't keep me, my dear, this is not the imperial capital, if your identity is recognized, no matter where you go, others will kneel."

Lu Zhuo smiled and pinched the little emperor's face, then took out a new pack of snacks and handed it to Hei Tong.

Heitong silently took the snacks, found a place to sit down without saying a word, and then ate slowly.

The little emperor felt bored for a moment, and ran over to grab Heitong's snacks, causing Heitong to run away, chasing her all over the room with Teigu Hachifang.

"Help! Escort! Someone is going to kill the king!" The little emperor shouted while running, but he had a smiling face on his face, giggling non-stop, and the branches trembling.

After running a few laps, he realized that he couldn't outrun Heitong, so the little emperor threw the snacks he had snatched to Lu Zhuo.

"Master Emperor, hurry up and escort!"

The two big eyes of the black pupil turned away in a blink of an eye, staring straight at the snack that was thrown into Lu Zhuo's hand.

Lu Zhuo looked at the little emperor who was hiding behind him, still covering his mouth, and couldn't help but smile, and said, "How many times have I told you not to joke with Hei Tong about snacks?" on."

"People just think that Sister Hei Tong looks good when she is angry."

While Lu Zhuo was watching the little emperor and Hei Tong's daily frolicking, the city lord who looked a bit wicked came in by himself.

Looking at the city lord, Lu Zhuo looked cold and said, "Why are you here again?"

"My lord... I just came to deliver something..." The city lord bowed to Lu Zhuo fiercely with a look of sincerity and fear, and then handed over an envelope.

Lu Zhuo glanced at it, and knew that there was a stack of imperial general gold tickets inside, probably worth thousands of taels.This is still a small thing that a city lord at the level of a county magistrate is searching for!

It can be seen that the empire has rotted to the core at this time, and the people are completely the tools of the nobles and officials to squeeze money.

Without picking up the envelope, Lu Zhuo said coldly, "Get out!"


The city owner suddenly felt his heart tremble, there is no reason, which official doesn't like money?Which adult came down from above, not to scrape money?correct……

With a slight flash in his eyes, the city lord smiled again, and then waved behind him.

I saw two pretty maids walking in obediently.

"Please refer to your lord for slaves... Your lord can do anything to your slaves."

"Get out! Don't make me say it a third time!"

Lu Zhuo replied coldly, he doesn't like this kind of thing, it makes people feel disgustingly flattering.Wanting to curry favor, he casually went to his own holy world for a stroll, and he didn't know how many things were sent over, and those things were of no value to him.

This time, Lu Zhuo's tone lowered the temperature of the entire hall, and the city lord trembled in fright, and quickly rolled out.

The only two people who didn't feel that the atmosphere was wrong were naturally Heitong and the little emperor who stayed behind Lu Zhuo, ignoring the city lord and everything else.

Heitong was holding snacks vigilantly, looking at the little emperor, and at the same time held Tegu Hachibha on his shoulders, as if if you dare to snatch it, I will chop you.

And the little emperor circled around her, giggling constantly, trying to find a chance to snatch the snacks.

The two girls were having a good time, and the previous scene was completely ignored by them.

Lu Zhuo frowned, looked at the golden ticket that the city lord finally put on the table, shook his head, waved it casually, and disappeared.

The city lord came out disheartened, wondering why he was here to give money to women, how could he make Lu Zhuo angry and kicked him out, when he suddenly got excited and thought of Hei Tong and the little emperor who were with Lu Zhuo.

At this time, the little emperor was already 11 years old, and Hei Tong was also 12 years old.But these two girls are still petite loli, and they haven't even started to develop.

"Could it be that this lord likes this kind of young... That's right, lord, they all have special hobbies!"

He slapped his forehead abruptly, the city lord secretly scolded himself for being stupid, and slapped his ass on the horse's leg.Then he immediately called his subordinates and instructed him to go all over the city to find beautiful ones, eleven or twelve year olds, and if they found them, they would immediately arrest them.

As long as it is not a few nobles in the city, they will be arrested directly, even if they are nobles, I am afraid that knowing that Lu Zhuo, an adult who came with the emperor's order, will obediently send his young lady over.

It has almost become a rule of the empire to climb relationships and use women to make relationships with money!

Just when Heitong and the little emperor were exhausted and fell asleep in Lu Zhuo's arms, Lu Zhuo released his perception and paid attention to the little girl with long pink hair in the city.

After a while, Lu Zhuo frowned, and after a moment of stupefaction, his expression gradually turned cold.He was really not particularly angry about the previous incident, after all, the city lord came to show softness and kindness.

just now……

In Lu Zhuo's eyes, on a street in the city, Ma Yin was walking aimlessly, dragging her tired body.

At this moment, a group of soldiers swaggered past the street, each with a fierce look, their eyes kept sweeping over the eleven or twelve-year-old little girl.

Seeing a group of soldiers approaching like this, Ma Yin subconsciously avoided, leaning against the edge of the road, hanging her little head.

She knows how to protect herself, at most because of her mixed-race status, it will make people hate her, but it will not cause deeper evil thoughts.

Otherwise, alone, she would not be able to walk all the way to the imperial capital from the junction of foreign nations and empires.

(End of this chapter)

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