Chapter 412 Aojiao Broken Egg Kick

Just like this, when encountering bullying and domineering nobles, or the army, you just need to obediently avoid it, keep your head down, and basically you will not run into trouble.

However, this time was different from what she had imagined. When a soldier's gaze was still on her body, many soldiers' gazes also swept over.

"Sir... She seems to meet the requirements..." A soldier's eyes lit up, looking at the captain beside him.

The captain also looked at Maine, frowned, and said, "What requirements do you meet, can't you see that she is a mixed race? This is the most humble and humble bloodline!"

The voices of the two were not loud, but they entered Maine's ears.

She was nervous at first, and she had an ominous premonition that the sentence met the requirements.Then he was relieved to hear that he was not seen because he was mixed blood.

Then, there was that unspoken anger.

In a short period of time, her mood went up and down three times in a row!
Mixed blood...lowly scumbag...

These voices kept echoing in her mind, she clenched her little fist tightly, lowered her head, and walked forward against the wall, trying to get out of here.

However, at this moment, the captain still walked in front of her and said coldly: "Raise your head!"


Maine clenched her fists tightly, gritted her silver teeth, raised her head slowly, and was very obedient.But deep in his eyes, there was a trace of anger and stubbornness.

"Tsk, it looks really good, but it's a bit dirty, if you wash it...take it away!" The captain's eyes lit up, because Ma Yin lowered his head just now, he couldn't see anything.But now, he has a decision immediately.

As soon as these words came out, Ma Yin's face turned pale, she staggered, and almost fell down.

She had seen what happened to a homeless orphan like her who was captured by someone. Even though it was captured by a noble that time, the outcome was extremely miserable.

Orphans like them, even if they were tortured to death, would definitely not be able to make waves.

"I... I'm a lowly half-breed..."

Gritting her teeth, Ma Yin felt that her heart was in great pain. In order to protect herself, she could only say so.

The captain frowned, thinking that if the lowly mixed-race bastard is given to the adult... But this does meet the requirements, and it is particularly perfect. If you dress up specially, it should be able to cover up the identity of the mixed-race.

Thinking of this, he said coldly: "You little devil, you should know what this means. Tell you, this time there is a special adult who likes you. If you can make that adult happy, maybe It might even turn over!"

After finishing speaking, he gently waved his hand to take Ma Yin away.

However, Ma Yin's face turned pale, and she kicked her hard at this moment.

The defenseless captain knelt down in an instant, his face ashen, a pile of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and the soldiers on the side looked stupid!

Although the little girl, Maine, doesn't seem to have much strength, the place where she kicks is...

Everyone felt that their balls were cold and took a deep breath.

The captain's face was so ugly that he almost fell to the ground after eating a dead child. His face was extremely distorted, and he finally squeezed out three words.


Without hesitation, Maine knew that she had done a big thing after kicking, and immediately turned around and ran.

Fortunately, she is not wearing a skirt, but a tight, worn-out shirt, and her shoes are also very worn-out cloth shoes, so she runs quite fast.

Especially when he is small, if he drills into the crowd, the soldiers will find him for a long time!
However, the problem is that this time it was the city lord's order, and the whole city was mobilized.Maine escaped for a long time, but was finally blocked completely, stuck in a dead end.

"Don't...don't come here!"

The small face was very pale, and Ma Yin held a fruit knife that she stole from nowhere, and looked at the soldiers who surrounded her in a panic.

"Hmph, you humble bastard, if you can be seen by that adult, maybe you can still be saved, otherwise, I won't kill you this time!"

The captain looked at Ma Yin with a livid face, and he almost died of pain when he was hit by a slap in the face!He swears that it is definitely the most painful attack he has ever suffered, and it still comes from a little girl who has no power to restrain the chicken!
He really wants to rub and abuse Ma Yin now, but after all, there are other soldiers here, all watching.He dared not disobey the orders from above.

That look made Maine shudder, but she didn't give up and wanted to make her last struggle.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of the figure who helped her stop a bunch of brats and humiliate her in the morning.This is a kind of inexplicable, it seems that there is that kind of fate, that kind of fate.

That is, at the moment when her thought appeared, the moment when the group of soldiers rushed over together.

A hand appeared out of nowhere, gently resting on her shoulder.

This hit made her tremble all over, she was so frightened that she almost shouted the word 'ghost'!
Because...she was standing against the wall of the dead end!
There is a wall behind it, how did the hand come out!

"You haven't thanked me in the morning, but in the afternoon you will have a bigger problem."

A chuckling voice came, and Lu Zhuo just appeared beside her. It looked as if he passed through a wall, but in fact it was a space channel that Lu Zhuo broke.

Looking at the soldiers who couldn't stop and rushed over, Lu Zhuo gently waved his other hand with his sleeves on.

Bang bang bang!
Everyone, at the same time, all flew out backwards!Not only did it fall all over the place, but even a bunch of soldiers behind it were directly knocked down!

"you you……"

Ma Yin looked like she had seen a ghost, and pointed at Lu Zhuo.

"What am I? Last time I helped you, it's fine if you don't thank me, but this time I'm saving you, don't you say thank you?" Lu Zhuo looked at Ma Yin with a smile, completely unaware that this appearance fell on Ma Yin In her eyes, she had already been directly labeled as a big bad wolf.

"Who... who asked you to save me! You beat the soldiers of the army, it's over!" Ma Yin blushed and raised her head arrogantly. For some reason, when she faced Lu Zhuo, she looked arrogant The attributes are fully stimulated.

Perhaps it was because she didn't feel the slightest malice or danger from Lu Zhuo, but instead had that faint feeling of being a friend.

Lu Zhuo's hand on Ma Yin's shoulder was violently swung away by her.

Seeing her pouting her mouth and holding her head up, Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing.

"If I leave you alone, you will be finished immediately! Little girl, are you sure you won't let me save you?"

"I..." Ma Yin wanted to snort subconsciously, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't speak again when she saw the soldiers who stood up again with a look of astonishment and a hint of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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