Chapter 414 Erase
"If you're clean and wearing a dress, you look like a princess."

"Don't... don't talk! I'll take you to the doctor!" Listening to these words, Maine only felt that something was broken in her heart. That was the source of her pain all the time. It was her mixed blood and was called despicable. 's pedigree.

And now, someone actually praised her for being beautiful, instead of calling her a monster.This really broke the pain that had been in her heart for a long time.

However, when the pain was relieved, she couldn't be happy at all, instead she was extremely sad.

"No need...cough cough!"

Lu Zhuo coughed violently a few times, sprayed some blood, took out a stack of gold notes from his bosom with trembling hands, and stuffed them forcefully into Ma Yin's hand.

"Take this money and turn yourself into a princess..."

After saying this, a smile appeared on Lu Zhuo's pale face, he stretched out his hand slowly and with difficulty, and gently touched Ma Yin's small face, even though it was very messy, it was still visible, That is definitely an appearance of the level of a country and a city.

"No...don't..." Ma Yin didn't dodge anything, and let Lu Zhuo wipe away the tears from her eyes, wanting to hug Lu Zhuo and go see a doctor.

However, the next moment, Lu Zhuo slowly closed his eyes and dropped his hand.


Is this person dead?The first person who was kind to me was killed by myself...

At this time, Ma Yin was not sad and painful, but dazed.My mind was blank, I didn't know what to do.


The next moment, a hint of despair suddenly appeared in her eyes, it was extremely sad, despair with remorse and self-blame, she directly pulled out the dagger from Lu Zhuo's chest, and wiped it towards her neck.

Lu Zhuo, who was pretending to be dead, was taken aback by her hand.

Oops!Acting a little too much!


With a soft sound, the dagger in Maine's hand was directly knocked out.

"Live well." Lu Zhuo's faint voice, as if it was far away in the sky, came to her ears, and then, Lu Zhuo's body in her arms turned into a rain of light and jumped away.

After doing all this, Lu Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, hid his real body, and continued to watch Ma Yin from the sidelines, if the girl committed suicide again, she would be saved.

He just wanted to tease this tsundere little Ma Yin, wondering if she would be so tsundere again after going through such a thing.

The dagger was blown away, and Ma Yin was at a loss again, listening to Lu Zhuo's last words as if it was her life.And that miraculously, Lu Zhuo's body turned into light rain and disappeared.

"You...are you the god who came to save me?"

Silently, these words flashed in her mind, and then she stood up gently, with a look of determination in her eyes.

"I'll live well, I will."


In the city lord's mansion, the little emperor opened his sleepy eyes and looked dissatisfied at Lu Zhuo who woke her up.

"Brother, what happened to you so happy that it disturbed people's sleep!"

"It's nothing, it's just a game."

"What game?" Upon hearing the game, the little emperor immediately became interested, climbed onto Lu Zhuo, and asked excitedly, all drowsiness subsided.

Lu Zhuo recounted what he did just now with a playful face, and the laughing little emperor kept rolling in Lu Zhuo's arms.

"Haha, that little beggar is so cold and arrogant to my brother, he deserves to be tricked!"

"Tsk, this is not a joke, she does have a pitiful place, and I just helped her."

Heitong was awakened by Lu Zhuo and the little emperor in a daze, she looked dazed, and didn't know what happened, until the little emperor snatched the snacks beside her, she woke up in a jerk, and silently pulled out the emperor. With eight rooms.

"Uh, I really want to eat this time."

Looking at Hei Tong's expression, the little emperor had no doubt that she would ignore her status as emperor and directly strike at her with a sword.

Lu Zhuo patted his head helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, a lot of snacks were piled up on the bed, and countless little stars appeared in his big black eyes.

She jumped up, like an octopus, and pulled all the snacks over, as if they were all mine.

But after all, it was too much, and her petite body couldn't cover it at all, so the little emperor took a few bags at random.

In the end, Hei Tong was still berserk, picked up Bafang and chased after him.

No matter how many snacks there are, you must not rob her!
Seeing this foodie chasing after the little emperor with a cute face, Lu Zhuo also showed a headache.


The two girls frolicked for a while, and finally, under Lu Zhuo's mediation, they fed the little emperor, and then one foodie and the other the little emperor fell asleep again leaning on Lu Zhuo.

There was a faint blush on his face, his breathing was smooth and light, his black pupils were better, and there was only a faint scent of body fragrance on his body.As for the little emperor, the fragrance on his body was very strong, mixed with a girl's fragrance, which made Lu Zhuo slightly distracted.

Gently put the two girls on a big bed, Lu Zhuo stood up and walked out.

As soon as he went out, he saw the city lord approaching him with a happy face, looking at Lu Zhuo with a flattering expression, and said: "My lord... the villain has found something for you that you are absolutely satisfied with..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Zhuo saw behind him a group of timid girls with flustered and frightened faces, about the size of the little emperor with black pupils, led by a group of soldiers.

It seemed that they were all forcibly caught in the city.

Lu Zhuo suddenly sighed, and shook his head, he was too busy taking care of Ma Yin, he started this matter by himself, and the whole city arrested him and forgot.

This matter, started by him, also has some cause and effect and fault of him.

Looking at the flattering city lord in front of him, Lu Zhuo gently waved his sleeves. In the sleeves, there were two fingers close together, carrying an eternal sword intent.


The city lord disappeared immediately, and all the people who looked at here seemed to have not seen the city lord.

Lu Zhuo forcibly erased the traces of this person!Although he also has his own relationship, but this city lord really dislikes him.

Then, Lu Zhuo took light steps, and walked in front of the group of girls who were about the size of Heitong and pretty, but trembling and somewhat panicked.

"Although I'm not a good person...but..." Lu Zhuo murmured and waved at the group of girls in front of him.


With a soft sound, if it is a saint-level powerhouse, you can see that Lu Zhuo's wave of his hand cut off part of the rules and causes that constitute the world, and even cut off the group of people in front of him.

In the next moment, the figures of those girls disappeared, and Lu Zhuo sent them back directly.

At the same time, the bright moon in the night sky seemed to be a little dimmer, as if there was an invisible hood covering the entire city...

(End of this chapter)

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